Monday, February 10, 2025

The National Day of Peru

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DIPLOMAT MAGAZINE “For diplomats, by diplomats” Reaching out the world from the European Union First diplomatic publication based in The Netherlands Founded by members of the diplomatic corps on June 19th, 2013. Diplomat Magazine is inspiring diplomats, civil servants and academics to contribute to a free flow of ideas through an extremely rich diplomatic life, full of exclusive events and cultural exchanges, as well as by exposing profound ideas and political debates in our printed and online editions.

Pictured Mrs Véronique Miclea and H.E. Carlos Herrera, Ambassador of Peru.

On July 28, in one of the most beautiful gardens of Wassenaar, the National Day of Peru was celebrated. This year, the 192nd anniversary of the Republic of Peru was also the inauguration of HE President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski, leader of ‘Peruvians for Change’ as Head of the Peruvian State and Supreme Commander of the Peruvian Armed Forces.

More than 250 guests, among them members of the diplomatic corps, international organisations, Dutch civil servants, businesspeople, and representatives of Dutch and Peruvian civil society in the Netherlands celebrated the emblematic day.


For additional Kim Vermaat’s pictures, please open the following link:

The Peruvian residence.
The Peruvian residence and gardens.

Favourable weather encouraged almost every guest to try the famous pisco sour in many varieties, and to enjoy the great Peruvian cuisine by Chef Alberto Lara.

A generous and tasty buffet was served, including papa a la huancaina (potatoes with pepper sauce); ceviche (marinade fish with lime, pepper and onions); causa de atun (potatoes, pepper, avocados, tuna, tomatoes and olive); soltero (quinoa salad with vegetables and cheese); ají de gallina (chicken with red pepper sauce); rice with sea food; and seco (beef with beand sauce). Desserts included a luxurious mix of lucuma and chocolate, and quinoa with apples; together, these traditional dishes show why Peruvian gastronomy has been recognized as one of the richest in the word.

Some 250 guests at the Peruvian residency just had been initiated into a culinary tradition boasting 4,911 traditional dishes.

H.E. Carlos Herrera Ambassador of Peru with spouse Veronique Miclea at his side spoke in English, French and Spanish to the audience.

“On this special day,” Ambassador Herrera began, “we wish to express our solidarity with all the countries and peoples of the world that are suffering from various ills. In particular, considering our own history, we remember the victims of brutal and blind violence in Iraq or in the USA, in Pakistan or in Germany, in France or in Syria, in Afghanistan or in Ivory Coast, in Belgium or in Somalia, in Tunisia or in Nigeria, in a long list of horrors which is far from exhaustive.

“It might seem strange and paradoxical to mention these tragic events during a festive occasion, or even still to celebrate anything in these circumstances. But I consider that this is an important form of resilience: our everyday lives, our values and our practices of friendship and gathering should not yield to the blackmail of terror and fanaticism. Human civilisation is defined, among other fundamental attributes, by the vocation of sharing. Compartir Partager.”


H.E. Philippe Couvreur, Registrar of the International Court of Justice and H.E. Sergio Ugalde Godinez, Ambassador of Costa Rica.


After this profound message of solidarity, Ambassador Herrera went on to explain in French the significance of the presidential elections and arrival of the new president to the democratic history of Peru. “ Le Pérou vous invite donc, chers amis, à partager notre joie, en fêtant 195 ans de vie républicaine, dans le contexte spécial d’une passation de pouvoir présidentiel, aujourd’hui même, après une quatrième election démocratique consécutive pour la première fois de notre histoire.

Ce n’est pas un record dont on doit se vanter: c’est une étape de plus dans la bataille quotidienne pour la démocratie partout dans le monde.”

“C’est au gouvernement qui prend ses fonctions aujourd’hui de nous guider vers le bicentenaire de l’indépendance nationale, durant les prochaines cinq années. C’est l’opportunité de lancer des projets ayant une vision d’avenir, sur des bases économiques parmi les plus solides de la région. Mais aussi de se rappeller que ces 200 ans sont le dernier avatar d’une civilisation qui commenca il y a cinq mille ans à Caral, cette ville originelle dont on a herité des tissus et des flûtes, non pas des armes. Ensuite viendront habiter l’espace national des hautes cultures qui offrirent les jaguars ailés de pierre de Chavin, les lignes énigmatiques de Nazca, les rêves tissés de Paracas, les céramiques Moche ou l’or de Chimú. Et, bien sûr, Machu Picchu. ”

Véronique Miclea, Rym El Memi Ben Bécher, H.E. Odette Melono and Jane Berger de Salvador.

“Puis le métissage arriva: la rencontre et la fusion avec d’autres cultures. L’un des plus précieux résultats de cette rencontre est la gastronomie péruvienne qui, sur la base des produits de la mégadiversité biologique du pays et des techniques ancestrales, incorpore les apports ibériques, arabes, africains et asiatiques. ”

“C’est l’une des raisons pour lesquelles, pour fêter cet anniversaire, rien de plus appropié que de partager avec vous un échantillon de cette gastronomie, avec le buffet que nous ouvrirons à la fin de mon intervention. Vous êtes aussi cordialement invités à visiter le pisco-bar qui est dans le jardin.”

The Ambassador concluded in Spanish with a poem by the Peruvian writer Antonio Cisneros.

H.E. Carlos Herrera, Ambassador of Peru to the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

“Queridos amigos,

“Reiterándoles nuestro reconocimiento por su presencia hoy, para terminar, permítanme dar lectura a un poema del poeta peruano Antonio Cisneros. Primero, porque es una práctica muy recomendable y altamente terapéutica leer al menos un poema por día. Y segundo, porque expresa, como ocurre siempre con la poesía, mucho mejor y de más bella manera mucho de lo que he querido decir a lo largo de eta intervención.


Sea este cordero a la norteña

alegre y abundante

como los bares el viernes por la noche.

Siempre esté con nosotros, es decir

en nuestro corazón

pero también en nuestro calmo vientre.


Compasivo y sabroso sepa ser

en el lecho de muerte,

donde cesan la gula y la memoria.

Sea el cordero

símbolo y consuelo. Agnus Dei.

Sea eterno el cordero

con sus papas doradas partidas en mitad.


Mas no se tenga

por cosa de comer o digerir.

Sea solo un farol, una bengala

en medio de los fondos submarinos.

Algo en la mano para esa travesía

tan oscura y feroz como un mandril.”


A memorable National Day of Peru that many will remember for a long time.


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