Wednesday 26 September, 18.30-20.00
Lan fân Taal, Prinsentuin 1, Leeuwarden
On the European Day of Languages, everyone is invited to come and ‘speak-date’ in the Language Pavilion MeM – Livingroom of Languages and Tresoar in Leeuwarden. Visitors can get introduced to over 20 different languages and minority languages from Europe.
In short and interactive lessons of five minutes you will get to know some of the European languages in a fun way. The evening is organized by EUNIC, the partnership of national cultural institutes, in collaboration with the European Commission, Lân fan Taal, Europeesk Buro foar Lytse Talen and Afûk.
The European Day of Languages is a European initiative for the preservation of cultural heritage, the promotion of language teaching and intercultural understanding. Participation is free.