Tuesday, March 11, 2025
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Jan van Zanen

The Hague: international city of diplomats, residents and locals

The Hague has traditionally been known as an international city and centre of international law. Since the late 16th century, when the government of...

The  61st Africa Day Celebration in the Netherlands

Theme Africa Day 2024: “Education Fit for The 21st Century” By Roy Lie  Atjam Africa Day. On May 25, 1963, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, the 32...

International Holocaust Remembrance Day 2024

By John Dunkelgrün January 29th, 2024, marked the sixth seminar of the International Holocaust Remembrance Day The Hague. It was held in the Academy Building of...

The Hague’s Annual Diplomatic Corps Reception: A Blend of Culture, Diplomacy, and Commitment to Global Issues

The Mayor of The Hague, Mr. Jan van Zanen, once again played host to a prestigious annual event that brought together members of the...

A stylish 10 Year Celebration For Diplomat Magazine

One decade down; ten years is just the beginning By Roy Lie Atjam Diplomat Magazine recently celebrated a significant milestone, marking ten years of publishing in...

The Hague Academy of International Law, “A century of devotion to the study  international legal principles and rules – from 1923 to 2023”

The Hague Academy of International Law celebrated its centenary during the last week of May with a festive program held in the premises of the Academy in the new wing of the Peace Palace. The Academy was conceived during the second Peace Conference in the Hague in 1907, and was ready to start in October 1914, but the Great War (WW1) intervened, so the first courses could only be held in the Peace Palace in 1923. The Academy has been famous for its worldwide appeal, due in large measure to the excellence of the professors and of the students. The Hague Academy of International Law is well known in the world, probably more so than in the Netherlands. The General Assembly of the UN annually calls upon States to support this grand old institution for the study, teaching, and dissemination of international law.

International Holocaust Remembrance Day The Hague 2023

the Vredespaleis hosted the commemorative symposium organized by ChAI, the cultural and educational foundation of the NIG, the orthodox Jewish community of The Hague together with the city of The Hague and the Embassy of Israel.

Prinsjesdag Concert 2022  Amare The Hague

The Residentie Orkest - Business Circle and the Mayor of The Hague, welcomed its members and partners to the traditional Prinsjesdag concert.

Inauguration Exhibition Touched By Nature by The Amazonian School of Arts 

By Roy Lie Atjam The Hague, 16th August 2022. Ms Jacqueline Meier, Director of the Atrium City Hall, welcomed one and all to the Atrium,...

Embassy Festival 2021 A Dazzling Array of Colors

The annual Embassy Festival took place in The Hague on a bright after a summer day, Saturday  4th September 2021. However, reduced in space and with fifteen participants, the atmosphere was as vibrant as could be.

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