Saturday, July 27, 2024

State of Emergency in Kazakhstan

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Diplomat Magazine
Diplomat Magazine
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Statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Mūhtar Tıleuberdı

On January 5, 2022, by decrees of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan,
Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, a state of emergency was introduced across the
entire territory of the country.

Initially, the demonstrations began in the Mangystau region, whose residents
demanded reduction in the retail prices for liquefied gas. In response to this, on
behalf of the Head of State, the Government promptly took measures to reduce
the prices and introduced a moratorium on price increases for socially
significant food products, fuel, and utilities.

All those detained in the first days of the protest were released.
However, demonstrations in other major cities escalated into riots and attacks
on government buildings.

Moreover, the events in the city of Almaty – attacks on the administrative offices
and military sites, the capture of the airport, and taking hostage of foreign
passenger and cargo airplanes – witness to the high level of preparedness and
coordination of the perpetrators. The analysis shows that Kazakhstan is facing
armed aggression from terrorist groups trained outside of the country.

In light of the sharp aggravation of the situation, President Tokayev assumed
the role of Chairman of the Security Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and
requested the member states of the Collective Security Treaty Organization
(CSTO) to provide military assistance in the conduct of the counter-terrorist

The state of emergency includes a set of measures aimed at maintaining public
safety and the rule of law. Law enforcement agencies and the Armed Forces of
the Republic of Kazakhstan are authorized to stop any illegal actions.
At the same time, the state will continue to ensure the rights and interests of all
representatives of our multi-ethnic and multi-confessional people, as well as the
safety of foreign citizens in the country, including representatives of the
diplomatic corps and journalists. Foreign investments and businesses of foreign
companies will be protected.

The Republic of Kazakhstan is committed to complying with international
obligations in the field of human rights and the continuation of the course of
reforms within the framework of the “Listening State” concept, implemented by
President Tokayev.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan is in constant contact with
international partners on all current issues of bilateral and multilateral

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