Pictured H.E. Haim Divon and Linda Divon, at the Zuiderstrandtheater.
One of the biggest and best attended diplomatic events of the year was the National Day of Israel, commemorating the Israeli declaration of Independence in 1948, normally celebrated on the 5th of Lyar according to the Hebrew calendar.
This year’s occasion was at the same time the farewell of H.E. Ambassador Haim Divon and his wife Linda, who represented Israel to the Netherlands with wisdom and tenacity during their five year stay. Hundreds of guests from across the Netherlands and as far afield as Brussels and Paris packed the Zuiderstrandtheater in Scheveningen on a warm day in May to bid farewell to the Ambassador and his wife.
For additional Hester Dijkstra’s pictures, please open the following link: https://www.flickr.com/photos/121611753@N07/albums/72157671181342782

Both Ambassador Divon and Linda learned Dutch during their stay in the Netherlands and have made life-long friendships with locals, Dutch civil servants and diplomats from all over the word. They also set themselves the task of visiting Jewish communities throughout the Netherlands.
Their residence regularly hosted animated dinners, attended by the leading lights of politics, business and the Dutch Jewish community, as well as people from the artistic, religious and academic communities. These were great occasions to promote Israeli food and wines, and featured many a memorable speech and passionate discussion.

Linda dedicated a lot of energy and time to the American Women’s Club of The Hague (AWC) and was elected twice as president. She excelled as a master organiser, and gave the club a new force and vitality. Many will fondly remember the annual bazaar, the benefice gala ball and the conferences organised under her mandate.
The Ambassador concluded a brilliant diplomatic career of more than three decades that took him and his family to India, Canada, Sri-Lanka, and Ethiopia.
He also led the Inter-Ministerial Committee on the planning of “Operation Solomon” (the airlift of over 14,000 Ethiopian Jews to Israel), and managed post-tsunami operations in Thailand, India, Sri Lanka and Indonesia as Head of Israel’s National Agency for International Cooperation.

The splendid night in May was a great celebration, featuring famous Israeli artist Ester Rada, whose rhythm filled the theatre and whose voice filled the hearts of all those present. Her movement, rhythm and voice belied her delicate frame. Rada’s songs were interpreted in both English, Hebrew and Amharic.
Attendees included heads of international organizations, diplomats, ministers, mayors, business people, and the Israeli diaspora. Ambassador Divon and his wife Linda closed with great success one of their most brilliant chapters of their life.
Diplomat Magazine wishes them and their family the very best.

H.E. Haim Divon wrote an article for Diplomat Magazine and we published an interview with Linda Divon, please see it here:

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About Ester Rada: News of Ester Rada special musical talent has broken out of Israel, with the release of her first album. Her international career wasn’t long to follow. The hit song from the first album life happens became an instant internet sensation and was played on both MTV and VH1.
Over the last 3 years she has also gone on dozens of tours worldwide that have received rave reviews. Ester Rada performed on some of best stages all across the USA, Europe, Canada Australia, New Zealand and south America. There she had the honor to headline some of the world’s biggest festivals.
Rada’s well loved musical style incorporates influences from soul music and uncompromising Ethiopian grove. The effortless grove and rhythm, as well as Rada’s unique voice and diva like attitude that stems from a true and solid stages presence, captivate the audience wherever she goes.