Eurojust coordinates operation at request of Swiss authorities
At the request of the Swiss authorities, Eurojust has coordinated several actions against an online fraud...
Isni Kilaj Arrested and Transferred to the KSC Detention Facilities in The Hague – First Appearance Scheduled for Saturday, 4 November 2023
Isni Kilaj was...
USCIRF (03.11.2023) – The United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) expressed alarm over an increase in the destruction of religious sites.
In both peacetime...
More than 850 anti-Semitic acts since 7 October
BBC (02.11.2023) - Stars of David have been found graffitied on buildings in the Paris area, in acts...
The Hague, 31 October 2023
The joint efforts across the European Union to fight terrorism will be stepped up by judicial authorities sharing a wider...
Coordinated arrest of Swedish high-value target suspected of major drug trafficking
Eurojust has supported the authorities in Sweden, Serbia and Montenegro in the arrest of...
Five weeks ago, the International Criminal Court detected a serious cyber security incident, thanks to the alert mechanism provided by its monitoring system. The...
Arusha, The Hague, 18 October 2023 - The President of the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals (Mechanism), Judge Graciela Gatti Santana, today presented the Mechanism’s...
Specialist Prosecutor Kimberly West signed a solemn declaration today, affirming her commitment to exercising her duties with independence, impartiality, and diligence. This pledge aligns...
On 16 October 2023, the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Karim AA Khan KC notified the Pre-Trial Chamber II of the withdrawal of all the...