Letters of credence from Timor-Leste


By Baron Henri Estramant 

  Ambassador Joaquim António Maria Lopes da Fonseca presented his credentials as non-resident ambassador to the Kingdom of the Netherlands on 17 December 2014. The East Timorese mission is based in London but also responsible for The Netherlands. The Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste (East Timor) is a country in maritime Southeast Asia. The country first declared its independence in 1975 but was subsequently invaded and annexed by Indonesia. In 1999, following a UN-sponsored act of self-determination, Indonesia relinquished control of the territory, and East Timor became the first new sovereign state of the XXI century on 20 May 2002. After regaining independence, Timor-Leste became a member of the UN and the Community of Portuguese Language Countries (CPLP). Currently the country holds an “observer” status in ASEAN alongside Papua New Guine  

ICC Prosecutor’s statement following the surrender of Dominic Ongwen

Statement of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Fatou Bensouda, following the surrender and transfer of top LRA Commander Dominic Ongwen. I welcome the news that Dominic Ongwen, a high ranking commander of the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA), has surrendered and been transferred to the custody of the International Criminal Court (ICC). I am grateful for the persistent efforts of the Government of Uganda, the Government of the Central African Republic, the Uganda People’s Defence Force, the African Union Regional Task Force, and generally, all who have helped realise this significant development. Dominic Ongwen’s transfer brings us one step closer to ending the LRA’s reign of terror in the African Great Lakes region.  For more than a quarter of a century, the LRA under Joseph Kony and his high command, that includes Ongwen, have terrorised the people of Northern Uganda and neighbouring countries. The LRA has reportedly killed tens of thousands and displaced millions of people; terrorised civilians, abducted children and forced them to kill and serve as sex slaves. They have hacked off limbs and horribly disfigured men, women and children. In so doing, the LRA has committed unimaginable crimes against humanity and war crimes. My investigation demonstrates that Dominic Ongwen served as a high ranking commander within the LRA and that he is amongst those who bear the greatest responsibility for crimes within the jurisdiction of the ICC.  His transfer to the Court’s custody sends a firm and unequivocal message that no matter how long it will take, the Office of the Prosecutor will not stop until the perpetrators of the most serious crimes of concern to the international community are prosecuted and face justice for their heinous crimes. I urge all others that still remain within LRA ranks to abandon violence; stop committing crimes, and follow the bold steps of others before you. I also encourage all States to renew and refocus efforts to secure the arrest of Joseph Kony as well as all other ICC fugitives. The victims of their crimes have waited far too long and deserve to see justice done.

Spectacular restoration coming to Panorama Mesdag

Panorama Mesdag on 2, 3 and February 4, 2015 closed to public 2,3 and 4 February 2015, the immense velum replaced Panorama Mesdag. It is the culmination of many years of restoration and expansion. The velum is the special canopy of 8 meters high and 31 meters in circumference that shields the panorama of the direct light. Such velum is an integral part of each panorama built according to the patented formula panorama of the Irish painter and art teacher Robert Barker in 1787. Panorama Mesdag 1881 belongs to that particular panoramas, is the oldest panorama in the world that still To see the original location. 2.3 and 4 February 2015, the first heavy rag, spotted by many years of water and dust, hoisted down. Meticulous work, because dust on the panorama should be avoided whenever possible. It also requires considerable technical knowledge, because on the dunes surrounding the Panorama Mesdag can not simply be placed scaffolding. Restorers and commercial project builders worked together to bring this exciting project to fruition. The replacement of the velum has gone a long study in advance. The 248 m2 textile must meet many requirements. Most important is the fire, the fabric should be fire resistant and flame retardant. The color fastness; the fabric must be able to withstand many years of sun without discoloring. The color itself is also essential: each tang too green or red would cause an ugly haze on the painting. The characteristic light effect is the proper transparency of the material essential to the painting so that the sun and the play of clouds remain visible but not shine through the windows in the roof. Then the matter of mold and bacteria, so that the moisture from wet coats of the more than 125,000 visitors annually traceless. Finally, the fabric must have the same look as the original canvas of more than 100 years ago and fit museum character of the panorama. It is the Dutch weaving Squad from Helmond who could deliver this special fabric to Panorama Mesdag. A specialized sewing workshop that many works for theater, the show world and large public institutions has finally sewn cloth according to old patterns. In the 19th century panoramas hype in the last 25 years of that century they moved about 100 million visitors. Usually they quickly went bankrupt, fell into disrepair and were lost. Panorama Mesdag, which went bankrupt shortly after completion, has been preserved because Mesdag personal intervention. He bought painting and building and made it into a public attraction. Museum Mesdag is still run by his descendants.

Dominic Ongwen transferred to The Hague

Dominic Ongwen, against whom the International Criminal Court (ICC) has issued an arrest warrant for crimes against humanity and war crimes, is currently escorted by an ICC delegation that has left Central African Republic heading to the ICC detention centre in The Hague (Netherlands). On 17 January 2015, Dominic Ongwen was transferred to the ICC’s custody. On behalf of the Court, the Registrar of the ICC Herman von Hebel thanked the United Nations and in particular the MINUSCA (the UN Mission for the Stabilization of the Central African Republic) for their support and cooperation in enabling Mr Dominic Ongwen’s transfer to the ICC. He also extended his appreciation to the authorities of the Central African Republic, Uganda, the United States of America, Belgium and the Netherlands (the ICC host State), as well as to the African Union, for their instrumental roles during this operation. The Court welcomed these joint efforts as a concrete expression of the international community’s commitment to the pursuit of justice. “I strongly welcome the transfer of Dominic Ongwen to the custody of the Court, which constitutes an important success for the Rome Statute system nearly ten years after the issuance of the warrant of arrest against him,” said the President of the Assembly of States Parties (ASP) to the Rome Statute Minister Sidiki Kaba. “The affected communities will have the opportunity to see international justice address the horrific violence that took place in Uganda. I join the Court in its appreciation to all those States and organizations whose cooperation made possible the successful implementation of the Court’s decisions,” he added. Upon arrival, Mr Ongwen will receive a medical visit and will appear, as soon as possible, before the Judges in the presence of a Defence Lawyer. The date of the initial appearance hearing will be announced soon. During the initial appearance hearing, the Judges of Pre-Trial Chamber II will verify the identity of the suspect and the language in which he is able to follow the proceedings. Mr Ongwen will be informed of the charges against him. The Judges will also schedule a date for the opening of the confirmation of charges hearing, a preliminary step to decide whether the case will be referred to a trial or not. Background: Dominic Ongwen was the alleged Brigade Commander of the Sinia Brigade of the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA). On 8 July 2005, ICC Judges issued an arrest warrant against Mr. Ongwen for three counts of crimes against humanity (murder; enslavement; inhumane acts of inflicting serious bodily injury and suffering) and four counts of war crimes (murder; cruel treatment of civilians; intentionally directing an attack against a civilian population; pillaging) allegedly committed in 2004 within the context of the situation in Uganda.

ICC Prosecutor about violence in Nigeria

Statement of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Fatou Bensouda, following reports of escalating violence in Nigeria I am deeply concerned by reports of ongoing large-scale abuses in north-eastern Nigeria. My Office continues to gather information alleging killings of large numbers of civilians, the use of girls and boys to participate in hostilities, and the massive displacement of communities by the armed group commonly referred to as Boko Haram. The most recent attack on the city of Baga and adjacent villages in early January, as well as the reported use of women and children as suicide bombers in attacks on markets in Maiduguri and Potiskum, on 11 and 12 January, mark a further disturbing escalation in the appalling levels of violence. The intentional targeting of civilians, affecting thousands of women, children and men, cannot be tolerated. Crimes committed by members of any of the parties to the armed conflict in Nigeria must be thoroughly and impartially investigated and prosecuted. As a State Party to the Rome Statute, Nigeria has committed to ensuring that crimes that deeply shock the conscience of humanity do not go unpunished, and I remind Nigeria of its obligation in this regard. In this context, I recall that the ICC has jurisdiction over Rome Statute crimes committed on the territory of Nigeria or by Nigerian nationals from 1 July 2002 onwards and continues to conduct a preliminary examination of the situation there. No one should doubt my resolve, if need be, to prosecute those individuals most responsible for war crimes or crimes against humanity.

Paul Magnette aux Pays-Bas

Photographie par Axel Delepinne. Paul Magnette aux Pays-Bas pour sa première mission à l’étranger en tant que Ministre-président wallon. Le Ministre-président de la Wallonie, Paul Magnette, a effectué une visite aux Pays-Bas les 13 et 14 janvier. Il s’agissait de sa première visite à l’étranger, ce qui montre l’importance accordée aux Pays-Bas par le gouvernement wallon. Lors de sa mission, il a rencontré le Premier ministre néerlandais Mark Rutte et le Bourgmestre Ahmed Aboutaleb de Rotterdam. Dans la cité portuaire, il a visité le RDM Campus, lieu de formation rassemblant les secteurs de l’enseignement technique secondaire et supérieur, des instituts de recherche et des entreprises. Le chef du gouvernement wallon a également visité la société Pluriomics à Leiden, qui a récemment annoncé un investissement de 4 millions d’euros dans le Biopark à Charleroi. Cette société est active dans la production des cellules souches utilisées pour le développement des médicaments. Ces visites et rencontres permettront de renforcer les liens tissés entre les Pays-Bas et la Wallonie.

IWC‘s first monthly meeting in 2015


By Roy Lie A Tjam.

The International Women’s Contact The Hague (IWC), held their first monthly meeting for 2015 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel on January 12 2015. It was no ordinary monthly meeting as the event’s guest speaker was H.E. Dr Nora Stehouwer-van Iersel.

In her discourse, Dr Stehouwer developed the theme: The Netherlands as a host of International Organizations: Peace and Justice (also profit). The lecture went down well with the 120 plus women in attendance. Stehouwer explained the different roles of 34 international entities and how much these activities contribute to a better world.

It was an informative and interactive lecture with full participation from attendees. One remarked ‘I was not aware of all the activities taking place right here in The Hague. Today’s information has made me proud to be a citizen of The Hague’.



Successful second edition Hague Hotel Eight

Official opening of the Winter Wonderland terrace SPARK The Hague. From left to right, Vincent van Dijk (organizer), Karsten Klein (Alderman) and Jolijn Zealanders (Hotel Manager Hilton The Hague). Photo: Richard Mulder. Last weekend the second edition of The Hague Hotel Eight place. After the official opening by Councillor Karsten Klein, Hotel Manager Hilton The Hague Jolijn Zealanders and organizer Vincent van Dijk on the terrace of SPARK, the evening began full operations in the different hotels in The Hague. High wines to live music, from torchlight to diners. This year could meet people with 16 hotels, both budget and vijfsterrren. In total some 700 Hagenezen tonight stayed in one of the hotels that knows the city. More information: www.haagsehotelnacht.nl .

Ambassador Abdullah Alshaghrood has left The Hague

By Baron Henry Estramant.
The Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques’ Ambassador to the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the OPCW left his Dutch home on 1 January 2015 for Saudi Arabia.
Ambassador Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Alshaghrood has already a rather brilliant diplomatic career behind him, although the Dutch posting was his first ambassadorship since his accreditation on 30 September 2009.
Diplomat Magazine’s team wishes Ambassador Alshaghrood all the best!

Valediction – innovative Michael says goodbye

By Roy Lie. It was at Rootz Harbor Scheveningen where Michael Luhan, Head of Media and Public Affairs at the OPCW said goodbye last Friday to colleagues, friends and invitees as his seven-year stint at the organisation comes to an end. Michael Luhan was hailed for his innovative vision and his sense of humanity with one colleague referred to Michael’s surpassing interest and care for war victims when these individuals came to the OPCW. 3108-699 NL DH Luhan In his valedictory address, a former OPCW director who specially came over for this event stated that: ‘Michael is a major contributor to the Nobel Prize being bestowed upon the OPCW’. Michael Luhan and his wife will be taking up residence in Geneva with Peter Sawczak taking over in the OPCW role. 3108-643 NL DH Luhan-Edit 3108-668 NL DH Luhan 3108-722 NL DH Luhan