H.E. Ms. Teresa Paraskevi Angelatou, Ambassador of Greece

With more than 35 years of honourable experience in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Greece, as of June 19, 2013, Ms Teresa Paraskevi Angelatou has been named Ambassador of the Hellenic Republic to the Kingdom of the Netherlands and Permanent Representative to the OPCW.

Her Excellency started her career back in 1984 as Attaché of the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Athens (Greece). Ambassador Paraskevi initiated her path in the Foreign Service between 1985 and 1989 when she was named Third Secretary for Bilateral Economic Relations with Eastern European Countries, USSR Desk. Then, she was appointed Second Secretary of the Embassy of Greece in Romania for the years 1989-1991 and, later on, First Secretary of the Greek Consulate in Canada, between 1991 and 1993.

She represented her country throughout the world and she speaks Greek, English, French and Romanian.

In 1993, she came back to Greece after her nomination as Deputy Director of the Diplomatic Cabinet of the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs.

This assignment allowed her to start very high positions and, when this experience came to an end, she was first named Permanent Representative of Greece to the EU in Brussels (Belgium), then Deputy Head of Mission in Pretoria (Republic of South Africa), until she was appointed Director of the Diplomatic Cabinet of the Minister of Development in 2006.

Four years later, in 2010, she was ready to leave her country again to serve as Consul General of Greece in Geneva, Switzerland.

She finally came to the Netherlands after a period as Director of the Directorate of International Energy Issues, Director of Telecommunications and Information Technologies in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Director of Diplomatic Cabinet of the Minister of Public Order and Citizen Protection.

Her Excellency is married and has a son and a daughter.

Mayor Aartsen launched Diplomat Magazine

By Dr. Eugenio Matos G. Hon. Associate Publisher, currently Chargé d’affaires a.i. at the Dominican Republic Embassy in The Hague.  Carlton Ambassador Hotel,  Wednesday 19 June, 5:45pm. The Hague. In the presence of ambassadors and diplomats, Dutch dignitaries, members of the Dutch press, NGOs, special guests, top managers from BMW Den Haag and Carlton Ambassador Hotel, from recognized Dutch entrepreneurs such as the Simonis family, distinguished executives from Steltman Jewelier, high level executive directors from Marina Rinaldi,  authorities from the Ministry of Foreign affairs such as Mr. Govert Bijl de Vroe, Director of Protocol; Mr. Mayor Jozias van Aartsen performed the official “opening click” of Diplomat Magazine on Wednesday 19 June  to launch this first professional diplomatic magazine in The Netherlands. “The concept of Diplomat Magazine is very welcome for the City of Den Haag. I sincerely congratulates those who had the brilliant idea to develop this publication”, said Mayor Jozias van Aartsen. Ambassador Roberto Calzadilla from Bolivia also expressed his admiration to the authors of Diplomat Magazine during a warmth speech in the presence of  41 ambassadors and 200 distinguished guests. 130619 _ RHP_8592Diplomat Magazine is a novel concept of diplomatic publications in Europe and the World. Our top contributing writers are  Head of Diplomatic missions in The Hague and lectures from renowned  academic centres. This subscription-free monthly-Online magazine is available to Diplomats, Dutch Government officials and the public in general. With a friendly-user design, Diplomat Magazine is unique, the first of its kind in Dutch diplomatic press history. It is not a coincidence that Diplomat Magazine is born in June 2013. We paid special attention to make it happen the year of Investiture of His Majesty, King Willem-Alexander and during the centennial celebrations of the Carnegie Foundation, which we are fully supporting. Full photo-album of this event please click here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/98057281@N02/sets/72157634347253758/

FDI Opportunities in Latin America


By Dr. Eugenio Matos G. Hon. Associate Publisher, currently Chargé d’affaires a.i. Dominican Republic Embassy in The Hague. 


As per several NGOs and International Organisations, including the World Bank, Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Latin America will be a major global influence over the next decade. However, from the Netherlands side, unless boosted directly by Latin American government authorities,  foreign Dutch investments in the region might not change dramatically in the next coming years. Commercial diplomacy c’est la mode, c’est la nouvelle diplomatie. It is the novel international relations trend, but only if well combined with a pragmatic Public Diplomacy programme. Panama serves as an example to the international community. Panama is already taking the lead with the recent official visit of  President Martinelli to The Hague. Organizing a neat diplomatic reception at the Kurhaus, the visit to His Majesty, King William-Alexander, plus the business tour of  Martinelli last May was  a productive endevor for  Panamanian Ambassador Jose Teran and his country.

So what are the top ten reasons why Dutch  businessmen and international brands should cast their sights on investments into the Latin American region?

Viola some answers to that question:

1.      Latin America has one of the fastest GDP growth rate in the world. 4.67% growth in 2011, compared to 1.52% growth in the European Union.

2.      Latin America is already a major investment destination from the world’s leading economies. China is Brazil & Chile’s biggest single trading partner with Chinese state banks having lent more than US$75 billion to Latin America since 2005.

3.      Latin America is a key trading partner with the USA, China, Japan, South Korea as well as the European Union.

4.      Latin America has a GDP per capita higher than that of China and Middle East; US$9,593, US$6,768 and US$5,430 respectively.

5.      Argentina has a higher proportionate number of consumers with a disposable income of over US$25,000, making it an attractive market for super luxury brands.

6.      Latin America is the world’s power house for commodities e.g. Chilean & Peruvian copper, Argentine soya, Brazilian & Bolivian iron ore, Venezuelan oil, Colombian coal, Dominican Republic’s gold mines, tourism and call centres, huge opportunities in Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Mexico,  Ecuador – the list goes on!

7.      Panama is set to become a trade and cultural hotspot with the US$5.25 billion Panama Canal expansion scheduled for completion in 2014. Panama City is transforming into an energetic metropolis attracting investors, tourists and luxury brands.

8.      Brazil plays host to the FIFA World Cup in 2014 and the Olympics in 2016.

9.      Latin America has a highly-skilled and competitive human resources pool e.g. Chile is in first place in the Latin American Talent Index Ranking 2009.

10.  The Latino love for life. Dance (such as Salsa, Bachata… and celebration is set to inspire on a global scale. Their FDI opportunities are linked to cultural issues. There are Latin American states where their popular music and gastronomy, represent a key overseas promotional tool. The author is Commissioner in Holland of the Dominican Republic Department of International Trade-Foreign Investment (CEI-RD). Dr. Matos holds Civil law bachelor degrees in Canada and in the Dominican Republic, with Masters  in Public Administration in England and diplomacy in Malta. He is currently accredited to the International Criminal Court and Alternate Representative to the OPCW in Den Haag.     

Inti Raymi celebration at TropenMuseum


The Embassies of Bolivia, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, Peru, Dominican Republic, Venezuela and the Tropenmuseum will celebrate the “Inti Raymi-Willka Kuti” or “Festival of the Sun”, on 22 June 2013 from 10:00 to 18:00 and the “Inti Raymi-Willka Kuti” ceremony from 11:30 to 12:30 at the Tropenmuseum in Amsterdam. The “Inti Raymi-Willka Kuti” or “Festival of the Sun” is a traditional Andean expression of the indigenous people that takes place during the solstice in June in order to celebrate the union of the forces of the Sun and Mother Earth.  The ancient cultures of the Andean region of South America have recognized the Sun as a source of life for over five thousand years. The Sun has been worshiped by farmers since until now it has provided them with good harvests and food for their families. People from the region have devoted exceptional celebrations in the Sun’s honor, especially for its arrival at the winter solstice, which the Andean calendar marks as the beginning of a new year. This event is the first of its kind to take place in the Netherlands organized by seven Embassies jointly with the Tropenmuseum  and will provide the perfect opportunity to share with the Netherlands and its people the richness and variety of the culture, art and music that Latin American countries have to offer. The agenda of the “Inti Raymi-Willka Kuti” includes a whole day programme with different activities including: an exhibition of handicrafts and products from Bolivia, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela; a video about the Inti Raymi – Willka Kuti; an Inti Raymi – Willka Kuti ritual ceremony; live music and dance performances by various groups from the countries that will take place in the event. Open the following invitation, free admission, click here to open the invitation: Inti.Raymi.Invitation

Ambassador of Malta, H.E. Martin Valentino

                            By Martin Valentino, Ambassador of the Republic of Malta.   Malta – A country with a Euro-Mediterranean vocation for peace and security. As a European country with a vocation to promote a Euro-Mediterranean dialogue, Malta has over the years undertaken initiatives which led to the establishment of permanent institutions, both of a regional and international character which promote the political, intellectual and cultural link both to the north and the south but also beyond. Malta is host to the European Commission-League of Arab States Liaison Office which has the objective of formalizing relations between the European Commission and the Arab World and in 2008 hosted the first ever European Union – League of Arab States Ministerial meeting. The hosting in Malta of the Second Summit of the Western Mediterranean Forum, better known as the 5 + 5 in 2012 was yet another successful initiative by Malta in maintaining the open dialogue at the highest political level between the North and South. MarsamxettAlso the recent appointment of Ambassador George Saliba as the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General of the Union for the Mediterranean, which has a membership of 43 countries from the Euro-Mediterranean region, gives added value and reinforces Malta’s deep interest and visibility in its role in the region. Another important initiative was the establishment in 1990 of the Mediterranean Academy of Diplomatic Studies (MEDAC) which is an institution that offers advanced degrees in diplomacy and conflict resolution with a focus on Mediterranean issues for young diplomats from the Mediterranean region and beyond. MEDAC today has over 500 alumni from 53 different countries and has become a success story with young diplomats who today hold high and influential positions in their respective Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Diplomatic Missions. The Hon. Dr. George Vella, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Malta, has recently stated that “the Government of Malta is committed to continue supporting MEDAC. The current situation in the Mediterranean region needs more trained diplomats to be able to deal with different situations, conflicts and the building of new institutions since the Mediterranean is going through a period of change.” As an island State, Malta has vested interests in the sea that surrounds us but also beyond our shores and another important institution based at the University of Malta is by far the International Maritime Law Institute (IMLI). IMLI is an international institution dedicated to the training of lawyers in international maritime law, including marine environmental law, law of the sea, shipping law and legislation drafting. IMLI was established by a statute promulgated by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and under an agreement concluded between the IMO and the Government of Malta, and began to operate in October 1989. To date, the Institute has a total of 568 graduates from over 122 States and over the twenty-three year period since the inception of the Institute, students from the European and Mediterranean region and beyond have benefited from the high-level courses. These courses bring together lawyers specializing in maritime law who contribute to the common interests in this field and similar to MEDAC graduates today they hold senior positions within the maritime industry, both in the governmental and private sectors. I wish to mention that Malta also hosts the Regional Marine Pollution Emergency Response Centre for the Mediterranean Sea which was established under the Mediterranean Action Plan of the UNEP, as well as the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM). The Headquarters of the General Secretariat of PAM were established in Malta in November 2007, in recognition of Malta’s strategic role and commitment in organizing the PAM. The Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM) is the forum where the Parliaments of the Euro-Mediterranean region come together and operate to reach those common objectives towards the creation of the best political, social, economic and cultural environment and conditions for the fellow citizens of the member states. PAM is a regional interstate organization, and an Observer at the General Assembly of the United Nations. The Assembly plays a fundamental role as an organization whose activities are firmly rooted as a complementary asset to the work of other regional and international bodies entrusted with the responsibility to foster security, stability and peace in the Mediterranean. PAM has established itself as the main actor in parliamentary diplomacy in the Euro-Mediterranean region. These are only some of the institutions located in Malta and it is through institutions such as these that Malta, also through its foreign policy, will continue to play a proactive role in the promotion of peace and stability in the Euro-Mediterranean region.  

From the Ambassador of Japan

By H.E. Yasumasa Nagamine, Ambassador of Japan. I should like to congratulate on the launch of the new magazine, Diplomat Magazine, in The Hague specializing in diplomacy and diplomats. I have been asked to write an article about activities of Asian Ambassadors in The Hague, since I have been serving as an Asian coordinator Ambassador for the Dean of the Diplomatic Corp. Although I have still only limited experience in the role, I should like to touch upon its activities. There are more than 100 Embassies located in The Hague, a large number in deed. There is the Dean of the Diplomatic Corp, H.E. Ambassador Arguello Gomez of Nicaragua. All Embassies and Ambassadors are indebted to his leadership and services. At the same time, other Ambassadors are in a position to assist the Dean in his duties. Therefore a system of regional coordinators has been established and each region is supposed to nominate a coordinator ambassador for this purpose. For Asian region, a regional coordinator has been established rather recently. Currently I am functioning as such, hence I am writing this article on behalf of the region. Asian Ambassadors are meeting more often, however, in different contexts. There are many informal and volunteer gatherings where Asian Ambassadors have lunch together or hold meetings for discuss on various issues. There are also regional meetings in the context of International Organizations located in The Hague, such as the International Criminal Court (the ICC) or the Chemical Weapons Organization (the OPCW). Here the coordinating activities are frequent and substantive. Through these meetings and contacts, Asian Ambassadors are constantly working together and forming friendly relations quickly. Talking about the diplomacy in The Hague more in general, I observe that Ambassadors’ work here is more or less equally divided into bilateral and multilateral diplomacies, depending on with which International Organizations a country associates itself. On the one hand, as our host nation, the Netherlands, is very active in its external activities, therefore bilateral diplomacy is dynamic and requires large portion of Embassy’s resources and Ambassador’s attention. On the other hand, Ambassadors are sitting in many meetings of, for example, the OPCW or Assembly of State Parties of the ICC. Ambassadors in general are certainly required to have proficient knowledge on many different subject matters, but especially here in The Hague, they must be experts on international justice including criminal justice or weapons of mass destruction (i.e. chemical weapons). These give a unique character for the diplomacy here which is a source of interest for many Ambassadors and of challenges for every Ambassador. For a Japanese Ambassador serving in The Hague is a privilege and delight. Japan and the Netherlands enjoy a significant history of mutual contacts for more than 400 years. We have strong and time-honored economic ties. The friendly relations between Japan’s Imperial Family and the Royal Family of the Netherlands are a symbol of our closeness. We are two mature democracies faced with many common challenges, such as revitalizing the economy, securing safe navigation, coping with aging society, and stimulating science and technology. Therefore our two countries work together in many fronts, which give a Japanese Ambassador extra mission to fulfill. At the same time, Japan has been active in the activities related to the rule of law, international criminal justice and disarmament issues. Again multilateral diplomacy requires Japanese Ambassador here to do commensurate work to be fulfilled. I truly believe The Hague is one of the most exciting centres of diplomatic activities in Europe in which I enjoy to work cooperatively with fellow Ambassadors from the Asian region and beyond.

Master Degree in Diplomacy

at DiploFoundation and the University of Malta, with an option to specialise in Internet Governance. Accelerate your career with these online diplomacy programmes, offered by DiploFoundation and the University of Malta. Master in Contemporary Diplomacy: Join experienced practitioners, working diplomats, and other international relations professionals to learn about the theoretical and practical building blocks of diplomacy, with a focus on contemporary issues and challenges. Master in Contemporary Diplomacy with an Internet Governance specialisation: This unique programme gives current and future Internet policymakers a solid foundation in diplomatic skills and techniques, necessary to engage effectively in international global policy processes. How the programme works
  • First, you attend a 10-day residential workshop in Malta. Here you will get a clear overview of the programme, meet your classmates and some of the faculty members, and develop skills in critical areas of diplomacy including negotiation, protocol, and language.
  • Next, you participate in five online courses, each lasting ten weeks. Online study involves reading and discussing lecture texts with course lecturers and fellow participants, completing learning activities and assignments, and joining online meetings. Once you have completed these courses, you are eligible to receive a Postgraduate Diploma in Contemporary Diplomacy awarded by the University of Malta.
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Master in Contemporary Diplomacy: Select your courses from our extensive catalogue: Bilateral Diplomacy, Multilateral Diplomacy, Public Diplomacy, E-Diplomacy, Development Diplomacy, Language and Diplomacy, Diplomacy of Small States, Consular and Diaspora Diplomacy, and more. Courses are kept up-to-date and relevant through discussion of current events and trends. Master in Contemporary Diplomacy with an Internet Governance (IG) specialisation: Attend three or four required courses in IG-related topics and choose the remaining courses from our wide range of diplomacy topics. Your Master’s dissertation will focus on an IG-related topic. Faculty members include practising and retired diplomats, academics, and specialists in IG with both theoretical expertise and practical experience in the field. Online learning takes place in small groups and is highly interactive, drawing on the experience and knowledge of participants as well as lecturers. Course work is flexible: within a weekly schedule, you decide when and where to study. The programme requires 5–7 hours of study per week. The Master in Contemporary Diplomacy allowed me to increase my knowledge and skills at a tremendous speed and depth, while remaining in and performing stronger in my job. Angelic Alihusain-del Castilho, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Suriname For more information and to apply The next programme begins on 29 January 2014. Apply by 1 October 2013. Read more at http://www.diplomacy.edu/courses/MAPGD Or contact: E-mail: admissions@diplomacy.edu Telephone: +356 21 333 323  

The Hague Political Academy for Diplomats


By Dr. Bob van den Bos, former Member of Parliament (First and Second Chambers) and former staff member of the Institute for International Relations Clingendael.

It is a great pleasure and honour indeed to write my first contribution to this new Diplomat Magazine. I would like to bring an important initiative to your attention: the establishment of  The Hague Political Academy.

This initiative has been taken in order to meet the needs of diplomats  in The Hague for a better understanding of Dutch society and politics.

The  Academy starts this autumn with a high level course on  Dutch politics  and foreign policy for foreign diplomats, scheduled for October 21st until November 18st.

Five sessions will provide participants with a better understanding of Dutch society and the way in which politics works in public and behind the scenes. After an introduction to the historical background, attention will be paid to the governmental and opposition parties and their policies. Also the impact of the media on policymaking will be explained. Special focal points will be the Dutch foreign policy and the role played by the Netherlands in the European Union. At the end of the course  the participants will visit the Dutch Parliament.

The lectures will enable participants to report with more authority on Dutch politics and to participate at a high level in discussions on Dutch domestic issues. As course supervisor I will draw on my extensive personal political experience as a Member of the national and European Parliament. Moreover, several distinguished guest speakers are invited to share their views with the participants:  politicians, academics and journalists.

During and after the sessions there will be ample opportunity to maintain informal contacts with other participants. It is also possible to arrange specific sessions at your Embassy.

Information: http//www.thehaguepoliticalacademy.nl

From the Dean of the Diplomatic corps

Dear readers, The Netherlands may be considered to have been the first globalized state in the world. This early openness came in the wake of its great commercial and maritime achievements and its well established tradition of welcome and fair treatment of political and religious exiles. Today The Netherlands is still one of the great commercial powers and is still a society generally open to the world. It contributes substantially to the international organizations, including the United Nations, and still dedicates important sums to development aid. Dealing with these issues would normally be considered a full time job for any diplomat. But they constitute only part of the tasks involved in serving in The Hague. The other dimension, of great interest to any diplomat, is the fact that the Netherlands, basically The Hague, houses more than 130 international organizations, including one of the principal organs of the United Nations, the International Court of Justice. The international community involved in these activities is substantial. It employs nearly 20,000 persons. Why does this relatively small city house so many important institutions? Looking back on the diplomatic history of the Netherlands we encounter a most significant world event that took place in The Hague between 18 May and 29 July 1899. The First Hague Peace Conference was convened by Tsar Nicholas II of Russia and the venue he selected was that of the land of Queen Wilhelmina, Grand Daughter of Queen Ana Paulowna. This Conference was the first world conference in the sense of the world as understood at that time by the leading powers. In any case, it was not solely a meeting of European States like the Congress of Vienna in 1815 or that which adopted the First Geneva Convention in 1864. There were 27 States present in The Hague representing not only the major European powers but also the independent Asian states of China, Iran, Japan, Thailand and Turkey as well as two states from the New World the United States of America and the United States of Mexico. The Conference not only ended with Declarations attempting to “humanize” war, but also with the establishment of mechanisms for the peaceful settlement of international disputes. This unique experience of The Hague at the close of the 19th Century has evolved during the 20th Century and has made it what is today referred to as the International City of Peace and Justice. The initiative of publishing this Diplomatic Magazine is well considered and will undoubtedly be received with enthusiasm by the large international community in The Hague. This community needs and deserves a medium of communication not only for its own internal uses but more importantly as a means of communication with the larger local community of which they form an occasionally not well understood part. I wholeheartedly welcome Diplomatic Magazine and congratulate all those who have made it possible. Sincerely,

Carlos Argüello Gómez

Ambassador of Nicaragua

Dean of the Diplomatic Corps in The Hague

Click the link below to read the original document from H.E. Ambassador Argüello Gómez.

Letter .DEAN.diplomatic magazine PDF

The ICJ is hard at work / La CIJ connaît une activité particulièrement soutenue


By H.E. Mr. Philippe Couvreur, Registrar of the Court. Par S. Exc. M. Philippe Couvreur, Greffier de la Cour.

For the last 25 years, the workload of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) has been steadily increasing.  States are turning more and more frequently to the Court to resolve a whole array of disputes concerning, for example, treaty interpretation, land and maritime frontiers, the environment and the conservation of living resources, and even the use of force.  As a result, the Court has delivered more judgments in the last 22 years than during the first 44 years of its existence.  It currently has 11 contentious cases pending before it, involving a total of 19 States from all continents:  seven Central and South American States (Peru v. Chile;  Ecuador v. Colombia;  Costa Rica and Nicaragua in two cases;  Bolivia v. Chile);  four African States (Democratic Republic of the Congo v. Uganda;  Burkina Faso and Niger);  four States from the Asia‑Pacific region (Cambodia v. Thailand;  Australia v. Japan);  and four European States (Hungary and SlovakiaCroatia v. Serbia). The ICJ is the highest court in the world, the oldest, and the only one with both general and universal jurisdiction;  it is also the only court whose Members are elected by both the Security Council and the General Assembly of the United Nations.  Its mission is to decide contentious cases submitted to it by States.  In doing so, it contributes to maintaining international peace and security by ensuring the peaceful settlement of disputes.  Moreover, the decisions it renders serve as guidelines for avoiding and resolving disputes which may arise between other States.  In addition, the Court responds to requests for advisory opinions from organs and specialized agencies of the United Nations;  it thus also makes a contribution to preventive diplomacy and to the development of international law. In view of its pre‑eminent role and its constantly increasing activity, the ICJ represents a particularly cost‑effective means of settling disputes peacefully. The Registrar of the International Court of Justice (ICJ), the principal judicial organ of the United Nations, wishes the team at “Diplomat Magazine” every success with the launch of its first edition and hopes that the publication will also welcome French‑language content. _________________________________________________ La CIJ connaît une activité particulièrement soutenue Par S. Exc. M. Philippe Couvreur, Greffier de la Cour   Ces 25 dernières années, l’activité de la Cour internationale de Justice (CIJ), organe judiciaire principal de l’ONU, n’a pas cessé de croître. Les Etats se tournent de plus en plus souvent vers elle pour régler leurs différends les plus divers concernant, par exemple, l’interprétation de traités, leurs frontières terrestres et maritimes, l’environnement et la conservation des ressources biologiques, voire même le recours à la force. Ainsi, la Cour a rendu davantage d’arrêts au cours de ces 22 dernières années que durant ses 44 premières années d’existence. La Cour est actuellement saisie de onze affaires contentieuses, qui impliquent au total 19 Etats de tous les continents, à savoir: sept Etats d’Amérique centrale et du sud (Pérou c. Chili; Equateur c. Colombie; Costa Rica et Nicaragua dans deux affaires; Bolivie c. Chili); quatre Etats africains (République démocratique du Congo c. Ouganda; Burkina Faso et Niger); quatre Etats de la région Asie-Pacifique (Cambodge c. Thaïlande; Australie c. Japon) ainsi que quatre Etats européens (Hongrie/Slovaquie; Croatie c. Serbie). La CIJ est la plus haute juridiction du monde, la plus ancienne, la seule à être dotée d’une compétence à la fois universelle et générale, la seule aussi dont les membres sont élus à la fois par le Conseil de sécurité et l’Assemblée générale de l’ONU. La Cour a pour mission de traiter les affaires contentieuses qui lui sont soumises par des Etats.  Elle contribue ainsi au maintien de la paix et de la sécurité internationales en garantissant le règlement pacifique des différends entre Etats.  De surcroît, elle rend des décisions qui servent de lignes directrices pour éviter ou régler des différends qui risqueraient de naître entre d’autres Etats.  La Cour répond en outre aux demandes d’avis consultatif émanant des organes ou institutions spécialisées de l’ONU. Ce faisant, elle participe également à la diplomatie préventive et au développement du droit international. La CIJ constitue, au vu de son rôle prééminent et de son activité en croissance constante, un mode de solution pacifique des différends d’un rapport coût/efficacité particulièrement exceptionnel. Le Greffier de la Cour internationale de Justice (CIJ), organe judiciaire principal de l’ONU, présente ses vœux de réussite à l’équipe de « Diplomat Magazine » à l’occasion du lancement du premier numéro de cette nouvelle publication, et espère qu’elle ouvrira ses pages à la langue française.