PRC Vice-President Chunlan Sun, Minister of State Dr. Florian Herrmann and Ambassador Ken Wu - Picture by Bayerische Staatskanzlei - Bavarian State Chancery.
In the picture, Ambassador Jauhar Saleem (seated) and Ambassador Wu Ken (standing) - Picture by Embassy of Pakistan, Berlin.
Monday, 17 June 2019, Pakistan House,...
a Ceremony of Merit was held for H.E. Mr Aviv Shir-On, Ambassador of Israel who will be departing from the Netherlands shortly. Many of Ambassador Shir On’s colleagues and non-diplomats came to bid farewell to him.
By Sheila Turabaz.
On the 11thof April, The Hague’s excellencies and Mr Bot’s distinguished guests gathered in the magisterial Great Hall of Justice at the...
In the picture H.E. Dato’ Ahmad Nazri Yusof, Ambassador of Malaysia to The Netherlands.
Text and pictures By Catherine Dailey.
Under sunny skies and a...
Text and pictures by John Dunkelgrün.
On May 17th the Embassy of The United States and the O.A.R. (Overseas Americans Remember) hosted a reception to...