On the picture speaker Mr. Bernardo J. García García, Chair Hispanic Society of The Hague, Ms. Edith Bergansius, Ambassador of Spain H.E. Ms. María J. Alonso and Mr. Luis Tejero González, cultural attaché of the Spanish Embassy.
Conference by Dr. Bernardo J. García García, Department of Modern and Contemporary History of the Complutense University.
To mark the beginning of the ’80 years war’ in 1568, the Spanish Embassy in The Hague, Instituto Cervantes (Utrecht) and the Hispanic Society of The Hague organized the lecture Pacification strategies of the Dutch Revolt. Ideas, means and actors in a cultural perspective at Carlton Ambassador Hotel, The Hague, in Spanish language, principally for the members of the Asociación Hispánica de La Haya.
In 2009, on the occasion of 400 years of the 12 years Truce, the Asociación Hispánica de La Haya had organised a ‘Spanish Day’ in the Historical Museum of The Hague with Bernardo J. García García as key speaker, so they did not hesitate to invite him again for the 450 years conmemmoration.
Other than being an excellent speaker, he was also in charge of several expositions in Spain, Belgium and the Netherlands related to this specific subjet. In order to maximize his visit from Madrid, he also spoke in the Rijksmuseum -together with two other speakers- on Sunday, October 14.