Thursday, December 19, 2024
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Ambassador Matthew Neuhaus

Australian delegation unveils artwork donation to International Criminal Court

H.E. Mr Matthew E.K. Neuhaus, Ambassador of Australia to The Netherlands, and ICC President Judge Piotr Hofmański unveiling the artwork ©ICC-CPI On 31 May 2021,...

Diplomat Magazine and the Guinness World Records Competition “Most embassies visited in 24 hours”

Arman Angishan LL.M, with the support of Diplomat Magazine, vied for the Guinness World Records Competition title: Most embassies visited in 24 hours. 

The Australian Ambassador to the Netherlands, H.E. Mr Matthew Neuhaus

H.E. Mr Matthew Neuhaus was appointed as Australian Ambassador to the Netherlands on 8 August and presented his credentials to H.M. King Willem-Alexander on...

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