Tuesday, 19 March 2024, Berlin, Germany: In an exclusive setting, the Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany Olaf Scholz opened the two-days long conference “Europe 2024” organized jointly by Studio ZX, Die Zeit, Handelsblatt, Tagesspiegel and Wirtschaftswoche.
During his speech, Chancellor Scholz emphasized the role of the German economy: A united Europe, and only a united Europe, has the best chance of moving and shaping a Europe in our interests. He added: Right-wing populism is a threat to democracy and cohesion; nothing should be glossed over. We are more. And we shouldn’t analyze the elections after the elections before the elections. Anyone who wants to vote for a Europe and defend peace and security can do so.
As a guest on the panel “A New Growth Strategy for Europe” at Europe 2024, French Minister of Economics, Finance and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty Bruno Le Maire spoke about France’s position in the super election year.
In his speech he reported: “Today we are experiencing what my friend Olaf Scholz described as a turning point.” He emphasized that it is our duty to introduce new ideas, to build new solutions, to create hope for our countries and for our citizens create and concludes with the words: “I remain optimistic for France, I remain optimistic for Germany, I remain optimistic for cooperation and I remain optimistic for the future of Europe.”
For further information
Europe 2024 organized by Studio ZX I Zeitverlagsgruppe: https://verlag.zeit.de/en/events/europe-20xx-en/
Phil Dera Photography (https://www.picdrop.com/phildera/Gh8s6tHyuU?)