In a splendid display of elegance and fellowship, the Embassy of Kuwait in The Hague recently hosted a memorable celebration marking the anniversaries of...
In a world where globalization often threatens the uniqueness of cultural heritage, the efforts to preserve and promote traditional crafts are not only commendable...
In the heart of The Hague, a city known for its international ambiance and diplomatic presence, Diplomat Magazine partnered with the embassies of Argentina,...
By Dr. Lorenca Bejko
The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia plays a crucial role in the country's relationship with international organizations, including the International...
By Dr. Lorenca Bejko
The Foreign Minister of Armenia, Mr. Ararat Mirzoyan, visited the Netherlands for a working visit in February 2024. During his visit,...
By Roy Lie Atjam
The Ambassador of Panama H.E. Ms. Elizabeth Ward Neiman hosted a Panamanian gastronomic festival featuring food specialities of her country Panama. It was a two-day festival that...
By Roy Lie Atjam
On April 10, a group of ambassadors who participated in The Curacao Experience - Ambassadors Edition 2024, gathered at Leonardo Royal...
Par Alexandra Paucescu
La soirée inaugurale du Mois de la Francophonie, sous le slogan « Francophonie sans frontières », s'est tenue à la Résidence du...
In the grandeur of the Nieuwe Kerk of The Hague, an evening of cultural celebration unfolds. Ambassadors, special guests, and music lovers friends of...