Pictured Ambassador Haymandoyal, The Hon Parmanund Jhugroo, Government Chief Whip of Mauritius, M Philippe Courard, Speaker of the Brussels-Wallonian Parliament and Secretary General ACP Ambassador Dr Patrick Gomes.
By Baron Henri Estramant.
Brussels, Chancery of the Embassy of Mauritius: 12 March 1968 marks the adoption of a constitution in Mauritius as well as the end of British colonial rule. Officially the country became at the time a Commonwealth realm sharing HM Queen Elizabeth II as “Queen of Mauritius” until 1992, when a republic was proclaimed.

On the latter occasion, HE Ambassador Dillum Haymandoyal hosted a very well-attended and festive reception at the Mauritian chancery. It was attended by the Permanent Representative of the African Union, HE Ambassador Ajay K Bamdeo, the Secretary General of the ACP Group of States Secretariat, HE Ambassador Dr Patrick Gomes, a plethora of ACP ambassadors, the Indian head of mission Ambassador Manjeev Singh Puri, Canadian head of mission to Belgium and Luxembourg Denis Robert as well as ASEAN diplomats.

HE Ambassador Dillum Haymandoyal presented his credentials to His Majesty The King of the Belgians on 1 December 2015. The Mauritian mission is responsible for The Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, the EU, the OPCW as well as the ACP Group of States Secretariat at Brussels. Before his arrival to Brussels Ambassador Haymandoyal was Head of the Multilateral Political Directorate, National Focal Point and Representative of the Hon Prime Minister to the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM), Representative to the Institute for Democracy and Electoral assistance (IDEA). The ambassadorial rank was bestowed upon him in 2011.
He presented credentials to the Netherlands before His Majesty Willem Alexander King of the Netherlands on 21 March 2016 at Noordeinde Palace.
For additional information:
Mission of Mauritius to the EU, the Benelux countries, the OPCW and the ACP Group of States: http://mfa.govmu.org/portal/sites/mfamission/brussels/index.htm
All pictures by Mission of Mauritius to the EU, the Benelux countries, the OPCW and the ACP Group of States