After a diplomatic career spent mostly in Latin America and in the United States, H.E. Mr. Modi Ephraim has for the last year been Israel’s top representative in The Hague – his first posting in Europe.
the new ambassador of Colombia, Carolina Olarte Bacares, focus her new mandate on three issues in particular: peace, just energy transition, and women.
Since the concept of AI was first introduced in 1956, its research and application has been fruitful. AI has become part of human civilization, changed significantly our life and injected powerful development momentum into human society.
However, AI also brings new challenges to social governance, privacy protection and ethics.
The Permanent Court of Arbitration (“PCA”) is one of the institutional pillars of the peaceful settlement of international disputes, a foundational principle of our international legal order. With 122 contracting parties, the PCA is an intergovernmental organization created to facilitate arbitration and other peaceful means of dispute resolution.
Understanding China Better through the 20th CPC National Congress
By H.E. Mr. Tan Jian, Ambassador of China to the Kingdom of the Netherlands
As the...