Wednesday, March 5, 2025
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Breaking News

China and the Netherlands strengthen bilateral relations

                        The People’s Republic of China and the Netherlands are to step up their bilateral cooperation. The decision is outlined in a joint declaration following the State...

ICC’s warrants of arrest for Al-Bashir from Sudan

ASSEMBLY OF STATES PARTIES TO THE ROME STATUTE OF THE INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT. Directly from the ICC, President of the Assembly of States Parties. Message sent...

Inauguration NSS 2014

Inauguration of the NSS2014 in The Hague, the city of peace and justice. By Roy Lie A. Tjam. We live in momentous times. Under a clear...

Nuclear what?

Peter Knoope, Director ICCT. A most eventful meeting took place in The Hague. All of your staff have most likely been extremely busy preparing for...

Director-General Meets with Prime Minister of Japan

Director-General Ahmet Üzümcü met this morning with the Prime Minister of Japan, Mr Shinzo Abe, who is visiting The Hague to attend the Nuclear...

Chemical Removed from Syria

Portion of Chemical Stockpile Removed from Syria Rises Past 45%. Directly from the OPCW. The OPCW-UN Joint Mission confirmed today that two additional consignments including both...

1st The Hague Environmental Law Facility (HELF) lecture

The Hague Environmental Law Facility (HELF), a joint initiative of the Institute for Environmental Security and T.M.C Asser Institute, organises its first lecture on...

Director-General Meets Russian Foreign Minister

Director-General Ahmet Üzümcü met today with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia, Mr Sergey Lavrov, who is in The Hague to attend the...

Charles Blé Goudé transferred to the ICC

Direct from the ICC. Situation: Côte d’Ivoire Case: The Prosecutor v. Charles Blé Goudé Today, on 22 March 2014, Charles Blé Goudé was surrendered to the International Criminal Court (ICC)...

New Alliance Française

The Alliance Française Awaits You By Nicole Pierre. It was a beautiful day in The Hague and the perfect day for an inauguration. Surrounded by the...

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