by Abhay K.
Foreign service is a journey
And all the diplomats merely travellers
They have their wits and talents;
And one diplomat assumes multiple roles
His career spread over many grades. At first the probationer
Learning and unlearning at the institute
And then the shy third secretary, with his briefcase
With curious look, rushing like a bee
Earnestly to the boss’s cabinet. And then the first secretary,
Ever engrossed in work, with his laptop
Still unsure of his place. Then the counsellor
Full of strange note-sheets and growing graveness in looks
Risk averse, long hours at work,
Conscious of reputation, quick temper
Seeking new authority
Among the seniors and subordinates. And then the minister
With a paunch, receding hairline
With squint look and harsher commands
Full of jargon and clichés
So he gains perfection in officialese. Then plenipotentiary and
extraordinary ambassador
Into the linen and lace-less shoes
With reading glasses and daily jogs
Trying to fit into his old suit,
Then superannuation. Last journey
queuing up to enter the Foreign Office
That ends this glorious journey
Then second probation-hood, flowing with wisdom
Free of protocol, briefs, talking points, telegrams, free of everything.
Abhay K., an Indian poet-diplomat, winner of the SAARC Literary
Award, nominated for the Pushcart prize, is the author of seven books
including five collections of poetry. ‘Earth Anthem’ written by him has been
translated into major world languages including Dutch.