Spectacular National Day Oman

By Bonnie Klap. Click here for more beautiful pictures of this very special National Day: http://www.flickr.com/photos/98057281@N02/sets/ The Ambassador of the Sultanate of Oman to the Kingdom of The Netherlands, Muhammed bin Harub Al Said, hosted a grand reception on the occasion of the 43rd National Day Anniversary. The Ambassador started his speech in excellent Dutch, which impressed not only the many Dutch guests, but for which he received ample praise from former Prime Minister Professor Jan Peter Balkenende and Professor Andreas van Agt, both guests of honour this evening. Hundreds of guests had come to congratulate the Ambassador underscoring the importance of the bilateral relations between Oman and The Netherlands.

Netherlands to launch bilateral cooperation forums with Israel and Palestinian Territories


From 7 to 9 December 2013, Prime Minister Mark Rutte will visit Israel and the Palestinian Territories to launch bilateral cooperation forums with the two administrations.

He will be accompanied by Frans Timmermans, Minister of Foreign Affairs, and Lilianne Ploumen, Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation. They will be joined later in Israel by Henk Kamp, Minister of Economic Affairs. Dutch trade delegations will travel to Israel and the Palestinian Territories. The bilateral cooperation forums will strengthen the Netherlands’ good bilateral relations with Israel and the Palestinian Territories. The overarching theme of both forums is about innovation, with the initial emphasis on agrifood, energy, and water. For the Palestinian Territories, digital technology is also important. As well as government bodies, the forums’ participants include businesses, research institutes, and non-governnmental organisations. The Netherlands wants to use its good relations with Israel and the Palestinian Territories to contribute where possible to peace and security in the Middle East. The bilateral cooperation forums will be held once every two years, alternately in the Netherlands and respectively in Israel and the Palestinian Territories. The Netherlands has similar cooperation agreements with France, Germany, and Poland.  

Angola ‘Rumo ao Progresso’

By Roy Lie A Tjam.  Last Monday 11 November, the Republic of Angola celebrated its independence and this important occasion marked by a night of splendour on 14th when H.E. Dr Luis José de Almeida doyen of the Angolan diplomacy, Ambassador for Angola and Mrs Almeida hosted an important gala dinner in the grandeur of the Steigenberger Kurhaus Hotel. Ambassador Almeida gave an insightful update on the progress Angola has made over the past 38 years since independence. He addressed the delegates on the May preselect, including education, health and infrastructure policies. Angola: ‘Rumo ao Progresso’ she is indeed surging ahead and the Republic looks unfazed to her future! The guest of honour at the festivities was Mr. Paul Staal, Dutch consultant and a key leader in the 1960’s and 70’s of the activist movement Angola Comité, which fervently supported the Angolan struggle for independence. The special guest at the dinner was the representative of the Angola Steel Corporation, Ms.Almeida. The programme included a wonderful interactive musical performance by the renowned Angolan ensemble Kilandukilu Angola, who flew in especially for the celebrations. Click here for pictures about this magnificent event: http://www.flickr.com/photos/98057281@N02/sets/

Arrestation de quatre suspects pour subornation de témoins

Directly from the ICC. Affaire Bemba : Arrestation de quatre suspects pour subornation de témoins ; Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo suspecté des mêmes charges Les 23 et 24 novembre 2013, les autorités néerlandaises, françaises, belges et de la République Démocratique du Congo ont procédé à l’arrestation de quatre suspects pour des atteintes présumées à l’administration de la justice dans le contexte de l’affaire Le Procureur c. Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo, suite à un mandat d’arrêt délivré par le juge unique de la Chambre préliminaire II de Cour pénale internationale (CPI), M. le juge Cuno Tarfusser. Ce mandat d’arrêt, pour les mêmes charges, a également été signifié à Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo au quartier pénitentiaire de la CPI où il est détenu depuis le 3 juillet 2008. M. le juge Cuno Tarfusser avait, le 20 novembre 2013, délivré un mandat d’arrêt à l’encontre de Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo, son conseil principal Aimé Kilolo Musamba, Jean-Jacques Mangenda Kabongo (membre de l’équipe de la défense de M. Bemba, chargé de la gestion des dossiers de l’affaire), Fidèle Babala Wandu (membre du Parlement congolais, Secrétaire général adjoint du Mouvement pour la Libération du Congo), et Narcisse Arido (témoin cité à comparaître par la Défense). Le juge unique a considéré qu’il y a des motifs raisonnables de croire que les personnes susmentionnées ont engagé leur responsabilité pénale en commettant des atteintes à l’administration de la justice (article 70 du Statut de Rome), consistant en la subornation de témoins devant la CPI et en la production d’éléments de preuve faux ou falsifiés en connaissance de cause. Les suspects auraient constitué un réseau aux fins de produire des documents faux ou falsifiés et de corrompre certaines personnes afin qu’elles fassent de faux témoignages dans l’affaire concernant M. Bemba. Les autorités belges ont arrêté Aimé Kilolo Musamba, les autorités néerlandaises ont arrêté Jean-Jacques Mangenda Kabongo, tandis que Narcisse Arido a été arrêté par les autorités françaises suite aux demandes d’arrestation et de remise que leur avait adressées la CPI. Ils seront remis à la CPI ultérieurement conformément aux procédures judiciaires applicables dans ces trois pays. Fidèle Babala Wandu a été arrêté par les autorités de la République démocratique du Congo et est en cours de transfert à La Haye. La date de l’audience de sa première comparution devant la CPI sera annoncée prochainement. Les autorités ont également coopéré avec la CPI aux fins de la perquisition de lieux concernant les suspects. Le juge unique de la Chambre préliminaire II a également demandé aux Etats concernés de localiser et geler les avoirs des suspects. Le Greffier de la CPI, Herman von Hebel, a exprimé au nom de la CPI sa gratitude aux autorités de ces Etats pour leur coopération, rappelant qu’il s’agit des premières arrestations pour de telles charges devant la CPI. Le procès de Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo, président et commandant en chef présumé du Mouvement de libération du Congo, s’est ouvert le 22 novembre 2010, pour deux chefs de crimes contre l’humanité (viol et meurtre) et trois chefs de crimes de guerre (viol, meurtre et pillage) prétendument commis en République centrafricaine.

Pour toute information complémentaire, veuillez contacter Fadi El Abdallah, Porte-parole et Chef de l’Unité des affaires publiques, Cour pénale internationale, au +31 (0)70 515-9152 ou +31 (0)6 46448938 ou à l’adresse fadi.el-abdallah@icc-cpi.int.

The Hague in the world and the World in The Hague

                        By Roy Lie A Tjam. Click here for more pictures: http://www.flickr.com/photos/98057281@N02/sets/ On Tuesday 19 November 2013 a group of local residents, Hagnaars, and members of The Hague international community, came together for a Hague Bridge event in Valkenbos, city district Segbroek. The internationals were from: Bhutan, Singapore, Russia, Lebanon, Cote d’Ivoire and other countries. A varied programme was planned for the evening, which included a lecture on Dutch customs and a dance performance, that the guests enjoyed while sampling Dutch and African food. Hague Bridge, a program of the Municipality of The Hague under the acumen management of Dr. Willem Post, has, as it’s main objective the enhancing of interaction between Hagenaars and expatriates , diplomats and internationals. On this evening this was certainly attained.      

H.E. Pierre Menat, en l’honneur de la Francophonie

En l’honneur de Monsieur le Président Abdou Diouf, Secrétaire général de la Francophonie, et a l’occasion de la deuxième session de l’Assemblée des Etats Parties de la Cour pénale internationale, H.E. Ambassadeur de France aux Pays Bas, Pierre Ménat, has received selected guests for a déjeuner-buffet at his residence here in The Hague on Wednesday 20 November, Résidence de France Tobias Asserlaan 1.  Click here for more pictures: http://www.flickr.com/photos/98057281@N02/sets/ Pictures: Emy COTTET-DUMOULIN – Ambassade de France aux Pays-Bas. 

King’s Day Belgium

By Bonnie Klap. November 15 is a special day for the Belgian Monarchy. Since 1866 the day has  been marked by celebrations in honor of the Belgian Monarch. The tradition was started by King Leopold II, who was the second King of Belgium. On November 15  His Excellency Mr. Frank Geerkens, Ambassador of Belgium to The Netherlands, hosted a reception at his residence to celebrate King’s Day. The reception was attended by a great number of guests, amongst whom several well-known Dutch politicians. For more pictures about this event and other diplomatic gatherings please click here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/98057281@N02/sets/

The Alliance Francaise awaits you!

                              At the Alliance Française of The Hague, a team of highly qualified teachers awaits you to meet your language needs. The Alliance Française of the Netherlands is part of an international network, comprising of 950 centers in over 150 countries worldwide. The name “Alliance Française” is an international label: it stands for quality and efficiency for French language training and communication. LOGO.ALLIANCE.FRSpoken by 220 million people on all five continents, French is the official language of diplomatic exchange and is therefore one of the requirements of the most prominent international organizations including international courts and tribunals, the United Nations, the European Union, the African Union… and of course the OIF – Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie.  In The Hague, the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yougoslavia, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of The Netherlands, Oxfam/Novib, Schindler Elevator Corporation, and The Hague University (Department of Law) already figure amongst our current clients. As such, fluency in French has become a “master-key” to improving the quality of international relations and business negotiations with your French and Francophone peers. The language courses provided by the Alliance Française de La Haye are conducted by professional and dynamic native speakers who are specialized in Business French, Legal French and Diplomatic French. Besides a solid international experience, all our teachers have obtained the relevant academic qualifications for teaching French as a foreign language thus reinforcing their skills and efficiencies. At the Alliance Française we use a variety of learning material including authentic and original documents which are geared towards your professional, institutional or personal requirements. Working with new and updated information technology is yet another way in which we deliver the best teaching experience and this includes the use of the interactive whiteboard, as well as material from TV5 Monde and RFI – Radio France International. There is also the availability of modern multimedia and audio equipment, linked to a specific database consisting of original documents allowing you to sign up for an active and hands-on learning program. Our courses are all “tailor-made” which means that they are specifically designed for you. Rapid, efficient, immediately applicable, and most importantly, adaptable to your schedule is what the Alliance Française is prepared to offer you. Official partner of the French Embassy in the Netherlands, the Alliance Française is also an accredited examination center for diplomas and certificates which are recognized and accepted worldwide, such as DELF/DALF, TCF, TEF, DAEFLE… Our administrative staff is more than happy to take care of all your administrative work from the organization of your classes. We offer service from A-Z including the proposal of convenient schedules, creating different groups based on individual competencies, checking the availability of learning material, as well as informing you about certificates, diplomas, and test levels. You don’t have to worry any of this. You are an individual or a corporation wishing to train staff-members in groups: we are there to take care for you! Please contact Morgane THEBAULT for more information and a personal appointment: pedagogie@aflahaye.nl  We will be more than happy to collaborate with you and to contribute to your success. À très bientôt Martin Beyer, director

Tropenmuseum expands its photo collection

The Tropenmuseum commissioned Anoek Steketee to photograph an remarkable phenomenon in Indonesia: ‘plesiran tempo doeloe’. A new leisure activity in which men and women, young and old, recreate aspects of the colonial past by dressing in period costumes and role play. This commission is the first in a series in which the Tropenmuseum invites leading contemporary photographers to respond to the historical photo collection of the Royal Tropical Institute. http://www.tropenmuseum.com/-/MUS/5341/Tropenmuseum

Ambassador Karabaranga present credentials at OPCW

By: Willem Versteegh, Communication Expert at Embassy of the Republic of Rwanda. On Wednesday October 9, 2013 Ambassador Jean Pierre KARABARANGA presented the credentials letters to the Director General of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons/OPCW Ambassador Ahmet Uzumcu. Ambassador Jean Pierre was accompanied by Minister Counselor Guillaume KAVARUGANDA. The Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) is an intergovernmental Organizations located in The Hague. The Organization promotes and verifies the adherence to the Chemical Weapons Convention which prohibits of the use of chemical weapons and requires their destruction. The organization is not an agency of the United Nations but cooperates both on policy and practical issues. The headquarters were officially opened by Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands on 20 May 1998. During their discussion Ambassador Jean Pierre KARABARANGA informed the Director General of the OPCW that the Republic of Rwanda does not possess chemical weapons and assure him the willingness of the Government of Rwanda to cooperate fully with the OPCW Secretariat in eradication of the chemical weapons worldwide. Ambassador KARABARANGA informed him that Rwanda has a national law dedicated specifically to the chemical weapons. He emphasizes that the Rwandan National Police and other relevant institutions has received proper trainings to deal with the use of chemicals weapons in case of need. KARABARANGA reiterate the need to work together to avoid that Chemical weapons gets in hands of terrorist groups. On 30 April 2004, Rwanda becomes the 162nd State Party to the OPCW. At that time there were 40 African countries that were Member States in the said Organization. As of today 190 countries are members of the OPCW. Rwanda joined the OPCW together with Sao Tome and Principe, Cape Verde, Libya and Chad. On the 12 May 2011, Rwanda acceded to the Executive Council of the OPCW until May 2013. The Executive Council consists of 41 members who are elected by the Conference of State Parties for a term of two years. On 1st – 3rd November, 2011- The Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) Technical Secretariat carried out a Technical Assistance Visit (TAV) to Rwanda. The Director General thanked the Rwandan Government for their tangible results in the promotion of the total elimination worldwide of chemical weapons.