On January 23 the The Swedish Chamber of Commerce and the Ambassador of Sweden Mr. Håkan
Emsgård welcomed the members of the Swedish Chamber and distinguished guests at a New
Year’s Reception at the beautiful Museum Escher in Het Paleis in The Hague. More than 100 guests
representing the Swedish and Dutch Business network in the Netherlands were attending the reception
together with the Swedish Consul of North Netherlands, Mr. Lukas Joel, and Honorary Members of the
Swedish Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Clas-Ivar Schultz, Mr. Gerard Perik and Mr. Henk Lokin.
In their New Year’s speeches, Mr. Nils van Dijkman, Chairman of the Swedish Chamber of Commerce
and Mr. Ambassador Mr. Håkan Emsgård both emphasized 2014 as year of excellence celebrating the
400 years diplomatic relations between Sweden and the Netherlands. The reception was accompanied
by a performance by the Swedish/Dutch group De Andersons.