Shocked by the violent armed wave of illegal immigration, attempting to cross the zone connecting Morocco to the European Union by more than 2,000 African illegal immigrants, the governments of Morocco and Spain, tried in vain to prevent this desperate movement of forcible crossing, despite the security measures employed to put an end to this risky adventure.
ICC Deputy Prosecutor, Ms Nazhat Shameem Khan, concludes technical visit to Tripoli, underlines commitment of the Office of the Prosecutor to renewed strategy for...
Jill Vermeulen said: "What I learned so far is that the diplomatic world is not that formal as it seems. You can make a good conversation with the diplomats and they are open for it."
Le KRUMP a fait son apparition au Cameroun dans un contexte caractérisé par une multiplicité de communautés et de mouvements artistiques qui se mélangent, et se soutiennent entre eux.
Uzbekistan Anti-Corruption Agency is tasked with coordinating and constantly monitoring the openness in the activities of government authorities, expanding the list of open data, strengthening public control and cultivating in civil servants a culture of public accountability.