Since its unprovoked military aggression against Ukraine, Russia has inundated the world with misinformation and disinformation in efforts to justify its military operations and to claim its strict observance of the rules of warfare.
Policy interventions for water related-challenges are largely shaped by two groups: water experts, equipped with technical knowledge, and diplomats, with a plethora of soft skills. However, while they work towards a shared goal, they inhabit two different worlds that seldom interact.
"I have had the opportunity to work during several diplomatic events ever since I started working in the Promenade Hotel. According to my observations, diplomats value precision, punctuality and some ‘’sweet and short’’ conversation. I definitely had to push myself into rethinking and optimizing my time managing skills. Multitasking and flexibility turned out to be my most trusted aids." Gabor Balint.
By Alexandra Paucescu
An old saying goes :’you have the life that you make for yourself’.
Milena Padula, a beautiful Italian born in Naples, certainly knows...
During his career as a diplomat, Constantin Karadja showed great courage and tenacity, evidenced by numerous diplomatic documents. His decisive actions against the persecution of Jews during the Holocaust were not in line with the government he served. His youth, education and the international influences he experienced made him a pan- European with strong humanist and intellectual bias. Human rights took center stage, only then came political and other interests. His scientific activities reflect his versatility and wide orientation.
China has become a strategic partner for many countries in the Middle East. China's role has expanded greatly with Chinese President Xi Jinping's announcement in 2013 of the Belt and Road Initiative, which is the cornerstone of the modern Chinese strategy.
More than 530 people were returned to Uzbekistan in 2019-2021 from disadvantaged regions such as Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan.
This was noted at the thematic...