Advocate general recommends giving Crimean treasures to Ukraine in ongoing legal dispute, with final ruling to come from Supreme Court of the Netherlands. The advocate general's opinion supports the Amsterdam Court of Appeal's ruling that Ukraine should receive the artefacts, due to the country's suspension of the operational right of the Crimean museums. The museums in Crimea have objected to this ruling and have filed an appeal in cassation to the Supreme Court. The court is expected to issue its final ruling on the matter in September 2023.
The Hague Academy of International Law celebrated its centenary during the last week of May with a festive program held in the premises of the Academy in the new wing of the Peace Palace. The Academy was conceived during the second Peace Conference in the Hague in 1907, and was ready to start in October 1914, but the Great War (WW1) intervened, so the first courses could only be held in the Peace Palace in 1923. The Academy has been famous for its worldwide appeal, due in large measure to the excellence of the professors and of the students. The Hague Academy of International Law is well known in the world, probably more so than in the Netherlands. The General Assembly of the UN annually calls upon States to support this grand old institution for the study, teaching, and dissemination of international law.
AI and Blockchain technologies could facilitate a less biased approached within the financial industry; as data shows that in many developed economies access to banks are a particular struggle for ethnic, or racial minorities, or those belonging to groups that have historically faced societal discrimination.
Lona Hutapea Tanasale is a warm, smart and accomplished Indonesian woman, who mastered the art of reinvention and understood from the very beginning the need of continuous education, while traveling the world with her diplomat husband.
In recent years, the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan has been paying increased attention to the extraction, processing of non-ferrous metals and the production of high-value-added products from them.
The II International Forum on Poverty Reduction has completed its work. Within the framework of 6 thematic panel sessions, a wide range of issues were discussed, problems and proposals for developing countries were voiced.
International Biodiversity Day - Over half the world’s GDP – is moderately or highly dependent on nature and its services. Unfortunately, this is not common knowledge or reflected in corporate strategies. 40% of the world’s largest public companies have net zero targets yet less than 20% of S&P 500 companies have made biodiversity commitments.
We remember September 21 in the Province of Drenthe as one of the most surprising and stimulating day of 2022, after visiting the town of Frederiksoord...
In Tashkent, the Hilton Tashkent City Hotel hosted the II International Forum on the topic: "Implementing of best practices in poverty reduction", organized by the Center for Economic