Sven Lispet is a personal trainer at Leonardo's Healthclub, he said: Good Health & Well-Being - The society can benefit from choosing the right things to eat, the right proportions to eat and to have a healthy lifestyle in general.
She is the kind of woman who enjoys life and embraces all the opportunities that it presents. Merry and kind, she spreads good vibes wherever she goes. Every day is to be lived to the fullest. Staying active is her way of life, and I am not joking about it… our first meeting started with a walk of almost 10 km through the forest, after which she still seemed quite fresh... me, not so much... I discovered Paola Fornari
Ukrainian human rights NGOs have issued an appeal to President Volodymyr Zelensky, calling on him to veto a bill which claims to comply with the European Court of Human Rights, but which does nothing of the sort.
The European Union is one of Uzbekistan's important foreign policy and economic partners. The parties interact within the framework of the updated in 2019 EU Strategy for Central Asia, which, in fact, became a new "road map" for deepening interregional cooperation in the medium term.
In anticipation of a new momentum in Slovenian political arena
With parliamentary, local and presidential elections all being held this year in Slovenia, 2022 has...
By Nacho Sànchez Amor and Meglena Kuneva
Euobserver (12.10.2022) - - Every person has inherent, inalienable, and indivisible rights. This premise is the fundamental achievement of humankind....
By Prof. Lucija Mulej
It is a great privilege to be amongst distinguished thinkers and architects of the future we all co-create. Admitting worries for...
In a 15th-century priory nestled away in a prestigious neighbourhood of Geneva, an exclusive audience gathered on the gorgeous grounds of a university in...
“Bring young people to play leadership roles”.
H.E. Mr. Lamberto Zannier
As part of the Geneva Lecture Series concepted and conducted by prof....