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Diplomat Magazine presents its compliments to its readers and cordially requests the pleasure of your presence to attend our 1st...
May 2014, the Appeals Chamber of the International Criminal Court (ICC) delivered its judgment confirming the decision of the ICC Pre-Trial Chamber declaring admissible the...
Latin-American spouses, friendly get together!
A wonderful atmosphere of flowers, ladies and friendship in the beautiful house of Adrienne R. de P. Villalta, spouse of...
By Ms. Abir Ali, Chargé d’Affaires a.i. of Lebanon.
Part of my speech, during the Lebanese Embassy Business Event 15 May, 2014.
Despite the difficult political...
Modern Migration Policy, making entrepreneurship work
By Roy Lie A Tjam, Editor.
On Tuesday May 13 2014, the European Investment Council (EIC) and the Dutch Chinese...
Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Fatou Bensouda, re-opens the preliminary examination of the situation in Iraq
Today, 13 May 2014, the Prosecutor of the...
By Drs. Eva Maria Mennes, EVA Artproductions Foundation
The opening of the International Lustrum Exposition of the Sculpture Garden 2014 at Duin & Kruidberg Country...