The King of the Netherlands and H.E. Mr. Jean Omer Beriziky, Ambassador of the Republic of Madagascar.
On 07 October 2020, H.E. Mr. Jean Omer Beriziky, Ambassador of the Republic of Madagascar presented his Letters of Credence to His Majesty King Willem Alexander of the Netherlands, accrediting him as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

The official ceremony took place at the Nordeinde Palace in The Hague, followed by a private meeting, during which the relations between the two countries as well as various topics of common interest were discussed.

Ambassador Beriziky expressed to His Majesty the King of the Netherlands the commitment of the Malagasy government and the Malagasy diplomatic mission to continue to strive for the strengthening of the already excellent relations between the two countries for the mutual interests of both nations.