Par Mariarosaria Iorio, Analyste politique.
Le malaise est désormais mondial.
La fin de la guerre froide nous avait promis un monde capitaliste, libre et heureux. Or, trente-et-un...
By Guido Lanfranchi.
While Joe Biden is now widely recognized as the United States’ president-elect, the 2020 Elections saga is not over yet. Alleging that...
By H.E. Mr. Felipe Solá, Minister of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Worship of the Argentine Republic
November 6th 2020 marks an anniversary of great...
By Anton Lutter.
The President of The Philippines Rodrigo Roa Duterte has named Jose Eduardo Malaya to be the new ambassador posted in The Hague. His nomination is...
By Dr. Zlatko Hadžidedić.
Deutsche Welle recently published a comment on Bosnia-Herzegovina written by Stefan Schwarz, a renowned German politician. In this text, the author...
In these controversial contemporary times, the United Nations (UN) and its agencies are at best sidelined, at worst ignored. The most recent case of sidelining relates to the Corona virus epidemic, which had been announced by the World Health Oorganisation (WHO), and had been ignored by political leaders already end of 2019.
By Eugene Matos De Lara and Audrey Beaulieu.
The EU’s bureaucracy has been unceasingly placed on a reactionary mode while coordinating fragments of the migrant...
By Alexandra Paucescu.
I remember like it was yesterday...she introduced herself to me warmly, while both her position and experience were overwhelmingly greater than mine. She...