Step into a Celebration of Unity, Heritage, and Cultural Diversity
Prepare to be transported across the globe as the Embassy Festival returns for its 12th...
France, Germany, the Netherlands, Peru, Spain, and Uruguay confirm participation
In 2025, the Netherlands will celebrate the 750th anniversary of its capital, the 50th anniversary...
Motto, Connected & Resilient Community
By Roy Lie Atjam
On 8 August 2024, H.E. Mr. Asi Mamanee, the Ambassador of Thailand, alongside the Ambassadors of Indonesia,...
July 2024, Munich, Bavarian State Chancellery: Bavarian Minister of European and International Affairs, Eric Beißwenger held a bilateral conversation with Dilshod Akhatov, the Ambassador of the Republic...
For the first time in history, the Lords of the Ecumenical Patriarchate traveled to Athens to participate in the 4th International Conference of Lords...