Saturday, July 27, 2024

Recent Events from Jan. till Feb 10th,2014

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DIPLOMAT MAGAZINE “For diplomats, by diplomats” Reaching out the world from the European Union First diplomatic publication based in The Netherlands Founded by members of the diplomatic corps on June 19th, 2013. Diplomat Magazine is inspiring diplomats, civil servants and academics to contribute to a free flow of ideas through an extremely rich diplomatic life, full of exclusive events and cultural exchanges, as well as by exposing profound ideas and political debates in our printed and online editions.


 Ubi Kirindongo

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In excess of fifty larger and smaller sculptures provide an overview of the exceptional oeuvre of this Antillean, who creates sculptures from recycled waste material and objects he has found. 

The work of the celebrated and award-winning Yubi Kirindongo (Willemstad, 1946) has been seen throughout the world, both in galleries and at international exhibitions such as the Biennials of Havana, Johannesburg and São Paulo. His work is accessible, but not ‘uncomplicated’. Until now, Kirindongo’s recycling art has seldom been seen in the Netherlands. With more than sixty works created in the period from the 1970s to the present day, Museum Beelden aan Zee is presenting the first major retrospective of the oeuvre of the Antilles’ most important artist. To be seen are sculptures made from car bumpers and other vehicle components. But Kirindongo also fashions other waste materials and discarded objects into meaningful and socially engaged sculptures. More info

Serbia National Day in The Hague.

H.E. Petar Vico, Ambassador of the Republic of Serbia in the Netherlands received Friday 14 February members of the diplomatic corps and special guests to celebrate Serbia’s National Day.  On the occasion of the day, which falls on Saturday (February 15), Ambassador Vico expressed his satisfaction at the excellent bilateral relations between Serbia and the Netherlands.

Farewell, Ambassador  Gharib Abadi

By Bonnie Klap.

An endless stream of cars filled the street leading up to the residence of His Excellency Mr. Gharib Abadi in Wassenaar, as hundreds of guests attended the reception hosted by Ambassador Gharib  Abadi on the occasion of the 35th  Anniversary of the Islamic Revolution of Iran and to bid farewell. Ambassador Gharib  Abadi will return to Iran after serving his country as Ambassador of Iran  to The Netherlands for 4 years. In his speech he touched on the relations between Iran and The Netherlands which date back  400 years. Ambassador  Gharib Abadi also emphasized the fact that Iran is a peace-loving nation.





DMG,  hosted by Colombia.

By Bonnie Klap.

His Excellency Mr. Eduardo Pizarro Leongómez, Ambassador of Colombia, hosted this month’s  Diplomats Meet and Greet in the Carlton Ambassador Hotel. Despite the chilly Dutch weather outside,  this gathering had a  vibrant, South-American atmosphere.  A touch of Colombia could also be sampled,  as the Colombian Cocktail “Güipa,” was generously offered to every guest.  Güipa is a tasty cocktail made of Aguardiente, Lulo juice, ginger, mint and anis syrup.  The monthly Meet and Greet once again proved a great success for the diplomats to mingle and catch up in an informal setting.

Sri Lanka, Wonder of Asia

By Bonnie Klap.

Scores of guests braved the wind and the rain to congratulate His Excellency Mr. Buddhi K. Athauda, Ambassador of Sri Lanka, on the 66th National Day of Sri Lanka. Ambassador Athauda hosted a reception at his residence on the occasion of the National Day. A large number of Diplomats were present as were members of the Business Community. Guests could treat themselves to delicious Sri Lankan dishes, while enjoying musical entertainment by the young Sri Lankan opera singer, Ms.Menak Senn, accompanied by piano music.

Visegrad Karma

The annus mirabilis: the year of miracles.

 By Drs. Eva Maria E. Mennes.

H.E. Mr. Gyula Sumeghy and Mr. Jozias van Aartsen, Mayor of The Hague opened in the atrium of our City Hall and in the presence of many European ambassadors the exposition of Reflections of a political change: Posters of 1989.At the start of 1989 there was nothing to indicate the revolutionary events that were to follow, eventually marking the year as the turning point in history that it would become. In Prague the police had broken up a demonstration in memory of Jan Palach who, precisely 20 years before, had publicly set himself alight in protest.

By the end of that very same year: the Wall had fallen, along with the rest of the Iron Curtain, set in motion by courageous Hungarians. On Wenceslas Square a huge crowd cheered their new President, a man who just a year before had been a political prisoner: Vaclav Havel.Posters played an important role in the ‘Velvet Revolution’ as a means of communication. They were the Social Media, the Twitter and Facebook of the day. They provided an important historical source for present and future generations and also bears witness to the rebirth of a part of Central European culture, resulting in the Visegrad group.

The jewel in the crown of this alliance was the accession in 2004 of Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary to the European Union. This important travelling exhibition is now in The Hague to the commemoration of the unforgettable events of 1989. Events which led to the restoration of Europe as an entity. In peace and in freedom.



“Kunst en Cultuur aan Huis” (Arts and Culture Home)

By Nicole H Pierre

On the occasion of the tenth anniversary of “Arts and Culture Home in 2013/2014”,  Frank Geerkens, Ambassador of Belgium in the Netherlands,  welcomed members of the International community to his residence in The Hague. In fact, “Arts and Culture Home” is an annual exhibition of the works of artists from Belgium which can be seen at different reception areas at the Ambassador’s residence. The aim of the exhibition is to create greater visibility for these artists but also to encourage young talents to become more acquainted with each other’s work. This year’s exhibition was done in collaboration with the Provincial Government of Limburg under the theme “First we take The Hague then we take Berlin”. The evening began with a welcome reception followed by presentations of the cultural agenda. Among the speakers were Ambassador Frank Geerkens himself as well as Igor Philtjens, Deputy of the province of Limburg (Belgium). In the framework of “Kunst en Cultuur aan Huis”, the works of five young Belgian artist can currently be seen at the World Trade Center until April 2014.


Incredible India

By Bonnie Klap.

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His Excellency Mr. Rajesh Nandan Prasad, Ambassador of India, hosted a reception to commemorate the 65th Republic Day of India. India became independent of the United Kingdom in 1947, but it did not have a permanent constitution at this time. In India Republic Day honours the date on which the Constitution of India came into force. Republic Day represents the true spirit of the independent India. The reception was extremely well attended by a high number of Ambassadors, business people and other dignitaries.


Rijswijk & The Hague

By Roy Lie A Tjam.
The Hague’s deputy mayor, Marjolein de Jong (Culture, City Centre, and International Affairs), together with her counterpart from Rijswijk, Alderman René van Hemert (Economy and Spatial Planning), signed an important partnership agreement on Monday 3 February 2014 at a launch event in The Hague International Centre (THIC). This agreement means that skilled migrants living in Rijswijk can now make use of the one-stop registration facility at The Hague International Centre (THIC) to obtain their residence permit from the IND, register with the municipality and receive their social security number (BSN).
The launch of this initiative follows the formal establishment of a working agreement by all parties involved in the registration process: the municipalities of The Hague and Rijswijk, IND and the expat organisation ACCESS. A similar successful collaboration between The Hague and the municipalities of Delft and Leidschendam-Voorburg is already in place. According to Alderman René van Hemert of Gemeente Rijswijk: “We are now in a position to provide even better services to those expats within our city borders; thus creating an even stronger, internationally attractive region.


Dominican Republic celebrating “Our Lady of Altagracia” in Utrecht

By Dr. Eugenio Matos G. Minister Counselor, Dominican Republic Embassy.

A group of dedicated Dominican expats  celebrated Our Lady of Altagracia  during a well attended mass at the Hispanic Church in Utrecht. The Dominican Embassy contributed with a violin and piano repertoire from Dominican and international composers. It was followed by a reception and dinner, featuring a delicious Sancocho sponsored by Mrs. Gladys Carrasco and distinguished Dominican ladies. Our Lady of Altagracia is  the patron saint of the Dominican Republic. Every year, on January 21st, thousands of Dominican pilgrims visit La Basilica de Higuey. It is a national holiday in the Dominican Republic. January 21st is marked by all-night church services and special festivals all over the country. The Dominican Republic Embassy is already developing and supporting special Dominican cultural projects around the Netherlands, which include direct participation with Dutch volunteer citizens- during 2014.  The diplomatic mission is honored to host “Diplomats Meet & Greet” within few weeks at Carlton Ambassador hotel, showcasing “A taste of  Dominican Carnival”, with dancers and typical music in the presence of head of diplomatic missions, dignitaries, Dutch journalists and special guests. An important painting exhibit is expected next fall 2014 in Wassenaar organized by the Dominican Embassy.

Royal Thai Invitation = Harmony.

By Drs. Eva Maria Elisabeth Mennes.

Have you ever seen three ambassadors making music together in harmony? Well, you could have, if you had been at the Royal Thai Invitation of the informal January Meet and Greet of the Diplomat Club The Hague. H.E the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Thailand, Dr. Virachai Plasai and Mrs. Elizabeth Plasai, were the gentle hosts of a great evening. The friendly Thai welcome and drinks, Thai beer or a Mojito made with Thai Rum, and later the Thai saté were very much appreciated by all the guests. White  orchids  beautifully decorated the room. You could have met the ambassadors of Pakistan, India, Ireland, France, Israel, The Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand, Canada, New Zealand, Nigeria, Cameroon, Tunesia and other members of the diplomatic corps. Just to mention some other guests,  I also spoke to Frans Engering, the former Dutch ambassador to South Africa and his charming wife Louise, Dr. Richard Ruijgrok, Honorary Consul General of Thailand and Tasoula Georgiou Hadjitofi who has done so much for the preservation of the art of  Cyprus. But of course the best part was the intercontinental harmony by music with  the Thai, Canadian and French ambassadors, playing guitar and piano and singing international songs with all the guests and the staff of the Diplomat Club. It was again a very pleasant evening at the Rubens Bar in Carlton Ambassador Hotel in The Hague.

Awards Ceremony at Japan residence

By Robert Buurke.

On the occasion of the outstanding contribution by Prof. Dr Rien T. Segers, the Founding Director of the Center for Japanese Studies at the University of Groningen and currently Profesor of Asian Business Strategies at the Hanze University of Applied Sciences in Groningen and who studied the business culture of Japan and conducted comparative research on business cultures of other countries, to promoting mutual understanding between Japan and The Netherlands, the new Ambassador of Japan, H.E. Masaru Tsuji organized in his residence an award ceremony of the Japanese Foreign Minister’s Commendation for Prof Dr Rien T. Segers on Tuesday 21th of January. Dr Rien T Segers held a short presentation on the social-economic matters in both Japan as well as The Netherlands followed by a comparison of the chosen solutions.

Brunch at The Duin & Kruidberg Estate

Robert Buurke.

In one of the most beautiful estates of Holland, The Duin & Kruidberg Estate inSantpoort-Noord on Sunday 19th of January an internationally streamed brunchwas hosted by EVA ARTPRODUCTIONS FOUNDATION from Wassenaar incoordination with Sculpture Network in Munich, Germany. The lunch could beseen simultaneously in 14 countries and 43 cities. H. E. The Ambassador ofGuatemala Mr Jorge Alfredo Lemcke Arevalo represented his country and thefamous artist José Toledo.  José will join the sculpture garden, which will beopened on May 8th from 17 to 19 h. for the whole summer season at the samelocation. It was a pleasant afternoon with very interesting international sculptorsand collectors.

Sweden “kick-off”

By Robert Buurke.

On the occasion of the celebration of 400 years diplomatic relations between Sweden and The Netherlands the embassies of Sweden in The Hague and The Netherlands in Stockholm, Sweden, organized a so-called: “kick-off” reception on Friday 17th January at Korzo Theater in The Hague. In 2014 several events will be held to mark the friendship between these two countries. On the agenda for these events is shown.

Sociëteit De Witte by our Editor

By Drs. Eva Maria Elisabeth Mennes.  Diplomat Magazine Editor.

Just back from the New Years Reception from my club the Nieuwe of Littéraire Sociëteit De Witte
at Plein 24, ‘s-Gravenhage I really feel the urge to present this illustrious club to you. The Society owns this beautiful place downtown The Hague, where you can meet friends and excellently invite others. In summertime we meet at the Paviljoen De Witte 
Pellenaerstraat 4, Scheveningen. I assure you, you cannot find a better place to have your drink at the beach. DE WITTE THE HAGUEBut it is not only socializing I am talking about. At the different ‘tables’ (the structure of the club) you can find the most interesting subjects to be discussed. The best thing to get informed is to visit the website of the Sociëteit De Witte , otherwise I can’t stop writing. But before I forget: one of the most interesting assets of the Societeit De Witte are the sister clubs all over the world. Home from home everywhere! Just where we belong.


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