Friday, March 7, 2025
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Breaking News

Mechanism Principals hold diplomatic briefing in The Hague

The Principals of the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals held a briefing which was attended by 50 ambassadors and members of the diplomatic corps, President Graciela Gatti Santana, Prosecutor Serge Brammertz and Registrar Abubacarr M. Tambadou provided an overview and update of the Mechanism’s current activities.

Afghan health facilities being supported by Turkmenistan 

Full renovation of the city's Health Centre carried out by Turkmen workers as well as the delivery of medical equipment and medicines from Turkmenistan to the Afghan side as humanitarian aid.

ICC President and Director of the Trust Fund for Victims visit Central African Republic

From 22 to 26 November 2022, the President of the International Criminal Court, Judge Piotr Hofmański, and the Acting Executive Director of the Trust...

Draft law on banning the activities of the Russian Orthodox Church

On 24 November, the website of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine published the text of draft law No. 8221 banning the activities of the Russian Orthodox Church represented on the territory of Ukraine by the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC).

Support to French and Belgian authorities’ action against large-scale drug trafficking

Eurojust and Europol assisted the French and Belgian authorities in a recent action day  against an organised crime group (OCG) suspected of large-scale drug trafficking, leading to seven arrests. The OCG is managed from Dubai, where two high-value targets had already been arrested.

44 arrested in Europe-wide crackdown against high-risk criminal network

An unprecedented international operation, involving judicial and law enforcement authorities from 11 countries, has resulted in the arrest of 44 individuals.

Action against criminal website that offered ‘spoofing’ services to fraudsters: 142 arrests

Judicial and law enforcement authorities in Europe, Australia, the United States, Ukraine and Canada have taken down a website that allowed fraudsters to impersonate trusted corporations or contacts to access sensitive information from victims, a type of cybercrime known as ‘spoofing’.

Request to hold hearing on confirmation of charges against Joseph Kony in his absence

ICC prosecurtor request before Pre-Trial Chamber II of the International Criminal Court  (ICC) seeking authorisation to hold a hearing on the confirmation of charges against  Joseph Kony in his absence.

International Criminal Court launches campaign to increase representation of Latin America and Caribbean Counsels 

International Criminal Court launches campaign to increase representation of Latin America and Caribbean Counsels 

ICC hosts the Second Asia-Pacific Regional Seminar of Judges on the Rome Statute and the International Criminal Court

ICC hosts the Second Asia-Pacific Regional Seminar of Judges on the Rome Statute and the International Criminal Court.

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