Diplomat Club The Hague

Has been founded in summer, 2013 on the wish to organize informal meetings and contacts between members of the Corps Diplomatique and members of the Dutch Society. 

In particular the members of Trade and Industry have the opportunity to meet the international Corps Diplomatique. 

Politics and economy are close intertwined in the present time. Communication in a relaxed environment and at a personal level adds value to business ventures. Also the wish of Ambassadors to meet members of parliament, top public servants, distinguished Dutch journalists, prospect investors and the like.

Guests are brought together by Diplomat Club The Hague, usually the first Thursday of the month, on invitation only. Here they “Meet and Greet” in a relaxed style. The members have been carefully selected and are introduced to each other in a corresponding way. Ambassadors have the chance to host this event and present (if desired) a welcome drink and a snack from their country. These events have been sponsored by Ambassador Carlton and Diplomat Magazine.

Diplomat Club The Hague supports and sponsors Royal Conservatory The Hague by giving their students a chance to perform and organise charity events to help students from 70 different nationalities. ‘Music is an universal language that connects us all regardless of our origin or believe’.


nicaragua.deanMessage from the Dean of the Diplomatic corps, H.E. Ambassador of Nicaragua, click on the link: 


 The Dutch Press is writing about us


Hosting your Diplomats Meet & Greet

Organized by Diplomat Club The Hague and hosted by Diplomatic Missions at Carlton Ambassador, The Hague. Information for Head of Diplomatic Missions willing to host Diplomats Meet & Greet at Carlton Ambassador, please open the following link for more details: Guidance-to-organize-Diplomats-Meet-Greet-3
Video of a successful Diplomats Meet & Greet by the Embassy of Canada: https://vimeo.com/88877255

2014 Calendar
Hosted by Head of Diplomatic missions

January 16th, 2014. Embassy of Thailand. Find pictures of  this event here: https://diplomat.enlinea.com.do/2014/02/02/recent-events-2/


February 6th,2014.
Embassy of Colombia  

Also Breaking news announcement in Diplomat Magazine for Colombia.

 https://diplomat.enlinea.com.do/2014/02/02/ambassador-eduardo-pizarro-will-       host-diplomats-meet-greet-february/

Find additional pictures of this event here: https://diplomat.enlinea.com.do/2014/02/02/recent-events-2/

March 6th, 2014.   Embassy of Canada.  Invitation.Embassy.of.Canada
Breaking news https://diplomat.enlinea.com.do/2014/02/18/h-e-james-lambert-host-dmg-march/
On Recent events: https://diplomat.enlinea.com.do/2014/03/07/canada-meet-greet-outstanding-event/
Video of this very successful event: https://vimeo.com/88877255  

April  3th, 2014.   Embassy of the Dominican Republic DR.DMG.INVITATION.APRIL.a3

May 8th, 2014.   
Embassy of Cyprus
News on this event: https://diplomat.enlinea.com.do/2014/05/11/cyprus-best/ 

June 5th, 2014.   Embassy of France. FRANCE.INVITATION.DMG.JUNE
Video of a successful Diplomats Meet & Greet by the Embassy of France: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q1K9wRkNMEs

Diplomats Meet & Greet hosted by the Embassy of France in The Hague. from DanielFlores.NL on Vimeo.

July 3th, 2014. Embassy of Croatia. https://diplomat.enlinea.com.do/2014/07/06/croatia-diplomats-meetgreet/

September 2th, 2014. Embassies of Kenya, Rwanda and Uganda

October 3th, 2014. Embassy of Tunisia

2013 Calendar
Hosted by Head of Diplomatic missions