The Tashkent Conference is an important contribution to the consolidation of the efforts of the international community in the fight against terrorism
By Mr....
By Ali Redling
What I have learned from teaching English to my Ukrainian refugee students:
Learning English allows my students to go through the grieving process...
“Asia’s Century” International Project 2022 – 2027 was launched in Bucharest late March by a consortium of think-tanks consisting of the Bucharest-based MEPEI (Middle...
IHE Delft Institute for Water Education and Movies that Matter are organizing a screening of the documentary Above Water (original title: Marcher sur l'Eau),...
Par Me Johann Soufi
Le développement de la justice pénale internationale est, depuis ses débuts, étroitement lié à celui du multilatéralisme. Alors que notre monde...
Retired General Corneliu PIvariu analysed the first 30 days of the Russian re-invasion to Ukraine launched on ground, from the air and from the sea as the largest attack of a state against another state in Europe after the WWII.
Tessa Jacobs works at Leonardo Royal Hotel. "I feel strongly connected with many of my colleagues and therefore barely realize I have only been working at the Promenade Hotel for less than a year."
Strengthening Partnerships with Iran and Syria
By Dr Mohamad Zreik
The Middle East strategy of China is gradually progressing. Recently, an official agreement between the governments...