Director-General Meets with Prime Minister of Japan

Director-General Ahmet Üzümcü met this morning with the Prime Minister of Japan, Mr Shinzo Abe, who is visiting The Hague to attend the Nuclear Security Summit (NSS). The Director-General commended Japan for its active role in global disarmament and non-proliferation efforts, and in particular for the steady progress made in destroying chemical weapons abandoned by Japan on Chinese territory. He also expressed appreciation to the Prime Minister for Japan’s generous contribution of €13.25 million to the OPCW’s Syria Trust Fund, which is the largest single financial contribution received thus far. The Director-General said the confirmed use of chemical weapons in Syria had given new urgency for the remaining six non-States Parties to join the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) without delay. He appealed to Japan to continue raising this issue bilaterally with non-States Parties and expressed appreciation for Japan’s ongoing efforts to advance disarmament and non-proliferation in Asia at regional fora. The Prime Minister commended the OPCW for its receipt of the Nobel Prize for Peace in 2013 and for its efficient work in the mission to dismantle Syria’s chemical weapons programme. He assured the Director-General of Japan’s continuing commitment to achieving the goals of the Convention and support for the work of the OPCW.

International Women’s Contact invites to “Freemasonry”

By Karin O’Flynn, President IWC The Hague IWC Guest speaker Jan Willem de Savornin Lohman will introduce the concept of “freemasonry” and discuss questions such as “How free is freemasonry?” and “Is it a secret society or a brotherhood with a secret?” Officially freemasonry was founded in the early 18th century in London and is closely connected to the Enlightenment. Informally however, it has its roots in the guilds of the Cathedral builders of the late Middle Ages. Famous freemasons were Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Winston Churchill, George Washington, John Wayne, Oscar Wilde, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, in the Netherlands Pieter Jelles Troelstra, Frits Philips and Willem Dress Sr. Guest speaker Jan Willem is chairman of the lodge ‘De Vriendschap’, which was originally founded in 1809 in Surabaya in the Dutch Indians. Freemasonry evokes many different reactions and interpretations, both friendly and hostile and if you are interested in finding out more about this topic, you are most welcome to attend this IWC event. Monday, April 14th, 10 to 12 o’clock, at Crowne Plaza, The Hague. Guests are requested to register via and to pay a guest fee of €5, contributing therewith to the charity fund of the club. This lecture is part of a large range of activities the International Women’s Contact is organising for its members. For more information, please consult our website  

Ciconia Confort

                            By Drs. Eva Maria Mennes Just one hour before the Nuclear Security Summit in The Hague, the violin orchestra Ciconia Confort Foundation celebrated the beginning of Spring with the Sacre du Printemps in the Nieuwe Kerk at the Spui, The Hague. The director and artistic leader of this orchestra which was founded in 2012,  Dick van Gasteren gave an introduction on  the composer Otto Ketting (1935-2012) of  Souvenirs du Printemps, the first performance and also of Igor Stravinsky (1882-1971) who’s Apollon, ballet en deux tablaux followed. The Suite Appalacian spring, ballet for Martha of composer Aaron Copland (1900-1990) followed after the intermission. The beautiful music was accompanied by a power point presentation with pictures of Stravinsky, Diagilev and famous ballet dancers and performances. Picture: Juliette van Bavel

New Honorary Consuls for Belgium

By Bonnie Klap, Editor in Chief. His Excellency Mr. Frank Geerkens, Ambassador of Belgium, hosted a reception at his residence to introduce two new Honorary Consuls. Mr. Dries van der Vossen, Managing Director of the Bilderberg Hotels, will be the new Honorary Consul for Belgium in Amsterdam and Mr. Lex Fontein, Director/Managing partner of Hudig & Veder B.V. will be the new Honorary Consul in Rotterdam. The reception was well attended by several EU-Ambassadors, Ambassadors, dignitaries of Ministries and representatives of the Belgian Business-community. Ambassador Geerkens is known for his tireless support of the Belgian-Dutch business ties.  

Adios, Ambassador Wagner

                            By Bonnie Klap, Editor in Chief. After having served his country in The Netherlands for six years  His Excellency Mr. Allan Wagner Tízon, Ambassador of Peru, will return to his home country, where he will enjoy a well-deserved retirement.  Ambassador Wagner and his wife, Mrs. Julia de la Guerra de Wagner, hosted a farewell-reception at their residence in Wassenaar, where  the guests were welcomed with the typical Peruvian drink ‘Pisco-Sour.’ “We are very sad to see him leave,” was an often heard  remark  among  the many guests, who had come to bid farewell.

Chemical Removed from Syria


Portion of Chemical Stockpile Removed from Syria Rises Past 45%.

Directly from the OPCW.

The OPCW-UN Joint Mission confirmed today that two additional consignments including both Priority 1 and Priority 2 chemicals were delivered to the port of Latakia and loaded onto cargo vessels during the past week. The latest movements increased the portion of chemicals that have now been removed from Syria for destruction outside the country to more than 45%. The updated figures are as follow: Priority 1 chemicals removed:    29.5 %* Priority 2 chemicals removed:      82.6 % Total chemicals removed:        45.6 % Most recent consignments: Consignment #10:            17 March 2014 Consignment #  9:            14 March 2014 * Includes all sulfur mustard, the only unitary chemical warfare agent in Syria’s arsenal For more details on the OPCW’s activities in Syria, visit our special web page. As the implementing body for the Chemical Weapons Convention, the OPCW oversees the global campaign to permanently eliminate these weapons. Since its entry into force in 1997 the Convention has become the fastest growing arms treaty in history with 190 States Parties, and 82%  of all declared chemical arsenals have already been destroyed under OPCW verification – an unprecedented achievement in the annals of disarmament.  

Saint Patrick’s Day

By Bonnie Klap, Editor in Chief. Her Excellency Mrs. Mary Whelan, Ambassador of Ireland,  and her husband, Mr. Kevin O’Malley, hosted a reception to celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day. Saint Patrick’s Day is a cultural and religious holiday, which is celebrated annually  on March 17th all over the world.  On Saint Patrick’s Day it is customary to wear something green. Ambassador Whelan honored this tradition, as did her husband and several of her guests. The reception was held at the Ambassador’s residence in Wassenaar and was attended by close to 200 guests.

Ambassador Arias to host DMG in April

H.E. Luis Arias, will host Diplomats Meet & Greet at Carlton Ambassador Hotel on 3 April, from 6pm. The evening will showcase DR’s music and country dance with a warmth Caribbean flavor. Ron Brugal will be served as welcome drink. Many guests will be coming from all over the Netherlands.DR.DMG.INVITATION.JPEG.a3

1st The Hague Environmental Law Facility (HELF) lecture


The Hague Environmental Law Facility (HELF), a joint initiative of the Institute for Environmental Security and T.M.C Asser Institute, organises its first lecture on 4 April at 15:00 at the T.M.C. Asser Institute in The Hague.

This first lecture is organised in response to the upcoming International Court of Justice (ICJ) verdict on Whaling in the Antarctic (Australia v. Japan: New Zealand intervening). The scheduled speaker is Dr. Olivier Ribbelink, Senior Researcher of International Public Law at the T.M.C. Asser Institute. About HELF HELF is a new platform that aims to serve various functions: to advise and facilitate access to justice for parties with environmental problems or disputes, to involve law students in and around The Hague in solving environmental legal problems under supervision and against study credits (an environmental law clinic), and to organise academic lectures, trainings, workshops and conferences on the application and development of international, European and national environmental law. It will do this in the context of The Hague as Legal Capital of the World and in collaboration with the unique set of legal institutions based in The Hague.HELF Further information on HELF and its upcoming activities will be made available at the lecture. By registering now, you will be informed about and involved in a discussion of the latest ICJ verdict. Registration: Picture by

Director-General Meets Russian Foreign Minister


Director-General Ahmet Üzümcü met today with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia, Mr Sergey Lavrov, who is in The Hague to attend the Nuclear Security Summit (NSS).

The Director-General discussed with the Foreign Minister the ongoing OPCW-UN Joint Mission in Syria. The mission is a product of the U.S.-Russia framework agreement to destroy Syria’s chemical weapons programme, which was announced by Mr Lavrov and U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry last September in Geneva. Russia has provided material support for the Syrian government to move its chemical arsenal out of the country, and a Russian warship is providing security in Syria’s territorial waters and at the port of Latakia for the maritime transport operations. The Director-General commended the Russian Federation for its close engagement and vital support to the ongoing mission in Syria, and for the steady progress made by Russia in the destruction of its own remaining chemical weapons stockpiles. He updated the Foreign Minister on the schedule for destroying the Syrian chemicals and stressed that ongoing engagement by the Russian Federation at all levels will be vital to the success of the mission. “We are very honoured by your visit to the OPCW – the first by a Russian Foreign Minister – and we appreciate the support that’s been extended by the Russian Federation to our organisation over the past 17 years,” the Director-General told a media stakeout. “We also highly appreciate the leadership shown by the Russian Federation and the United States in the process of eliminating Syrian chemical weapons… and are looking forward to the successful completion of this project.” Mr Lavrov commended the OPCW for its work in Syria and assured the Director-General of Russia’s continued support for the mission.

“We highly appreciate the professionalism of your people in everything you’re doing and especially in the Syrian operation, it’s something where this professionalism is really needed very much.” Mr Lavrov said. “I’m glad the operation develops quite satisfactorily, and we have all reasons to believe the timing would be kept.” The meeting with Mr Lavrov is one of a series the Director-General will have this week with world leaders who are attending the NSS. The Director-General will attend the summit as a VIP observer.