l'Ecole de Formation professionnelle des Barreaux du ressort de la Cour d'appel de Paris - EFB (France) a remporté la finale de la première édition de la version française du concours de procès fictif de la Cour pénale internationale
Par SE Philippe Couvreur
Ce 29 mai 2022 s’est éteint à Brasilia, où il avait longtemps enseigné, Antônio Cançado Trindade, un illustre intellectuel et...
ICC conference in Senegal gathered more than 190 participants who discussed the strengthening of the international criminal justice system and the fight against impunity through cooperation between the Court and States.
The special international tribunal should investigate Russian leaders and military commanders and their allies for the crime of aggression against Ukraine, Plenary session AFET.
Following today’s verdict in the trial of Hysni Gucati and Nasim Haradinaj, Specialist
Prosecutor Jack Smith pledged to vigilantly investigate and prosecute all cases of witness
intimidation, retaliation against witnesses and obstruction of justice.
Le Bureau du Procureur du Mécanisme confirme aujourd’hui le décès de Phénéas Munyarugarama, un des derniers fugitifs inculpés par le Tribunal Pénal International pour le Rwanda (TPIR) et une figure notoire du génocide perpétré en 1994 contre les Tutsis au Rwanda.
Supported by Eurojust, judicial and law enforcement authorities in Romania and the United Kingdom have dismantled a criminal network involved in trafficking and sexual exploitation of human beings (including minors), pimping, child pornography, money laundering and forgery.
With support from Eurojust, authorities in Albania and Germany have taken down a fraudulent online investment platform that defrauded victims, including many Germans, of at least several million euros. During a recent action day, 15 suspects were arrested and eight places were searched in Tirana, Albania.
Eurojust lead an operation against a major drug trafficking network, which allegedly used the art trade in the Netherlands to launder the profits of its illegal business.