Sunday, February 23, 2025

Uzbekistan introduces electronic visas

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Uzbekistan introduces the system of registering and issuing electronic entry visas E-VISA.UZ

President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev signed a resolution “On further measures to optimize the order of entry of foreign citizens into the Republic of Uzbekistan” on 4 July.

The head of Uzbekistan abolished compulsory address of foreign citizens to diplomatic missions and consular offices of Uzbekistan abroad.

Starting from 15 July, Uzbekistan introduced an order of visa-free entry, temporary stay and departure from Uzbekistan through checkpoints of citizens of 101 states that transit through Uzbekistan at international airports for a period of not more than five days.

H.E. Mr. Shavkat Mirziyoyev President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

In this case, passengers must have an air ticket to a third country. The carrier must provide the Border Guard units of the State Security Service of Uzbekistan with timely information on passengers. Visa-free entry, temporary stay and departure from Uzbekistan are introduced for foreign citizens who have not reached the age of 16, if they have a foreign passport or a biometric travel document accompanied by their legal representatives, for the period of validity of the entry visa in the passport of the accompanying person, but not more than 90 days from the date of entry into Uzbekistan.
When foreign citizens reach the age of 16 during their stay on the territory of Uzbekistan, an exit visa is issued by the migration units and registration of citizenship of the internal affairs bodies in accordance with the established procedure.
An electronic visa is issued for a period of stay in the territory of Uzbekistan up to 30 days with a single entry and is valid for 90 days from the date of issue.

Foreigners must send an application for a visa at least three working days before the planned date of travel to Uzbekistan. Authorized bodies of Uzbekistan will consider the appeal within two working days without taking into account the day of submission of the appeal.
Foreign citizens must pay a consular fee for processing and issuing an electronic entry visa in the amount of US$20. The consular fee is paid electronically through international payment systems.

Countries for whose citizens visa-free transit entry is introduced, temporary stay and departure from Uzbekistan:

1. The Australian Union
2. The Republic of Austria
3. Republic of Albania
4. Algeria
5. AntiguaandBarbuda
6. ArgentineRepublic
7. The Bahamas
8. Barbados
9. Kingdom of Bahrain
10. Belize
11. Kingdom of Belgium
12. Principality of Andorra
13. Republic of Bulgaria
14. Republic of BosniaandHerzegovina
15. FederativeRepublic of Brazil
16. The State of BruneiDarussalam
17. Kingdom of Bhutan
18. Vatican
19. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
20. Hungary
21. Republic of Venezuela
22. The SocialistRepublic of Vietnam
23. Gabon
24. CooperativeRepublic of Guyana
25. Republic of Guatemala
26. FederalRepublic of Germany
27. Republic of Honduras
28. Grenada
29. The HellenicRepublic
30. Kingdom of Denmark
31. Dominica
32. DominicanRepublic
33. Republic of India
34. Ireland
35. Iceland
36. The Kingdom of Spain
37. ItalianRepublic
38. Canada
39. State of Qatar
40. Republic of Cyprus
41. The People’s Republic of China, including the Special Administrative Region
42. Hong Kong People’s Republic of China
43. Republic of Colombia
44. Republic of CostaRica
45. State of Kuwait
46. LatvianRepublic
47. Lebanon
48. Republic of Lithuania
49. Principality of Liechtenstein
50. GrandDuchy of Luxembourg
51. Republic of Mauritius
52. The Republic of Macedonia
53. Republic of Maldives
54. Republic of Malta
55. Kingdom of Morocco
56. Mexico
57. Principality of Monaco
58. Mongolia
59. The Republic of Nauru
60. Kingdom of the Netherlands
61. NewZealand
62. Kingdom of Norway
63. UnitedArabEmirates
64. Sultanate of Oman
65. Republic of Palau
66. Republic of Panama
67. Republic of Peru
68. Republic of Poland
69. PortugueseRepublic
70. Romania
71. Republic of SanMarino
72. Kingdom of SaudiArabia
73. Seychelles
74. SaintVincentand the Grenadines
75. SaintKittsandNevis
76. Saint Lucia
77. Republic of Serbia
78. The SlovakRepublic
79. Republic of Slovenia
80. USA
81. Republic of Suriname
82. Kingdom of Thailand
83. Republic of TrinidadandTobago
84. TunisRepublic
85. Turkmenistan
86. Uruguay
87. Republic of Fiji
88. Republic of the Philippines
89. The Republic of Finland
90. FrenchRepublic
91. Republic of Croatia
92. Montenegro
93. CzechRepublic
94. Republic of Chile
95. SwissConfederation
96. Kingdom of Sweden
97. Sri Lanka
98. Republic of Ecuador
99. Republic of EquatorialGuinea
100. The Republic of Estonia
101. SouthAfrica
102. Jamaica

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