FETE DE LA MUSIQUE in the Netherlands 2014

                            Direct from the Alliance Francaise in The Hague. After a first edition of FETE DE LA MUSIQUE in The Hague on June 21, 2013 ENTENTE FRANCOPHONE, national Dutch Federation of Francophone non for profit organizations in the Netherlands, set-up again a big concert on June 21 this year at the Maritiem Museum in Rotterdam. Some 10 music groups and soloists from various musical horizons from classic to jazz, from French chanson to choir music… entertained the audience of this free and very “gezellig” event. Completely different from other music festivals, the FETE DE LA MUSIQUE is above all a free popular fĂŞte, open to any participant (amateur or professional musicians) who wants to perform in it. This “Music day” allows the expression of all styles of music in a cheerful atmosphere. It aims at a large audience, working to popularize musical practice for young and not so young people from all social backgrounds. It gives an opportunity to communicate and share a very special moment through music. Launched in 1982 by the French Ministry for culture, the FETE DE LA MUSIQUE is held in more than hundred countries in Europe and over the world. It takes place every 21st June, the day of the summer solstice in the northern hemisphere. Thanks to the impulse and the dynamism of the French cultural network abroad (the departments of Cultural Affairs at the French Embassies, the French Institutes and Alliances Françaises… the FĂŞte has an important international growth. FETE DE LA MUSIQUE is invented again and again every year, taking care of each country cultural specificities. In this way, it will become a real emblematic international event to promote music and “music making” for professionals and amateur musicians. The annual event organized by ENTENTE FRANCOPHONE in the Netherlands especially attracts the French and Francophone community, but the doors are wide open for everyone and Music is probably the most universal language of all in the world. ENTENTE FRANCOPHONE and Alliance Francaise are already starting to prepare June 21st 2015, with a big gathering that could take place in Amsterdam next year.  

Sculpture tour Westbroekpark

On Thursday afternoon, the 26th of June, the head of the department Scheveningen, Mendy van Veen, members of ART&JAZZ and the board of ART&JAZZ visited the magnificent Westbroekpark. The beautiful weather, the blooming roses, and the fine sculptures in the park made the visit a special moment. The occasion of the visit for ART&JAZZ has been the creation of the new version in two languages of the booklet “Sculpture tour Westbroekpark”. In this booklet you find all the sculptures described and represented. With the booklet it is possible to make a perfect tour through the park enjoying the sculptures and at the moment the roses. It is also possible tot do the tour with a guide of ART&JAZZ. More information: http://www.artandjazz.nl/activiteiten/beeldenwandeling/ During this walk of the 26th of June Wiebe Dekker, president of ART&JAZZ, offered the new booklet to Mendy van Veen as a token of gratitude for the support of the department Scheveningen for the work of ART&JAZZ. We followed though this afternoon on a terrace of the Waterkant, enjoying a nice cup of tea.

Korean Unification and Global Peace

                              By Byung-se Yun, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Korea. Special Contribution for Diplomat Magazine in the Netherlands. 

While the United Nations celebrates its 70th anniversary in 2015, Koreans will lament 70 years of national division. Considering all of the challenges and opportunities that the divided peninsula faces – and will continue to confront in the coming years – unification remains an important goal that we must continue to pursue.

Founded formally in 1948 under UN auspices, the then-fledgling Republic of Korea immediately became engulfed in Cold War power politics, which hampered its efforts to join the UN – a goal not achieved until 1991. Since then, however, the Republic has more than made up for its late arrival. It is playing an active role in the UN – the Security Council, the Economic and Social Council, and the Human Rights Council – and it is participating in numerous initiatives related to peacekeeping, development cooperation, climate change, non-proliferation, and human rights.THE NETHERLANDS,DEN HAAG, 24 march 2014 - NSS Groupphoto at the Royal Palace Huis ten Bosch in The Hague. POOL/Frank van Beek/Hollandse Hoogte

Together with the head of the states before the Dinner hosted by His Majesty King Willem-Alexander during the 3rd Nuclear Security Summit in March 2014. The subscriber is between the King and Prime Minister Rutte. In the picture, Abdullah II ibn al-Hussein King of Jordan, Barack Hussein Obama President of the United States, Her Magesty Queen Måxima. 

During this time, the international community has also dramatically changed. Globalization and technological transformation have deepened interdependence, and yet insecurity, inequality, injustice, and intolerance remain undiminished worldwide. Two decades after the Rwandan genocide, we continue to bear witness to human cruelty and horror – in Syria, South Sudan, and the Central African Republic, for example. Meanwhile, a billion or so of the world’s poorest people, including women and children, are barely surviving.

Northeast Asia has its share of trouble. A rising China, a resurgent Japan, an assertive Russia, and an anachronistic North Korea have added new complexities and uncertainties to the region. The latter’s pursuit of nuclear arms is particularly worrying. On its part, the United States is now “rebalancing” toward Asia.

Growing conflicts over history, territory, and maritime security, combined with an ugly resurgence of nationalism, risk triggering military confrontation, quite possibly through political miscalculation. Left unattended by policymakers and peacemakers, Northeast Asia’s tensions could undermine the region’s flourishing economy.

It is in this challenging environment that the Republic of Korea’s president, Park Geun-hye, took office in 2013. Her foreign policy – called “Trustpolitik” – aims to transform this atmosphere of suspicion and conflict into one of confidence and cooperation, and to build “a new Korean Peninsula, a new Northeast Asia, and a new world.”

The greatest obstacle to achieving this transformation is the North Korean nuclear question. Over the last couple of months, North Korea has threatened to carry out yet another nuclear test. Today’s most urgent task therefore must be to prevent this from happening, and then to check further advances in the North’s nuclear weapons and delivery capabilities.

The semblance of peace on the Korean Peninsula remains fragile, and South Korea’s government has engaged in intensive diplomatic efforts to rally friends and partners in the region and worldwide to deter the North. The UN Security Council has adopted a series of resolutions to impose extensive sanctions, following the North’s three previous nuclear tests. Any further provocation will bring the full force of the organization’s sanctions to bear.

Under these circumstances – in addition to the dire human rights and humanitarian situation in North Korea – Park laid out her vision for a unified Korea. In a recent speech in Dresden, she proposed three concrete and action-oriented proposals to the North that would address its humanitarian problems, build infrastructure for the common welfare and prosperity of the two Koreas, and promote integration of the Korean people.

The humanitarian component of this strategy could be implemented regardless of political and security considerations. For example, it would involve implementing the UN’s 1,000-day project for maternal health and infant nutrition, aimed at ending the North’s chronically high rate of infant malnutrition. We can only hope that North Korea will respond positively to our proposal. It would be an important first step on a much longer journey.

Korea’s road to unification will undoubtedly be difficult, and will require the international community’s support. In return, the new, unified country that we aspire to build will serve the interests of its neighbors and those of the wider international community in promoting global peace and prosperity.

There is a recent precedent for this vision, and thus reason to be hopeful. Some 23 years ago, the geopolitical context that sustained the division of the two Germanys changed radically. Similarly, the day will come when Korea’s two UN nameplates will be replaced with one.


Kamil Tchalaev – musicien extraordinaire

By Dmitry Badiarov, independent contributor to the Diplomat magazine Meeting Kamil Tchalaev – musicien extraordinaire defying any attempt of classification – on my recent trip to Paris was an out-of-worldly experience from the start filled with music till the end, when Tchalaev drove me across midnight Paris to my hotel in his car filled with church bells – his still unloaded collection –  which rang at every traffic light stunning the occasional pedestrians and the policemen. It was a scene worthy of Woody Allen’s Midnight in Paris! badiarov At first overwhelmed by Tchalaev’s pupil, a violinist-boy of six steadily and from memory holding his part in a J.S.Bach Invention for two voices, the audience was then treated by Tchalaev’s improvised chant. His voice of five registers, unlike the common three for most humans, was accompanied by the musician himself on the piano and the violin. The musical language of the improvisation would be hard to classify. Dare I say, Classical at its very finest? Contemporary by the incredible mix of global influences – from Bach to Paganini and the French impressionists, Mongolian overtone singing – when one voice sings two voices at the same time, to today’s music of the Middle East and of the Tibetan monks inspired by today’s inter-connectedness and inter-dependence of the modern world and by the vast amounts of music assimilated and transformed by the musician himself. Should I think of any other composer creating music on similar basis I cannot help but think of the Malaysian Kee YongChon. Listening to Tchalaev’s transcendental performance I thought of the larger audiences who missed the chance, or at least of the smaller audiences of The Hague certain professionals dealing with the various problems of this vast and complex world. There are clearly solutions in the work of this musician! Simply put, I hope to hear him perform one day in The Hague. Born into a family of prominent musicians in Moscow (his father Shirvani Tchalaev is the composer of the National Anthem of Dagestan Republic), Kamil Tchalaev is a multifaceted musician: conductor with 25 years of experience, specially as a liturgic conductor at Paris Sinagogue and the Russian Orthodox Church, violinist, cellist, bassist, pianist, singer, composer, musical instrument collector. He worked at Theatre Post Alternatif and the ComĂŠdie Française, creating music for the productions of ”Le Bal Masqué” by Lermontov (1992), “Amphitryon” by Molière in 2002 and “ThĂŠrèse philosophe” by Boyer d’Argens at the ThÊâtre de l’OdĂŠon in 2007. In 2000 he produced the Urban Opera “Les Tours Sonnantes” and in 2010 founded the Ecole Sauvage based on his collection of musical instruments and sounding objects. Now this collection contains over 300 pieces. At present moment Tchalaev dedicates most of his time to Ecole Sauvage, violin and church music.

Alliance Francaise for Diplomats

The Alliance Francaise in The Hague is offering special courses for Diplomats. Please open the link for additional info. FLYER_DIPLO

Ambassador of Chile, H.E. Maria Teresa de Jesus Infante Caffi

On 2nd July of 2014, diplomatic community in The Netherlands welcomed H.E. MarĂ­a Teresa Infante as newly appointed Chilean Ambassador and Representative to the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW).

H.E. MarĂ­a Teresa Infante is highly professional lawyer with incredible experience in both academic and government spheres, where she has shown her strong commitment to International Law and Order. She studied Bachelor of Laws in University of Chile and later decided to undertake postgraduate studies in the top-leading institutions of Madrid and Geneva.

In 1980, H.E. MarĂ­a Teresa Infante was honored to represent Chile as a member of the delegation in research missions of Permanent Commission for the South Pacific, Chilean Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and United Nations Development Programme. Moreover, Ambassador Infante was a key figure in diplomatic negotiations with neighboring countries on the issues concerning integration, international law and frontier cooperation policies. 

In 1987, H.E. MarĂ­a Teresa Infante was appointed to be Director of Institute of International Studies of the University of Chile. In the same time period, she gained scholarly reputation and became a visiting professor in various academic institutions in Argentina, Spain and Brazil. Since 2008, Ambassador Infante had served as Co-Director of the LL.M. Program on Investments, Trade and Arbitration, offered jointly by the University of Heidelberg and the University of Chile, Santiago and Heidelberg, Germany. Throughout her academic career, H.E. MarĂ­a Teresa Infante had written numerous journal articles and books on Law of the Sea.

Hence, as a prominent expert in the Law of the Sea, H.E. MarĂ­a Teresa Infante was appointed by Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Chile to be a co-agent in defense of Chile in the Maritime Dispute case (Peru v. Chile) before the International Court of Justice in The Hague (1997-2014).

French Grandeur in The Hague

It was a lovely afternoon last week when H.E. Mr. Pierre Menat, Ambassador of France with a group a friends from different nationalities, diplomats, Dutch officials, artists, and business people came to enjoy the French contemporary sculpture exhibition displayed on the Lange Voorhout in The Hague’s city centre named Grandeur. Grandeur , presented by The Hague Sculpture and Museum Beelden  aan Zee  means big, enormous as the monumental sculptures featuring chairs, birds, the moon and even a football player that will be sitting on the venue from June 6 to August 31. Ambassador Menat accompanied by a guide gave explanations and showed to his guests each monumental piece of French art before going to his residence to share a nice dinner. 20140625_995120140625_991120140625_993720140625_997820140625_9987

Croatia, to host next Diplomats Meet&Greet

Now is the turn for Croatia to show its best at the next Diplomats Meet&Greet, hosted by the Embassy of Croatia in coordination with Diplomat Club The Hague. CROATIA

Resignation of ICC Judge Hans-Peter Kaul

ICC  regret to announce that Judge Hans-Peter Kaul has resigned from the International Criminal Court (ICC) for health reasons. His resignation will take effect today  1 July 2014. Judge Kaul’s full term at the ICC would have ended on 11 March 2015. The President of the ICC, Judge Sang-Hyun Song, expressed deep regret over Judge Kaul’s departure from the Court and the circumstances which necessitated his resignation. “I thank Judge Hans-Peter Kaul wholeheartedly for his dedicated service to the Court and his pioneering role in the ICC’s development, even before the Court was established”, President Song stated. “I worked closely with Judge Kaul, particularly when we were first sworn in together in 2003 and when he served with me in the Presidency as Second Vice-President from 2009 to 2012. I have enormous respect for his deeply humanist personality and his substantial contributions to international justice, which will continue to guide the Court in the future.” A German national, Judge Kaul has served as an ICC Judge for 11 years. In the first elections of ICC judges in February 2003, he was elected by the States Parties to the Rome Statute for a three-year term and assumed his duty on 11 March 2003. He was re-elected in 2006 for a further term of nine years. Judge Kaul was a member of the ICC’s Pre-Trial Division, serving as the Division’s President from 2004 to 2009, as well as from 8 April 2014 until his resignation. He contributed to important decisions in proceedings regarding situations in Uganda, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Darfur (Sudan), the Central African Republic, Kenya, Libya and Côte d’Ivoire and related cases. Judge Kaul also served for several years on various committees related to the Permanent Premises: he was chairman of the Inter-Organ Committee on the Permanent Premises (2003-2008), the senior representative of the Court in the Jury of the International Architectural Design Competition, and contributed to the work of the Oversight Committee of States Parties, playing an important pioneering role in the process which eventually led to the planning and construction of the ICC’s future permanent home. From 1996 to 2003, Hans-Peter Kaul served as chief negotiator and head of the German delegation during the process leading to the establishment of the International Criminal Court.

“Re-opening” Barend Houtsmuller

The opening of the solo exhibition “Verweven”, raw beauty was a great success. So great in fact that it was not always possible to enjoy the pictures looking thru the crowd. Reason for a re-opening! This time no speeches, no first book award or live music, but of course with finger food  and a drinks! Obviously Barend Houtsmuller will be present himself. Saturday, July 12th from 15:00-18:00 hours. Lumie¦Çre-du-jour Garden jazz concert with Laura Fygi Laura Fygi will sing with a special jazz concert in the gardens of Kasteel de Wittenburg. On July 6, the beautifully illuminated castle will serve as a podium for Laura Fygi and her combo. Starting at 19.00 hrs with a glass of Champagne, Chef cook Jan-Willem Rietveld is responsible for the culinary experience of this evening. After the walking dinner a festive grand dessert buffet will be served. Ticket price includes: free parking, free cloakroom, culinary walking dinners, grand dessert buffet, glass of champagne in the break, meet & greet with the artists. Gallery Patries van Dorst may offer you tickets with a discount of 20%. Order your tickets directly at Kasteel de Wittenburg. http://wittenburg.nl/en/node/301 or contact the gallery.