Dr. Reiner Haseloff & Ambassador Florencia Vilanova de vo Oehsen – Picture by B. Rulf, State Chancellery of Saxony-Anhalt.
Thursday, 27 February 2020, Magdeburg, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany: Premier Dr. Reiner Haseloff was paid an official inaugural visit to the State Chancellery by the Ambassador of the Republic of El Salvador, H. E. Florencia Vilanova de von Oehsen.
The ambassador and the Premier exchanged views on current developments in their countries. In addition, a planned project to recruit nursing specialists for the Wittenberg region was the subject of the discussion.
In 2018, Saxony-Anhalt’s companies exported goods to the Central American state to a value of just under 800,000 euros.
This is not the first visit of Ambassador Vilanova de von Oehsen to Saxony-Anhalt. Among other things, she already stayed in the Lutheran City of Wittenberg in November 2019, where the embassy held a reception on the occasion of “El Salvadorian Day”. On this occasion, musicians from El Salvador also performed.
For further information
Government of Saxony-Anhalt: https://europa.sachsen-anhalt.de/internationales/aktuelles-international-2020/antrittsbesuch-der-botschafterin-von-el-salvador/
Embassy of El Salvador to Germany: http://embajadaalemania.rree.gob.sv/index.php/actualidad/noticias/item/7846-el-salvador-concreta-ampliacion-de-acuerdo-para-que-mas-jovenes-lleguen-a-alemania-a-especializarse-en-el-cuido-de-mayores