Ten years after the destruction of the mausoleums of Timbuktu, reparations are continuing to be provided for the victims in the case of Ahmad Al Faqi Al Mahdi, who is due to be released on 18 September of this year.
Eurojust has assisted authorities in the Czech Republic, Belgium, Poland, Germany and Hungary in dismantling an organised crime group (OCG) that was involved in migrant smuggling. During an action, nine suspects were arrested and nine locations were searched. Eurojust provided financial support and assisted the authorities in setting up a joint investigation team .
Supported by Eurojust and Europol, judicial and law enforcement authorities in France, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom have dismantled a criminal network suspected of using small boats to smuggle up to 10 000 migrants across the English Channel over the last 12 to 18 months.
Iran International (03.07.2022) - https://bit.ly/3yg8pFF - Following controversy over the possible repatriation of an Iranian convicted of terrorism the Belgian Ministry of Justice says a bill...
Shocked by the violent armed wave of illegal immigration, attempting to cross the zone connecting Morocco to the European Union by more than 2,000 African illegal immigrants, the governments of Morocco and Spain, tried in vain to prevent this desperate movement of forcible crossing, despite the security measures employed to put an end to this risky adventure.
Judicial and law enforcement authorities in France, Belgium, Spain, Croatia, Italy, Poland and Slovenia have carried out a coordinated action against the use of illegal drugs in cycling races.
Supported by Eurojust, authorities in Germany and Luxembourg have carried out a coordinated action against the use of illegal emission devices in cars produced by two South Korean companies.
Supported by Eurojust, authorities in Italy, Romania, Bulgaria and Switzerland carried out a coordinated action against a group suspected of carrying out money laundering activities for the Italian 'Ndrangheta mafia.
Authorities in Germany and Romania have dismantled a criminal network suspected of defrauding the German state of up to EUR 2 million in child benefits.