Good signs of recovering for the Netherlands

Directly from the European Commission.
WINTER FORECAST EU: Recovery continues
On the basis of about 180 indicators such include GDP, inflation, employment and public finances, the European Commission provides a forecast for economic growth in the European Union, the euro area and their main trading partners. For the first time this forecast casts a look ahead to 2014 and 2015.
The forecasts are the basis for economic monitoring procedures under the European Semester. They are analyzes made ​​by the country desks of the Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs of the European Commission (DG ECFIN).
NETHERLANDS: Economic recovery after two years of recession
Economic growth was positive in the second quarter of 2013 and gaining strength in 2014 and 2015. In 2014, it is still driven by investments. Due to rising domestic demand this growth will accelerate in 2015. Unemployment is at first level will drop to slow towards the end of the forecast horizon. The budget deficit remains close to the 3% of GDP.
You can find the full forecast for Netherlands in Annex or at:
General forecast
According to the winter forecast of the European Commission, the economic recovery in most Member States and in the EU by. Now the economy since the spring of 2013 is no longer in recession and is expected. A moderate increase in economic growth after three consecutive quarters of subdued recovery, Following a real GDP growth of 1.5% in the EU and 1.2% in the euro area in 2014, the activity would accelerate in 2015 to 2.0% in the EU and 1.8% in the eurozone. These figures are revised each compared with autumn 2013 forecast. Upwards by 0.1 percentage point

Diplomat of the Year Awards 2014 at Carlton

The Hague, the Netherlands. HEAD OF DIPLOMATIC MISSIONS, PLEASE RESERVE THE DATE*. Fifteen Highest Diplomatic Awards to Head of Diplomatic Missions and diplomats accredited to the Kingdom of the Netherlands. The Gala-dinner awards ceremony recognises the outstanding achievements of The Hague’s diplomatic community, who are trying to better enhance their nation’s well-being or excelling in bilateral & multilateral relations. The awards  represents  some of the most influential diplomats in this country. Carlton.Ambassador.2This extraordinary event (first of its kind in the Netherlands’ history)  will be covered by the Dutch and International media, in the presence of distinguished foreign and national dignitaries**.  Selected venue: Carlton Ambassador Hotel, The Hague.  
* More information will follow soon.
**For security reasons, some Dutch dignitaries’ attending this event will  be announced at very last minute.
For special queries, please email: carlton.ambassador  

Kuwait National&Liberation Day

National Day of Kuwait, magnificent event ! On the occasion of the 53th Anniversary of the National Day of the State of Kuwait & the 23rd Anniversary of the Liberation Day, the Ambassador of Kuwait, H.E. Hafeez Mohammad Saleem Al-Ajmi hosted one of the most magnificent diplomatic receptions in recent years at Kurhaus. Some 300 + guests responded to the invitation. It was a culinary-promotional event at the highest level. Guests started to arrive even half hour before scheduled. Diplomat Magazine’s photographer Henri Arvidsson has the results with his camera during a session of colorful pictures taken on Thursday, February 20th, 2014 at Kurhaus.



Kosovo National Day Celebration

By Enitsa Gabrovska. Photo album of this event here: On 17th February H.E. Ms. Vjosa Dobruna, Ambassador of Kosovo, held a reception to mark the 6th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kosovo. The reception took place at the Carlton Ambassador Hotel. H.E. Ms. Dobruna addressed the distinguished guests on the occasion of Kosovo’s National Day and welcomed everyone to raise a glass in celebration. The guests also had the opportunity to try traditional jams after “granny’s recipe” from Eastern Kosovo offered by local company Ask Foods.


H.E. James Lambert to host Diplomats Meet Greet in March 6th

                            His Excellency James Lambert, Ambassador of Canada to the Netherlands will be hosting Diplomats Meet & Greet on Thursday, March 6th at Carlton Ambassador Hotel in The Hague, 6pm. This is announced to be a Canadian evening !!!Canadian

Sulfur Mustard Delivered to Latakia and Removed from Syria

Directly from the OPCW in The Hague. Consignment of Sulfur Mustard Delivered to Latakia and Removed from Syria The Government of Syria today transported a fourth consignment of chemicals, a quantity of sulfur mustard, to the port of Latakia where it was loaded onto a cargo ship and removed from the country. The sulfur mustard is one of five “priority chemicals” in Syria’s chemical weapons programme and will be destroyed at sea aboard a U.S. vessel, the MV Cape Ray. “The removal of this sulfur mustard is an encouraging and positive development,” said the OPCW Director-General, Ambassador Ahmet Üzümcü. “Much work nonetheless remains to be done, and we look to the Syrian Government to accelerate its efforts to transfer the remaining chemicals in regular, predictable and systematic movements.” For more details on the OPCW’s activities in Syria, visit our special web page at: As the implementing body for the Chemical Weapons Convention, the OPCWoversees the global campaign to permanently eliminate these weapons. Since its entry into force in 1997 the Convention has become the fastest growing arms treaty in history with 190 States Parties, and 82%  of all declared chemical arsenals have already been destroyed under OPCW verification – an unprecedented achievement in the annals of disarmament.

Kwibuka 20 commemoration in The Hague

By Roy Lie A Tjam. On Friday 14 February 2014, Ambassador Jean Pierre Karabaranga hosted the Kwibuka20, honoring its heroes of the “Rwanda massacre” for the 20th time. The solemn event was attended by; officials of the Dutch government, Ambassadors, Friends of Rwanda, Rwandan nationals living in the Netherlands and others. Ms.Josephine, who survived the carnage, delivered a very moving testimony. Dr. Jan Pronk, former Dutch Minister for Development Cooperation from 1989 to 1998 was the guest of honor, Dr Pronk delivered the keynote address. The event was concluded with a reception.

Exceptional Awards at MINBUZA

By John Dunkelgrün. Every Yad Vashem ceremony is special: it honours people, who with direct danger to their own lives and those of their families, try to save their fellow men. Yad Vashem is the institute in Jerusalem that honours those non Jews who, during the days of the Shoa, decided to risk all to save Jews. But it has a much wider relevance in that it teaches us all that there are situations in which we have to go against the crowd, even against direct orders, to “do the right thing”. This was emphasised by Minister Timmermans in a ceremony to commemorate Mr. Joseph Willem Kolkman ,the under consul of The Netherlands in Vichy France. It was only the second time in the history of Yad Vashem that an organization (in this case the Dutch Ministery of Foreign Affairs) in stead of a person received the award for a deceased “Righteous among the Nations”. Mr. Kolkman managed to get hundreds of Dutch citizens out of the camps where the French concentrated fugitives from the Nazi occupied countries. He housed and fed them in a large villa he had rented and furnished them with (often falsified) papers to transit Spain and Portugal and go to England, the Dutch West Indies or The United States. He facilitated the escape -and so saved the lives- of many Jews, young Dutchmen and women who wanted to join the fight against the Nazis (the so called “Engelandvaarders”) and others who just wanted to bring their families to safety. When he was ordered to “close shop” and leave, he refused because there were so many more people who needed help. After the Germans took over Vichy France in November 1942 he and his wife tried to cross into Spain, but were arrested. His wife was released but Kolkman was sent to the camps in Poland and perished. More than 70 people gathered Monday in the stately Van Kleffenszaal of the Ministery of Foreign Affairs to hear the testimony by two sons of people saved by Mr. Kolkman and the archivist/historian Mr. S.F.M. Plantinga. The award was handed to the Secretary General Ms. Jones-Bos by the Ambassador of Israel, H.E. Mr. Haim Divon.

Diplomats in Wageningen.

By Robert Buurke, publisher Diplomat Magazine, bridging the gap. On the occasion of the Global Research Alliance on Agricultural Greenhouse gases (GRA) and on behalf of the Ministry of Economic Affairs a diplomatic event took place at Tuesday 11th of February 2014. More than 30 Ambassadors of so called non member countries gathered in the morning at the Ministry of Economic Affairs at Bezuidenhoutseweg 73 and they were welcomed by Roald Laperre, Deputy Director-General for Agro which opening was followed by a speech on the role of the GRA in meeting global challenges by Matthew Hooper, Ministry of Primary Industries, Government of New Zealand. Besides, H.E. Dr Alvaro Moerzinger, Ambassador of Uruguay gave some very interesting perspectives of his country about membership of the Global Research on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases. The morning programme ended with an output and outcomes of the Global Research on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases by prof. dr. ir. R. Rabbinge, the vice-chair of the Global Research on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases.. In the afternoon, the Deputy Director-General of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Ambassadors, authorities, alliance delegates and distinguished guests visited the Wageningen University and Research Centre which is situated in the eastern part of The Netherlands and which University is supervised by the Ministry of Economic Affairs. After an opening speech by Martin Scholten, general director Animal Science Group of Wageningen University and co-chair of the Livestock Research Group both the so-called Unifarm as well as the respiration chambers at CARUS programme were visited. In the end of this interesting programme a reception was offered by the University of Wageningen. All Ambassodors enjoyed this very interesting programme and they will certainly keep in contact with the University of Wageningen in refer to the Global Research on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases!            

Farewell, Ambassador Gharib Abadi

By Bonnie Klap — An endless stream of cars filled the street leading up to the residence of His Excellency Mr. Gharib Abadi in Wassenaar, as hundreds of guests attended the reception hosted by Ambassador Gharib  Abadi on the occasion of the 35th  Anniversary of the Islamic Revolution of Iran and to bid farewell. Ambassador Gharib  Abadi will return to Iran after serving his country as Ambassador of Iran  to The Netherlands for 4 years. In his speech he touched on the relations between Iran and The Netherlands which date back  400 years. Ambassador  Gharib Abadi also emphasized the fact that Iran is a peace-loving nation.