Charles Blé Goudé transferred to the ICC

Direct from the ICC. Situation: Côte d’Ivoire Case: The Prosecutor v. Charles Blé Goudé Today, on 22 March 2014, Charles Blé Goudé was surrendered to the International Criminal Court (ICC) by the national authorities of Côte d´Ivoire following a warrant of arrest issued by the ICC on 21 December 2011. He is being transferred to the ICC detention Centre at The Hague, Netherlands. Pre-Trial Chamber I will set a date for the initial appearance hearing in due course.  During the initial appearance hearing, the Chamber will verify the identity of the suspect and the language in which he is able to follow the proceedings. He will be informed of the charges against him. The date and time of the initial appearance hearing will be announced in due course by a media advisory and on the ICC Twitter account. Background: On 30 September 2013, ICC Judges unsealed an arrest warrant against Charles Blé Goudé, initially issued on 21 December 2011. Charles Blé Goudé, national of Côte d’Ivoire, 42 years of age, allegedly bears individual criminal responsibility, as indirect co-perpetrator, for four counts of crimes against humanity, namely murder, rape and other forms of sexual violence, persecution, and other inhuman acts, allegedly committed in the territory of Côte d’Ivoire between 16 December 2010 and 12 April 2011. Pre-Trial Chamber I is composed of Judges Silvia Fernández de Gurmendi (presiding judge) Hans-Peter Kaul and Christine van den Wyngaert. The arrest warrant against Charles Blé Goudé is one of the 3 arrest warrants issued until now by the ICC in the context of the Court’s investigation in Côte d’Ivoire. On 3 October 2011, Pre-Trial Chamber III granted the Prosecutor’s request for authorisation to open investigations proprio motu into the situation in Côte d’Ivoire with respect to alleged crimes within the Court’s jurisdiction, committed since 28 November 2010, as well as with regard to crimes that may be committed in the future in the context of this situation. On 22 February 2012, Pre-Trial Chamber III expanded its authorisation to include crimes within the Court’s jurisdiction allegedly committed between 19 September 2002 and 28 November 2010.  The ICC Office of the Prosecutor’s investigation in Côte d’Ivoire is on-going. Côte d’Ivoire had accepted the Court’s jurisdiction on 18 April 2003 and this was reconfirmed by the Ivoirian Presidency on 14 December 2010 and 3 May 2011. On 15 February 2013, Côte d’Ivoire ratified the Rome Statute.

New Alliance Française


The Alliance Française Awaits You

By Nicole Pierre. It was a beautiful day in The Hague and the perfect day for an inauguration. Surrounded by the picturesque backdrop of The Hague’s city center, the Alliance Française de la Haye held the official opening ceremony of its new location in the prestigious Berlage Kantoor on Wednesday March 19, 2014. His Excellency Ambassador Pierre Ménat, Martin Beyer Director, Richard Schreurs, President and Marcel Bugter, President of the Federation of Alliance Françaises des Pays Bas, welcomed ambassadors from the various Francophone communities in The Hague, invited guests and sponsors alike. Ambassador Ménat, in his speech, highlighted the linguistic and cultural importance of the Alliance Française as well as the significant ongoing Franco- Dutch connections. The morning ended with a toast and well wishes for the prosperous future of the Alliance Française de La Haye.

1 billion for Ukraine

1 billion in emergency aid to Ukraine.
Directly from the European Commission.
The European Commission today presented a proposal for macro-financial assistance to Ukraine in the form of 1 billion in loans over the medium term. This proposal is likely to be approved by the Council of Ministers in the coming weeks and is part of the large aid package (11 billion), the European Council has already approved on March 6.
Olli Rehn, Vice-President of the European Commission, said: “It is in the essential interest of Ukraine and of the EU to maintain peace and political and financial stability in our continent This financial aid will help in stabilizing sing the worsening financial situation in Ukraine and. Therefore will be one vital part of Achieving a solution to the crisis. “
This support will help Ukraine with a part of his urgent external financing needs in the context of the Stability and reform program currently being prepared with the assistance of the IMF.
These micro-financial assistance is funded by the EU capital market lending, which in turn are “lent” to Ukraine.

Stanislav Harangozó: Greeting from Slovakia

                            The Embassy of the Slovak Republic in The Hague has the pleasure to invite you to the Fine Art Exhibition Opening of works by Associate Prof. Stanislav Harangozó, a talented draftsman and colourist. The vernissage will take place on April 3, 2014 at the World Trade Centre Art Gallery (Prinses Margrietplantsoen 33, The Hague) at 5 p.m. The Exhibition Opening of Stanislav Harangozó, whose blending of figurative and landscape motifs enhances your imagination and painting´s metaphorical sense, will be accompanied by a guitar music performance of Ondrej Veselý.

Panorama Mesdag

An excellent exhibit at Panorama Mesdag in the Hague.

Hellenic Presidency of the Council of the European Union

In the framework of the Hellenic Presidency of the Council of the European Union in the first half of 2014, the Embassy of Greece to the Kingdom of the Netherlands in collaboration with the European Commission Representation in the Netherlands was organized  a Lecture entitled: “The other face of the Euro crisis” Key-note speakers: Martin Visser Reporter and columnist for EenVandaag, De Telegraaf, BNR Nieuwsradio and Writer of the Book “De Eurocrisis” and Dr. ir. Nikos Kalogera, Assistant Professor of Marketing-Finance, Co-director of the Marketing-Finance Research Lab & MSc program, Maastricht University,  Research Chair of the  International Center for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies, Paris, France. The lecture was followed by discussion and cocktail

Walks 4 water

The International School of The Hague – Walks 4 Water with Sister Schools. On Wednesday, 19 March at 9:00 650 students from years 4-9 will set off from The International School of The Hague (ISH) to Walk4Water. Each student will walk a total of 6 kilometers carrying 3 – 6 liters of water to raise money and awareness for children in Bangladesh, in the same week as World Water Day (21/3). This year, ISH students will be accompanied by students from their Rijnlands Lyceum sister schools; ENMS (EersteNederlandsMontessoriSchool) and ESH (European School The Hague). In many developing countries women and children spend many hours per day walking in order to get water, which in many cases is not even clean water. The Max Foundation would like to change this together with the Aqua for All Foundation. Aqua for All ,joined by water companies and municipal water authorities, have developed initiatives to provide clean drinking water and introduce proper sanitation in developing countries. The Max Foundation aims to prevent child mortality through local WASH projects in Bangladesh. A combination of WAter wells, Sanitation (latrines) and Hygiene education is the most effective and most cost efficient way to combat child mortality and at the same time give small town communities perspective on the future. All money raised through this fundraising initiative will be used by the Max Foundation for its sanitation projects in Bangladesh. The Max Foundation will be able to build a water sanitation complex at schools in Bangladesh.  This means that with your help these students will have safe water, toilets and education about hygiene.  For more information please visit the websites: and Last year the ISH walked with 4 year groups, raising a total of €4367,- With help and sponsorship from family members and the wider community we hope to raise even more this year.   Ingrid McKenna Assistant Principal Year 5 & 6  

Royal Talents for HRH Princess Beatrix

Royal Academy of Music offers HRH Princess Beatrix special performance

On Friday 14 March, HRH Princess Beatrix was offered a special performance in the auditorium, the Kees van Baarenzaal, in The Hague. The performance was entirely carried out by the pupils of the School for Young Talents, in which music, dance and visual arts alternated with and completed each other.  In this manner the Academy of Music wished to express its appreciation and reverence for all Princess Beatrix had meant to the arts and in particular to music and dance during her reign. The programme of this special performance was performed by approximately 170 pupils aged between 10 and 18 of the School voor Jong Talent (School for Young Talents). That night, the music pupils of Jong KC played in the Atheneum Chamber Orchestra and various ensembles, during which they alternated with or were completed by the dancers of the Dancing Academy. The fine arts pupils took care of the visual design during the scene changes and a small exposition in the foyer. The programme gave an impression of their joy and enthusiasm and an outline of the excellence and diversity to which these young talents are challenged day by day.  

Narcisse Arido makes first appearance before the ICC

On 20 March 2014, Narcisse Arido appeared before the Single Judge of Pre-Trial Chamber II of the International Criminal Court (ICC), Judge Cuno Tarfusser, at the seat of the ICC in The Hague (The Netherlands). He is suspected of offences against the administration of justice allegedly committed in connection with the case The Prosecutor v. Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo, consisting of corruptly influencing witnesses before the ICC and presenting evidence that they knew to be false or forged. The hearing was held in the presence of the Prosecution and the Defence. Narcisse Arido was represented by his duty counsel Xavier-Jean Keїta. The Single Judge verified the identity of the suspect and ensured that he was clearly informed of the charges brought against him and of his rights under the Rome Statute of the ICC. The Single Judge reminded the parties of the calendar set for expeditious proceedings leading to the confirmation of charges decision. With a confirmation of charges decision, Judges determine whether there is sufficient evidence to establish substantial grounds to believe that the person committed each of the crimes charged. If the charges are confirmed, the Pre-Trial Chamber commits the case for trial before a Trial Chamber, which will conduct the subsequent phase of the proceedings: the trial. The Single Judge explained that the determinations on the confirmation of the charges will be made on the basis of written submissions, without holding a hearing, due to the nature of the charges in the case.

Exposition José Toledo in Wassenaar

By Drs. Eva Maria Mennes. From March 16 on to the end of April the famous artist José Toledo from Guatemala will present his sculptures in front of the town hall of Wassenaar De Paauw. This exposition straight from Guatemala has been in Europe before last summer at the Maison de l’ Amerique Latine in Paris and in Geneva at the Palais des Nation. You are kindly invited to the opening of this exhibition, which will be inaugurated by the mayor of Wassenaar, Drs. Jan Th. Hoekema in the presence of the ambassador of Guatemala, ir. Jorge Lemcke and the ambassador of Mexico, Mr. Eduardo Ibarrola. The exposition in an initiative of the embassy of Guatemala executed by EVA Artproductions Foundation.