By Roy Lie Atjam
Hari Kartini, also known as Kartini Day, is celebrated on April 21 in Indonesia. It honours Raden Adjeng Kartini, an advocate for women’s rights and education. She played a vital role in raising the social status of Indonesian women and highlighting key issues related to gender inequality.
In Indonesia, Kartini Day is celebrated with various activities, including fashion pageants. On April 21, 2024, BAROQCO – ADDICT of Haarlem organized a fashion show under the theme “The Legacy of Kartini” with the Indonesian Embassy’s patronage.

H.E. Ambassador Mr Mayerfas delivered the keynote address, He stated the following. “First, I would like to thank and to congratulate Bapak Eduardo Liem and Ibu Imelda from Baroqco and Mr. Sanjay from Addict Haarlem for organizing the event today, with the theme ‘Legacy of Kartini’.

On the 21st of April, Indonesians are commemorating Kartini Day. Kartini, one of our national heroes, was a prominent Indonesian woman who advocated for women’s rights and female education. She was actually not the first major female figures. Centuries before her, Indonesia has known Queen Kalinyamat from Jepara with the biggest trading fleet across the Atlantic Ocean. Later on, we have Keumala Hayati from Aceh Sultanate, the first woman admiral in the modern world. We also have the brave Martha Christina Tiahahu, a leading Moluccan Freedom Fighter, and many more.

Kartini, however, has a special place in the relation between Indonesia and the Netherlands. But I will leave it to Ms. Feba Sukmana to explain more about it. We are celebrating women’s diverse roles and emancipation in many walks of life. Today’s women are strong, determined, and most importantly, they can achieve their dreams, just like what Kartini aspired more than a century ago.
I wish this event can be inspiring, not only for women but for all; about respecting human’s rights, respecting differing views and aspirations, and promoting friendship between our two people, Indonesia and the Netherlands in the spirit of Kartini.
Pak Eduardo, Ibu Imelda, Mr. Sanjay, thank you so much for celebrating the Legacy of Kartini with this wonderful event. Thank you also to Chef Rendy from Hotel Jakarta and Good Jamu who have prepared the snacks and healthy welcoming drinks. I hope you all enjoy it. Terima kasih”

BAROQCO – ADDICT issued the following statement “Inspired by the remarkable legacy of Raden Adjeng Kartini, an Indonesian advocate for women’s rights and education, the Legacy of Kartini 2024 runway show was a poignant tribute to her enduring spirit. Kartini’s dedication to empowering women and preserving cultural heritage served as the guiding light for the BAROQCO x ADDICT event.
Against the backdrop of ADDICT Haarlem, the stage was set for a mesmerizing showcase of haute couture and prêt-à-porter collections, each adorned with the timeless elegance of the traditional kebaya. Designed by the talented Dwi Sisdianto, the kebaya added a touch of heritage to every ensemble, symbolizing the fusion of tradition and modernity.

Photographers Marcel Schwab, Edwin Brosens & Frits van Onzen captured the essence of the show, immortalizing the beauty and grace of each moment. Models Floor Iris van de Vegte, Luna Isabella, Casey de Vries, Melissa Bottema, Serena Darder, Isabella Boels, and Bo Grootten, provided by 12 Months of Beauty, brought the designs to life with their poise and charm.
Under the skilled hands of MUA Team JK, led by chief MUA JK, along with Roos Wiers, Quinty Uittenbogaard, Danique Leermakers, and Fara Louise Anne, and with hair styled by Sanjay Ramcharan from ADDICT Haarlem, every look was flawlessly executed.

The exquisite jewelry from BAROQCO founded by Eduardo Liem & Imelda Liem added a touch of opulence to the ensembles, completing the vision of sophistication and allure.
Thanks to sponsors Hotel Jakarta Amsterdam and Good Jamu for their unwavering support, and to the Indonesian Embassy (KBRI Den Haag) for their gracious patronage.
Photographer Marcel Schwab
Models Floor Iris van de Vegte, Luna Isabella, Casey de Vries, Melissa Bottema, Serena Darder, Isabella Boels & Bo Grootten
MUA by Team JK with chief mua JK, Roos wiers, Quinty Uittenbogaard, Danique Leermakers & Fara Louise Anne Hair by Sanjay Ramcharan from ADDICT Haarlem
Assistant Harm-Jan Cordes
Jewelry from BAROQCO by Eduardo Liem & Imelda Liem
Kebaya by Dwi Sisdianto