CESNUR (Center for Studies on New Religions) and HRWF (Human Rights Without Frontiers) organized a conference about religious freedom issues at the prestigious National University of Taiwan. The delegation raised the unsolved case of Tai Ji Men, a Qigong organization wrongly charged with tax evasion.
In accordance with the decision of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Uzbekistan on April 30 of this year will be held a national referendum on the draft constitutional law "On the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan".
The Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan is in the process of being transformed into a truly people’s document based on the principle of “human – society – state.” A national referendum will be held on April 30th
Whereas ChatGPT is an innovative AI tool, it does not produce ground-breaking content and is not a new AI brain. Despite its benefits in language enhancement, coding efficiency, and storytelling, prominent figures such as Elon Musk and Steve Wozniak express deep concerns about potential risks of the technology and are calling for its six-month long moratorium.
Lamberto Zannier talked at the Future Leaders Executive Program about views on the ongoing Donbas Crisis and Ukraine-Russia conflict, the Minsk Agreement, climate change, and food security, as well as on other issues that represent serious challenge for our contemporary multilateralism.
E referendum will be held in Uzbekistan on April 30th According to the draft of the new Constitution, the human honor and dignity are inviolable, and nothing can be the ground for its discrimination. At the same time, the ambiguities in the legislation occurring in the interaction of a citizen with state bodies will be interpreted in favor of the citizen.
Yves Leterme, former Prime Minister of Belgium in the context of the 2nd month of the Future Leaders Executive Program, entertained its participants on various issues, ranging from the Global Leadership Crisis to the uncertainties of the future and all the consequences its entails.
Steven van Hoogstraten reflex on China peace plan proposal. While the war in Ukraine continues, and both sides are not showing any signs of stepping back from the conflict, China has launched a Peace Plan