Lebanese Embassy Business Event 15 May, 2014

                              By Ms. Abir Ali, Chargé d’Affaires a.i. of  Lebanon. Part of my speech, during the Lebanese Embassy Business Event 15 May, 2014. Despite the difficult political situation in Lebanon the private sector remains the driving force behind Lebanon with the strongest economic sectors being the banking sector, the real estate sector and tourism. She invited the Dutch companies to invest in the agricultural sector stressing the high quality of the Lebanese crop; apples being an example and she also invited them to discover and invest in the olive oil and Lebanese wines. Another sector that she mentioned and that is expending is fashion design. She also invited the Dutch companies to invest in the energy and all energy related sectors in Lebanon, once this sector takes off. She concluded stressing the importance of the Lebanese Trade Delegation that proves a dedication and strong will towards strengthening the relations between Lebanon and the Netherlands”.  

“Tunisian women’s rights after the Arab Spring”

By Roy Lie A Tjam. On Monday May 12 2014, the International Women’s Contact, dedicated their monthly meeting to a lecture with the theme “Tunisian women’s rights after the Arab Spring” The anthropologist and lawyer Dr. Maaike Voorhoeve delivered the lecture. The venue for this event was The Crowne Plaza Hotel in The Hague. The Ambassador for Tunisia, H.E. Karim Ben Becher thanked the International Women’s Contact for rendering the event possible.tunesia 1 From the January 2011 revolution and onwards, Tunisia has been experiencing a period of uncertainty as to what the ‘new’ Tunisia should look like, notably the position of women is one of paramount concern. To her Maghrebian neighbors and the rest of the region, Tunisia is well known for her protection of women’s rights. The 1956 code put in place by President Habib Bourguiba, making polygamy etc. illegal. Subsequent laws, protecting women’s right were adopted in 1978, and 1993. According to Dr. Voorhoeve, it can’t be denied that the feminist laws and policies were decided in the fifties by the first Tunisian President Bourguiba on a population that might not have been ready for it at that time. With the political ‘ouverture’ following   the revolution, the question arises as to what will happen to these progressive laws once they are subjected to democratic scrutiny. The fear of the protected women’s rights losing influence, emerging after the 2011 Arab Spring, was disregarded by the mobilization of the civil society, lead by an intellectual  avant-garde. Under the ancient regime these rights were used as an alibi. The feminists aspire to see these rights secured by the implementation of the new constitution, adopted in January 2014.      

Symposium on International Entrepreneurship

Modern Migration Policy, making entrepreneurship work By Roy Lie A Tjam, Editor. On Tuesday May 13 2014, the European Investment Council (EIC) and the Dutch Chinese Young Entrepreneurs (DCYE) in close co-operation with the Dutch Ministry of Security and Justice hosted a symposium on international entrepreneurship. This unique symposium is to introduce the new regulation for ‘foreign entrepreneurs’ who want to start a business in the Netherlands. The opening speech was delivered by Secretary of the Ministry of Security and Justice H.E. Mr. Fred Teeven. Prof. Robert Skeldonof the University of Sussex, delivered the Keynote address. Prof. Skeldon was followed by high level speakers from the European Commission, international institutes and relevant Dutch Ministries.The organizing committee consisting of;  Dr W.F van Eekelen(EIC) Nico Leerdam(EIC) Michel Bravo(Min.Sec&Jus),Wim  de Lier(DCYE) and Bonnie Xie(DCYE) could look back on another  successful MoMi seminar. The seminar was concluded with a reception.        

Fatou Bensouda, re-opens examination in Iraq

Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Fatou Bensouda, re-opens the preliminary examination of the situation in Iraq Today, 13 May 2014, the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (“ICC”), Mrs Fatou Bensouda, announced that she has decided to re-open the preliminary examination of the situation in Iraq, previously concluded in 2006, following submission of further information to the Office of the Prosecutor in January 2014 in accordance with article 15 of the Rome Statute. The new information received by the Office alleges the responsibility of officials of the United Kingdom for war crimes involving systematic detainee abuse in Iraq from 2003 until 2008.  Iraq is a not a State Party to the Rome Statute, however, the ICC has jurisdiction over alleged crimes committed on the territory of Iraq by nationals of States Parties. The re-opened preliminary examination will analyse, in particular, alleged crimes attributed to the armed forces of the United Kingdom deployed in Iraq between 2003 and 2008. During the preliminary examination, the Prosecutor shall consider issues of jurisdiction, admissibility and the interests of justice, in order to decide whether or not the criteria to open an investigation under article 53(1) of the Rome Statute have been met.  No decision on the opening of an investigation will be taken until a thorough analysis of all the relevant information is completed by the Office. Background On 9 February 2006, Mr Luis Moreno-Ocampo, the then Prosecutor of the ICC announced his decision not to seek authorisation to initiate an investigation of the situation in Iraq because based on the information available to the Prosecutor at the time, the required gravity threshold of the Rome Statute was not met. In that decision, the Prosecutor indicated that this conclusion could be reconsidered in the light of new facts or evidence, in accordance with article 15(6) of the Rome Statute. On 10 January 2014, the Office of the Prosecutor received a new communication from the European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (“ECCHR”) together with the Public Interest Lawyers (“PIL”), alleging the responsibility of officials of the United Kingdom for war crimes involving systematic detainee abuse in Iraq from 2003 until 2008. The United Kingdom deposited its instrument of ratification of the Rome Statute on 4 October 2001. The ICC has therefore jurisdiction over war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide committed on the territory of the United Kingdom, or by UK nationals as of 1 July 2002, representing the date of the entry into force of the Rome Statute. Based on an initial assessment of the information received, the 10 January 2014 communication provides further information that was not available to the Office in 2006. In particular, the communication alleges a higher number of cases of ill-treatment of detainees and provides further details on the factual circumstances and the geographical and temporal scope of the alleged crimes. The Prosecutor will therefore conduct a preliminary examination in order to analyse the seriousness of the information received, in accordance with the requirements of article 15(2) of the Rome Statute, and ultimately determine whether there is a reasonable basis to proceed with an investigation.

me•chan•i•cal /məˈkanikəl/ mechanical

By creating we play with our understanding of basics. We de-construct, we theorise and we create new. We manipulate to create advantage. A mechanism is a device designed to transform input forces and movement into a desired set of output forces and movement. Our bodies, arms, brain, legs, voices, etc. becomes mechanisms for movement.  The combination of force and movement defines power, and we are designed to manage power in order to achieve a desired set of forces and movement. In recent years the idea that life can be reduced to chemistry and physics has become very prominent in the life sciences. According to this idea, all living organisms, including human beings, are simply aggregates of molecules interacting in accordance with chemical and physical laws. This conception of life has found particular emphasis in the fields of biochemistry and molecular biology, where the study of DNA, RNA, and the processes of protein synthesis have lent credence to the picture of the living cell as a molecular machine. In other words: Everything works together as a machine. Everything fits. Everything moves together. Everything needs to find balance. Everything works automatically… Through moving images we have caught a glimpse of the physical laws, and a new perspective on how to perceive life and ourselves. No more hiding. Every wrinkle, spot, flaw or perfection is captured and dismantled. It started becoming a manipulation of the mechanical. The body of work is to draw attention to the fact that we have gone from capturing and copying movement to analysing the totality of how things move and work… Riaan van ZylAbout the artist Having completed his BA(FA) Honors in 2001 through UNISA and having exhibited internationally and locally in numerous solo and group exhibitions, Riaan van Zyl continues to push the boundaries of contemporary art and classical techniques and concepts. Since the start of Riaan’s career, he has taken primary inspiration from everyday, ordinary ideas and his perception of things around him, effectively capturing its fascination and value with a de-constructed eye.  At first glance his work looks abstract and confusing but the results have their own very personal syntax, punctuation and orchestration.  They become almost a performance of movement rather than a standard drawing. Exhibition opening – 22 May 2014.  The exhibition  runs until 30 May 2014. For more on the artist visit: www.riaanvanzyl.com    

The Maurits Huis, after two years of renovations

The Maurits Huis Museum one of the most beautiful museums of the world and home to world-famous paintings like Vermeer’s Girl with a Pearl Earring, Rembrandt’s The Anatomy Lesson, The Bull by Paulus Potter, and Fabritius’ The Goldfinch located in the centre of The Hague will be opening its doors to visitors in June after a two year renovation and expansion period. For the first time the Mauritshuis Organisation is offering special memberships to The Hague’s International residents. Membership of the “International Friends of the Mauritshuis” offers year-round access to the museum, but also to exclusive exhibitions and events, previews, lectures, a cocktail party, trips and to different activities all in English that will take place almost on a monthly basis .

These events will be focussed on educational and entertainment value and meets the interests of different age groups. Subscribes before 1st June, will also be offered a special preview of the museum before the opening.

International Friends of the Mauritshuis The Mauritshuis is largely dependent on donations. The Friends of the Mauritshuis play a crucial role as their donations ensure the purchase of new additions to the collection and the organisation of special exhibitions. The Friends have made significant financial contributions to make the purchase of important paintings possible, like Rembrandt’s Portrait of an Elderly Man, Jacob van Ruisdael’s View of Bentheim Castle, Rubens’ Old Woman and Boy with Candles and more recently Clara Peeter’s Still Life with Cheeses, Almonds and Pretzels. Lots of Friends also play a key role in the museum as volunteers. They run the museum shop and its proceeds are used to support the museum. Fees are: €50 per year for 1 adult/ €65 per year for a couple on the same address / €75 per year for a family with two children up to 18 years. If you are interested in joining these groups, please contact our website or the foundation directly: vrienden@mauritshuis.nl.

International Lustrum Sculpture Garden at Duin & Kruidberg Country Estate.

By Drs. Eva Maria Mennes, EVA Artproductions Foundation The opening of the International Lustrum Exposition of the Sculpture Garden 2014 at Duin & Kruidberg Country Estate was a great success. At an hour by car from The Hague you can find the famous Country Estate with a most beautiful English Landscape garden designed by the well known 19th century Dutch landscape designer Leonard Antonij Springer. The castle houses nowadays a four star hotel, a Brasserie and a restaurant with a Guide Michelin Star. The SculptureGarden this year is graced by artists of five countries: Anne Curry (England), José Toledo Ordoñèz (Guatemala), Marie Muskens (Switzerland) Roland Schmitz (Germany), Juliette van Bavel, Marina van der Kooi, Marja Verhage, Kees Woestenenk and Wijnand Zijlmans. (Netherlands).IMG_2851 Ir. Cornelis Jacob Vriesman, former director of the ABN AMRO Bank and mayor of Haarlem performed the opening on Thursday 8th of May. The musical accompaniment that enjoyed the numerous guests was by Eugenio Matos (Dominican Republic) violin. The opening of the SculptureGarden was supported by Segno d’Arte, Diplomat Magazine, LEXtreem Graphic Design and Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Eindhoven. The exhibition is open until the end of September 2014. If you are interested in visiting the International Lustrum Exposition of the Sculpture Garden 2014 at Duin & Kruidberg Country Estate please phone Drs. EVA Maria Mennes from EVA Artproductions Foundation 06-21282929 for a guided tour. Duin & Kruidberg Country Estate, Santpoort-Noord, Duin en Kruidbergerweg 60
2071 LE Santpoort-Noord. Covered by the Dutch daily newspaper Telegraaf: http://s1095.photobucket.com/user/eugeniomatosgomez/media/EUGENIOALBUMPERIODICOS/EMCONCERTDUINKRUIDBERG_zps7cd9cd4c.jpg.html?sort=3&o=0

Netherlands behaving better than other EU Countries

Special e E urobarometer
According to the latest Eurobarometer, confidence grows in the (economic) future of Europe. 20 of the 28 Member States expect the economic situation in their country will improve during the next 12 months. Netherlands is generally a suit positive than the European average.
  • 41% of Dutch people have confidence in the EU (compared to 32% EU average)
  • 47% of the Dutch trust the Dutch government (compared to 26% EU average)
  • 51% of the Dutch assesses the current Dutch economy as “good” (compared to 33% EU average)
  • 68% of the Dutch think that the crisis and its impact on unemployment have been achieved (compared to 44% EU average) their peak
  • 73% of the Dutch think that the Netherlands has a better future in the EU (compared to 58% EU average)
  • 63% of the Dutch is optimistic about the future of the EU (compared to 53% EU average)

Diplomat Magazine’s Drs. Eva Mennes, reaching SynaptIQ+

Diplomat Magazine’s Drs. Eva Mennes, a distinguished Dutch citizen joins the team at SynaptIQ+, a Think Tank for social era Knowledge. Read more in the link below.             Read more here: http://www.prweb.com/releases/2014/05/prweb11835372.htm