During a joint mission to Timbuktu, Mali, with representatives from the Malian government, the International Criminal Court's Trust Fund for Victims, along with its...
The Trust Fund for Victims (TFV) at the International Criminal Court (ICC) announces with appreciation that the Government of Czech Republic, a State Party...
From 5 to 10 December States Parties to the Rome Statute, observer States, invited States, international and regional organizations and representatives from civil society will discuss key challenges facing the Statute.
More than 850 people visited the International Criminal Court (ICC) on Sunday, 16 October 2022, when it opened its headquarters for The Hagueâs Just...
The Government of Romania made its first ever voluntary contribution of âŹ20,000 through the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Agency for International Development Cooperation.
The international community made a commitment to justice for victims of these most serious crimes by adopting the Rome Statute in 1998. The Statute created the International Criminal Court (ICC) for prosecuting those responsible for these crimes and provided for a Trust Fund for Victims (TFV) to make the funds of the convicted persons and additional voluntary contributions available for the benefit of the victims.