Saturday, July 27, 2024
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Diplomatic kids… global citizens of tomorrow

By Alexandra Paucescu. When you say ‘diplomatic’ life, you automatically think about a life ‘on the move’ from country to country, a life in episodes,...

Luck is when preparation meets opportunity

By Alexandra Paucescu Originally from Ecuador, Maria Medina embarked on an international journey from a very young age, traveling to Costa Rica and US, as...

The women in our lives

By Alexandra Paucescu Ever since I started this ‘Interview series’ I was constantly captivated by all the life stories that I discoved behind the ‘diplomatic...

Expat partner: Staying active and finding work… diplomatic life from the inside

By Alexandra Paucescu During my almost 20 diplomatic years so far, I have come across several books written by fellow diplomatic spouses and also wrote,...

Mois de la Francophonie

Par Alexandra Paucescu La soirée inaugurale du Mois de la Francophonie, sous le slogan « Francophonie sans frontières », s'est tenue à la Résidence du...

International Organization for Migration in the Netherlands

By Alexandra Paucescu Founded in 1951, IOM is the leading inter-governmental organization in the field of migration, with 175 member states and a presence in...

Getting to know Ireland

By Alexandra Paucescu On April 11, members of the Diplomatic Spouses Association in The Hague were invited to join a special event at the Irish...

New adventures are always waiting

By Alexandra Paucescu In the diplomatic world, it is not uncommon for partners of diplomats to leave their jobs behind to travel the world and...

Have faith and don’t be afraid of change

By Alexandra Paucescu Mirella Pocasangre de Vásquez is a proud Salvadoran lawyer, notary, and also law professor, who for the last 17 years has fully...

The best way to predict the future is to invent it!

By Alexandra Paucescu “The best way to predict the future is to invent it.” —Alan Kay There could be no better saying than this one, to...

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