Zagreb – Rijeka 2016, 3rd European universities games
On Friday July 25, Ambassador of Croatia, H. E. Vesela Mrden Korac hosted a promotional dinner event on the 3rd European Universities Games to be held in Zagred – Rijeka from July 24 2016 in Rotterdam at ‘Staal restaurant’ in the presence of the President of the Croatian Academic Sport Federation, Mr. Zrinko Čustonja, the President of the European University Sport Association Mr. Adam Roczek and the Minister of Science, education and Sport of the Croatian Republic Mr. Vedran Mornar.
The Croatia delegation featured their enthusiasm, professionalism and innovation with more than 100 delegates from the European commission, European University Sport Association, and representatives from cities and universities from all Europe.
Goran Šprem introduced the theme “Historical and cultural heritage, sport and extreme tourism for youth” and Godan Kožulj made a presentation of the project “European Universities Games Zagreb-Rijeka 2016“showing their determination to make of the European University Games a huge success in terms of innovation, facilities and participation. Anti doping proofs will be implemented as well as special sport competitions. Both cities Zagreb – Rijeka will share the games to promote tourism and a better understanding of the country.
Mr. Damir Boras dean of the University of Zagreb, the largest one in Croatia, promised that the 3rd games in Croatia will be a memorable experience. European University Games is the largest European multisport student event. Actually the European University Games are held in Rotterdam, featuring 10 sports. The closing speech was presented by the Minister of Science, Education and Sports of the Republic of Croatia Mr. Vedran Mornar.
By Peter Knoope.
On Monday 21 July a sad gathering took place in Nieuwegein to commemorate the victims of the terrible tragedy in Ukraine with flight MH17. The Netherlands is in grief and agony. Everybody in the Netherlands seems to know someone who is directly affected by this terrible loss. The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands, Mr. Frans Timmermans, made a strong statement in the UN Security Council last night in which he called for respect for human dignity and justice.
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With the status of The Hague as the city of peace and justice there is no other option than to bring those who can be held accountable for this tragic event to justice. Meanwhile, there is the hope that the relevant authorities will do everything possible to bring the remains of the victims to the Netherlands. The Dutch government has been requested to coordinate the efforts accordingly. Our thoughts and condolences go out to all those who are in grief. They will need our moral and material support and assistance over the coming years. Seeing the remains back in the Netherlands to bury the loved ones and see justice done will help to alleviate some of the pain.

3rd Certificate of Merit
On Monday 28 July, 2014, Diplomat Magazine celebrated its third Certificate of Merit to parting ambassadors accredited to the Kingdom of the Netherlands; Pierre Henri Menat Ambassador of the French Republic and Frank J. S. Geerkens, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Belgium. The event took place at the Carlton Ambassador Hotel in the presence of diplomats, friends and dignitaries invited for the occasion. Ambassadors were allowed to bring their spouses, other colleague ambassadors, members of their family and their diplomatic staff to this private ceremony at Carlton.
Diplomat Magazine will keep this tradition of recognizing Head of Diplomatic Missions who are returning back to their countries and have exceptionally contributed to strengthen diplomatic ties with the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
Mrs. Bonnie Klap, Chief Editor of Diplomat Magazine was our MC and speaker, Mr. Roy Lie, Editor, Mrs. Anna Mistretta, Events coordinator and Mrs. Eva Mennes, Travel Editor, were part of our protocol team.
“I am personally impressed by the success of Diplomat Magazine and how its projects are so well organized for the benefit of the Diplomatic corps. I have no doubt that in fifty years from now, diplomats will still talk and remember the achievements for the diplomatic community of this magazine “, said to Diplomat Magazine one of the most active and friendly ambassadors in The Hague, H.E. Abdelouahab Bellouki, Ambassador of Morocco to the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
Full photo-album of this event:
Please click here to access our series of recognition ceremonies to parting ambassadors at Carlton:
For information about our next recognition ceremony to parting ambassadors please contact us at:

ICC statement on Libya
Statement of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Fatou Bensouda, in relation to the escalating violence in the Situation in Libya
As Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC or the Court), I am deeply troubled by the escalating violence in the Situation in Libya. Recent reports of alleged attacks carried out against the civilian population and civilian objects in Tripoli and Benghazi are a cause for great concern. Such deplorable acts of violence must immediately cease.
Pursuant to United Nations Security Council (UNSC) Resolution 1970 (2011), my Office may exercise its jurisdiction over any act of genocide, crime against humanity or war crime committed within the territory of Libya since 15 February 2011. Ever since the referral by the UNSC, my Office has brought cases before the Court’s judges based on the evidence collected; continued its investigative activities and has closely monitored the situation on the ground.
I hereby call upon all parties involved in the conflict to refrain from targeting civilians or civilian objects, or committing any criminal act that may fall within the jurisdiction of the ICC. I further urge all parties to the conflict to be vigilant and to take all necessary measures to prevent the commission of such crimes.
As I have previously stated in different fora, we will not hesitate to investigate and prosecute those who commit crimes under the Court’s jurisdiction in Libya irrespective of their official status or affiliation. I reiterated this Office policy during a recent meeting I had with the Minister of Justice of Libya, Mr Salah al-Marghani on Friday, 18 July 2014 in The Hague.
My commitment and that of my staff to the pursuit of justice, without fear or favour, for the victims of mass crimes in Libya remains firm and steadfast.
Au revoir Ambassadors at Carlton
Au revoir Ambassadors Ménat and Geerkens.
By Bonnie Klap, Editor in Chief.
In recognition of their outstanding contributions in enhancing the bilateral ties between their countries and The Netherlands and their support for the Diplomatic Community, for their contribution to Diplomat Magazine, the parting Ambassadors H.E. Pierre Ménat of France and H.E. Frank Geerkens of Belgium, received the Certificate of Merit from Diplomat Magazine at Carlton Ambassador Hotel.
Ambassador Ménat, who recently also received the prestigious ‘Ridder Groot Kruis’ from His Majesty King Willem-Alexander, will be returning to France to enjoy his retirement after having served in the Foreign Service for 32 years.
Ambassador Geerkens will also return to his home country Belgium, where he will take up an exciting new job in the semi-private sector.
The following dignitaries were present: H.E. Ambassador Nassima Baghli, Ambassador of Algeria, H.E. Abdelouahab Bellouki, Ambassador of Morocco, Mr. Arwin Paulides, General Manager of Carlton Ambassador Hotel and other distinguished guests.
Click here for full set of pictures:
It is interesting to note that the certificates of recognition handled to the ambassadors, have the coat of arms of the Stokbroekx family. In the picture Mr. Marc Stokbroekx signing the certificate of Ambassador Pierre Menat.
Description of the coat of arms of the Stokbroekx family
The coat of arms of the Stockbroekx family finds its origin in the combination of the symbols of the duke of von Heinsberg and the duchess of van Loon, two members of well-known aristocratic families in 1400. On the left we see a pattern of red and gold stripes which symbolizes the duchess of the van Loon family. On the right we see a white lion on a red background symbolizing the duke of the von Heinsberg family. Across the two parts there is a blue beam which is known as the “acknowledged bastard stripe”. This indicates that the first descendant Johan van Stokbroekx, was born out of a so-called Danish marriage, which means his parents married out of love. However, this form gave no rights to the descendants. Therefore the duke of von Heinsberg and the duchess of van Loon created this new coat of arms together with a new name, Stockbroekx. The actual family Stockbroekx are the direct descendants of Johan van Stockbroekx.

Certificate of Merit – Ceremony of Merit- Farewell ceremony
Statehood Day of Montenegro
By Baron Henri Estramant.
To celebrate the Statehood Day of Montenegro (Dan državnosti) the Montenegrin mission resident in Brussels provided the national costume of their homeland to dress up the iconic Manneken Pis in the historic city centre of Belgium’s capital. The Mannekin Pis wore it on 10 July 2014 from 9 am to 4 pm.
Later in the evening HE Ambassador Vesko Garčević co-hosted a concert followed by a diplomatic cocktail in the premises of his embassy. The Embassy of Montenegro resident in Belgium is also accredited to The Netherlands, Luxemburg and the OPCW. Montenegro has an honorary consul in Maastricht.
Statehood Day on 13 July does not celebrate the independence of Montenegro, but rather commemorates the day in 1878 wherein the Berlin Congress recognised Montenegro as the twenty-seventh independent state in the world. Moreover the revolt in 1941 that Montenegrins staged against the Nazi occupiers.
Montenegro regained independence on 21 May 2006 after a successful referendum on the matter which dissolved the Union of Serbia and Montenegro. The country lost its sovereignty to Serbia towards the end of 1918 after the dethronement of King Nikola I of Montenegro. The latter was the only victorious loser of the Great War as he was deposed in spite of being ruler of one of the Allied states.
Congo National Day in Brussels
By Baron Henri Estramant, Brussels.
On 30 June 2014, His Excellency Ambassador Professor Sakanyi Henri MOVA celebrated the National Day of the Democratic Republic of Congo at the majestic venue of the Colonial Palace (Koloniënpaleis/Palais des Colonies) in Tervuren, Brussels. The Colonial Palace is a part of the Royal Museum for Central Africa which was founded under the auspices of King Leopold II of the Belgians.
The Embassy of the Democratic Republic of Congo to The Netherlands is resident in Brussels, and covers Belgium, Luxemburg as well as the EU.
The Democratic Republic of the Congo is the most populous officially Francophone country, the fourth most populous nation in Africa and the nineteenth most populous country in the world.
Pictures by Michael Sakombi
OPCW Maritime Operation Completes Deliveries of Syrian Chemicals to Commercial Destruction Facilities
In a statement this morning to the OPCW Executive Council, Director-General Ahmet Üzümcü announced that all 1300 metric tonnes of chemicals removed from the Syrian Arab Republic by the international maritime operation have been delivered to destruction facilities outside the country. Destruction activities are now underway in all locations.
The Director-General reported that since the successful trans-loading of 600 metric tonnes of chemicals onto the U.S. vessel MV Cape Ray in the port of Gioia Tauro, Italy on 2 July, the remaining chemicals have been delivered to commercial land-based facilities in Finland, the United Kingdom and United States where they are now in the process of being destroyed. As of 21 July, the amount of all Syrian chemicals destroyed stood at 31.8% of the total.
The Director-General once again commended all the States Parties and the European Union for contributing funding and material resources for the mission to eliminate Syria’s chemical weapons programme.
In its meeting today, the Executive Council adopted a decision regarding the destruction and verification of 12 former chemical weapons production facilities (CWPFs) in Syria. As per this decision, seven hangers will be razed to the ground and five underground structures will be sealed permanently to make them inaccessible. The CWPF destruction activities are scheduled to begin within 60 days.
For more information and downloadable audiovisual materials on the Syria mission, visit the special Syria page on our Internet website at: sections/syria/
We are deeply saddened to announce that former International Criminal Court (ICC) Judge Hans-Peter Kaul passed away on 21 July 2014 after a period of serious illness, which led him to resign from the Court with effect from 1 July 2014.
“Judge Kaul’s death is an enormous loss for the ICC. He served as a role model, dedicating his career to reshaping international justice. Judge Kaul was a driving force in the creation of the Rome Statute, in the establishment of the ICC, and in many of the decisions rendered in the situations and cases before the Court in its history thus far. We will long remember him with respect and admiration on a personal and professional level, for his relentless commitment and extensive contributions to international justice”, said ICC President Judge Sang-Hyun Song.
The President of the Assembly of States Parties, Ambassador Tiina Intelmann, recalled “the vital contribution which Judge Kaul had made to the establishment of the Rome Statute system, both as head of the German delegation during the negotiations which culminated in the adoption of the Statute, as well as a member of the Court’s bench, where he leaves an important legacy of contributions to the jurisprudence of the Court. Judge Kaul will be remembered for his multi-faceted and unrelenting support to the cause of international criminal justice; he was also indefatigable in advancing the support for the amendments to the Rome Statute on the crime of aggression”.
National of Germany, Judge Kaul served as an ICC Judge for 11 years. In the first elections of ICC judges in February 2003, he was elected by the States Parties to the Rome Statute for a three-year term and assumed his duty on 11 March 2003. He was re-elected in 2006 for a further term of nine years. Judge Kaul was a member of the ICC’s Pre-Trial Division, serving as the Division’s President from 2004 to 2009, as well as from 8 April 2014 until his resignation. He contributed to important decisions in proceedings regarding situations in Uganda, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Darfur (Sudan), the Central African Republic, Kenya, Libya and Cote d’Ivoire, and the related cases. From 2009 to 2012, he served as the ICC’s Second Vice-President.
Judge Kaul also served for several years on various committees related to the Permanent Premises: he was chairman of the Inter-Organ Committee on the Permanent Premises (2003-2008), the senior representative of the Court in the Jury of the International Architectural Design Competition, and contributed to the work of the Oversight Committee of States Parties, playing an important pioneering role in the process which eventually led to the planning and construction of the ICC’s future permanent home.
Judge Kaul made significant contributions to the development of the ICC and international law even before being elected as an ICC Judge. In 2002, he was appointed Ambassador and Commissioner of the Federal Foreign Office for the International Criminal Court. From 1996 to 2003 he participated as head of the German delegation in the discussions and negotiation process of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. Previous to that, in his capacity as Head of the Public International Law Division of the Federal Foreign Office (1996 – 2002), he was responsible, inter alia, for several cases involving Germany which were before the International Court of Justice. He published extensively on the International Criminal Court and other fields of public international law.
Condolence books will be available at the lobby of the main entrance of the International Criminal Court (Maanweg 174, The Hague, Netherlands) and of the public entrance (Regulusweg, The Hague, Netherlands) from 23 to 25 July 2014. Messages of condolence can also be sent by letter to the President of the Court Judge Sang-Hyun Song and by email to: .
Trinidad and Tobago fêtes at the rhythm of carnival in Rotterdam
By Baron Henri Estramant.
On Thursday, 17 July 2014 Her Excellency Ambassador Margaret King-Rousseau, and her husband Ambassador Learie Rousseau (himself having held the same ambassadorial posts previously) held a reception at the Manhattan Hotel to honour a visiting carnival delegation in Rotterdam.
Ambassador Margaret King-Rousseau is accredited to The Netherlands but resident in Brussels. The embassy also covers Luxemburg, France, Belgium, the Holy See as well as the EU.
The Republic of Trinidad and Tobago gained independence from the UK in 1962 as a Commonwealth Realm, that is, retaining Queen Elizabeth II as Head of State. However in 1976 the country became a republic. The islands’ carnival is the largest and most colourful event; annually held on the Monday and Tuesday before Ash Wednesday in Trinidad and Tobago. This year it was held on 3 and 4 March.
Trinidad and Tobago boasts a multicultural society (i.e., Amerindian, European, African, Indian, Chinese and Middle Eastern). All of its groups have contributed to the musical influences and sounds of carnival which thus distinguish themselves from the others carnivals held around the globe.