Friday, 29 May 2023, Berlin, Germany: In the iconic Red City Hall of the City-State of Berlin, Governing Mayor Kai Wegner hosted nineteen recently accredited ambassadors in Germany for a reception meant to become acquainted with the foreign envoys.
Kai Wegner (b. 1972) took office as governing mayor on 27 April 2023, and hence this reception was of particular importance for him; being the first Christian Democrat to helm the city-state of Berlin since Eberhard Diepgen left the same office in 2001. Previously Governing Mayor Wegner had served as a member of the German federal parliament from 2005 to 2021. In 2019, he became the chairman of the CDU in Berlin, and leader of the opposition in the Chamber of Deputies.
In total 158 foreign powers are currently represented through diplomatic missions in Berlin, Germany.
For further information:
The Governing Mayor of Berlin:
Picture by Landesarchiv / Wunstorf