By Roy Lie Atjam
H.E. Ambassador Chatri Archjananun gladly invites you and your spouse to “A Day in Thailand” on 7 July 2023 at the Thai Residence.

It is a special journey where you fully immerse yourself in the vibrant Thai culture and indulge in captivating experiences. Arts and crafts, Thai food, Thai performances, Thai boxing, Thai massage, tourism information, and much more await you.
We eagerly wait to share this unique experience with you! What a marvellous invitation, one you can’t resist!

Remarks by the Ambassador: “A very warm welcome to “A Day in Thailand“! Thank you all for being here on this special occasion, which is perfectly timed as the summer holidays are just around the corner.
The sun is shining. This good weather is such a rarity in The Hague. So please enjoy the glorious sunshine with the clear sky.

As just said, the summer holidays are around the corner, and we are bidding farewell to dear friends whose term of office in the Netherlands is ending due to a new assignment or retirement. I take this opportunity to extend my good wishes for continued success to our departing ambassadors. It is also with a mix of emotions that I also have to announce my own and my wife’s departure at the end of September. Every one of you will be dearly missed.
Let me also take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to each of you for the kind cooperation and support I have received throughout my entire tenure as Ambassador. It has been an honour and privilege to work with all of you.

Further, as the Coordinator of the Asia and Oceania Ambassadors’ Luncheon, I would like to express my appreciation to all the members who have actively contributed to the success of the luncheon’s talks.
The Ambassadors’ Luncheon has proven an invaluable forum for open dialogue and fruitful discussions in a trusted environment. I encourage all my esteemed Asia and Oceania Ambassadors to continue this tradition.

Today we have a wonderful opportunity to bid farewell and for all of you to get a glimpse of Thailand, particularly our cuisine, beverages, and martial arts. I could invite every one of you to dine at the Thai residence, our dining table can only accommodate 10 persons. I have devised a way to treat everyone simultaneously, and thus, came this event.”
A Day in Thailand event also underlines the cherished longstanding diplomatic relations between the two Kingdoms of Thailand and the Netherlands for more than hundreds of years. Ambassador Chatri takes pride that during his tenure he has boosted the cooperation between the two nations in all facets, particularly in economic and people-to-people relations. He is confident that a new chapter of collaboration between Thailand and the Netherlands will be fostered by his successor.

“Lastly, I would like to say thank you to Dr Mayelinne De Lara from Diplomat Magazine for co-taking the initiative of this event, Dr Khemmanit Jamikorn, a Thai movie star and her family, our sponsor and everyone who has contributed to the event, all the staff at the Royal Thai Embassy, my dear wife for their invaluable support in making this mini-Thai festival happen.”

One day in Thailand, there are numerous attractions, sights seeing, shopping, restaurants, and shows, too much to mention. Not possible to experience them all. It is fabulous how the coordinators narrow the activities to a sublime two hours itinerary and make it look real.
The clothing boutique, the artist, craftsman,massage, cooking demonstration, boxing demo, you name it. I felt like I was on holiday in Thailand, strolling along the streets, delightful.
One day in Thailand, what a tremendous feast.