Fulgence Kayishema – one of the world’s most wanted genocide fugitives – was arrested in Paarl, South Africa in a joint operation by the IRMCT Office of the Prosecutor (OTP) Fugitive Tracking Team and South African authorities.
Spoof, a website that allowed criminals to impersonate trusted corporations, was taken down in November 2022 in an international joint action that led to 142 arrests.
Supported by Eurojust, judicial and law enforcement authorities in Romania and Ireland have taken action against an organised crime group (OCG) involved in the trafficking of Romanian women for sexual exploitation, pimping, trafficking of high-risk drugs and money laundering.
With the support of Eurojust and Europol, authorities in the United Kingdom and Bulgaria have taken action against an organised crime group (OCG) involved in the trafficking of Bulgarian women for sexual exploitation.