In Support of “Silent Night”

    In a  series of “wonderfully awful” decisions which have seemingly sprung straight from the pages of ”How the Grinch Stole Christmas”, Dr. Seuss’ beloved mid century children’s story, the news  broke on Friday, November 15, that “Silent Night” had been scrapped from the Dutch Catholic Churchs’ newly published song book (liedboek).  One day later, in a brief, but well placed  announcement in the “Nieuws” section of  the NRC Handelsblad, readers learned that  “Silent Night”, or “Stille Nacht”, as it is known in Dutch, was “redacted” by the Dutch bishops from the approved song list along with 300-400 other “traditional songs”.  As is commonly known, the media, especially the Dutch media, is often dismissive, if not outright contemptuous, of the Catholic Church, so one must first ask, can it really be true?  Has a surreptitious attempt been made to secretively silence the singing of “Silent Night”? If asked, Norbertine monk, Joost Jansen, director of the Berne Abbey in Heeswijk-Dinther, where the song books are published, would likely respond positively.  In fact, he already has. In recent interviews, he has cited a number of reasons for the bishops’ decision to scuttle the song, but is courageously singing  it out, for there will be no silencing of  the joy of “Silent Night” in his abbey during Advent!  The Christmas carol controversy shows no signs of being quelled. Two days ago, Bishop Jan Liesen of Breda, in an open letter published on the official website of the Roman Catholic Church (, clearly stated that “folk” songs require approval by both the Dutch Bishops Conference, presumably in the form of a valid decree, and the Holy See and that this has been the case since 2001. Conspicuously absent from the letter, however, is any  reference to the “Directory on Popular Piety and Liturgy”, published by the Holy See’s Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of Sacraments, which is available for review on the Holy See’s official website. To date—it seems that none of the parties weighing in on the matter have referred to the guidelines.  In stark contrast to the various opinions being expressed locally, on the subject of traditional songs such as “Silent Night, Holy Night”; the directory, formally introduced by papal decree and in a 21 September, 2001 address by His Holiness, Bl. John Paul II, actively encourages the use of popular devotions and pious practices such as the singing of traditional songs during Advent. In fact, bishops have been called  to take a “positive and encouraging stance with regard to popular religiosity, unless there are patently obvious reason to the contrary”. While all of this may sound like “much ado about nothing”, serious singers should be asking, why has “Silent Night, Holy Night” become a subject of so much discussion?  According to Michael Neureiter, President of the Silent Night Society , in a press release published electronically on the society’s website;  Silent Night,  is above all, a “Carol of Peace”.  Nearly  200 years after the song was performed for the first time before an appreciative public;  it has spread across the world and been translated into more than 300 languages and dialects.  In the process, it has become a “fixed part of festivals and celebrations” during the Advent season.   In 2011, the Silent Night Society successfully applied to UNESCO to have the song included on Austria’s national list of UNESCO’s Immaterial Cultural Heritage.   More recently, the society applied for the European Cultural Heritage Label, an EU initiative, which in the words of the Society’s  spokesmen Michael Neureiter and Eva Reinecker, “has evolved to commend historical sites and places of cultural interest, which symbolize and emphasize European integration, the ideals and history of the European Union”—reason enough, it would seem for the “universality” of this cherished Christmas carol to warrant safeguarding it as a symbol of both Christian and cultural heritage by continuing to include it in the Dutch song book.    

Non-proliferation education and outreach

By Onur Güven, researcher public international law on arms control, disarmament and non-proliferation at the T.M.C. Asser Institute. Already known as the legal capital of the world, The Hague is also, together with Geneva, Vienna and New York City, one of the international centres on disarmament and non-proliferation. To sum some of the qualities in this matter: the city will house the third Nuclear Security Summit in March 2014, the region facilitated the conclusion and establishment of related international treaties and instruments,[1] and most importantly the city is seat for the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW). On December 10 the Nobel Peace Prize Lecture will be held in Oslo as part of the Award Ceremony. The Norwegian Nobel Committee has awarded the OPCW with the Nobel Peace Prize for its “extensive efforts to eliminate chemical weapons [CW]”,[2] thereby honouring The Hague community with another Nobel Peace Prize winner. The OPCW carries extensive efforts, not only to eliminate CW, but also to prevent their reemergence. And it is this latter responsibility, non-proliferation, which is perhaps, in the long run and without underestimating the complexity of the challenges in CW disarmament, a more lasting challenge. The effects of information and communications technology combined with globalisation have rapidly altered our social environment. These changes are amplified by various other scientific and technological developments, including the convergence of chemistry and biology, the advancements in the life sciences, the continuous increase of processing power, and the emergence of applied nanotechnology and 3D-printing. All of these developments carry a dual-use nature, the potential to use them both for peaceful purposes and for hostile purposes. But the line where we have to differentiate between these purposes may not always be evident. These challenges and opportunities underline the importance of raising awareness of the dual-use nature of science and technology and of the ethical framework of conducting research. And of course the importance of the legal framework with regard to the licensing and trading of technology; which surprised the scientists close by in Rotterdam when they published their H5N1 research only to found out that they were required to obtain an export licensing permit in accordance with the Dutch code implementing the Australia Group Common Control List.[3] Media exposure, while perhaps effective on raising awareness on the effects of WMD use and the importance of WMD destruction, may not always suffice. Proliferation risks posed by new technologies may not be so readily identifiable for audiences as the effects of the CW use in Syria entering our household screens. Education and outreach is therefore vital to address some of the core non-proliferations concerns, namely: the role of researchers and the general public in preventing the proliferation of WMDs and their delivery systems. And in this matter The Hague is becoming increasingly prominent through the synergy between the international organisations and community it houses and the various knowledge centres and platforms in nurtures.  

[1]These are: the Hague Declaration concerning Asphyxiating Gases, the Wassenaar Arrangement on Export Controls for Conventional Arms and Dual-Use Goods and Technologies, and the Hague Code of Conduct against Ballistic Missile Proliferation.
[2]The Nobel Peace Prize for 2013’, The Norwegian Nobel Committee, 11 October 2013.
[3]The question remains to be further settled at the Amsterdam Court of Appeal and with potential consequences in the EU and among the Australia Group members.

Carnegie, Inspiring Diplomats

By Dr. Eugenio Matos G., Minister Counselor, Responsible for Public affairs, Dominican Republic Embassy in The Hague, Hon. Associate Publisher of Diplomat Magazine. Looking back a century ago,  viewed from today, Sunday December 1st, 2013*, one of humankind greatest achievements was marked by the opening of the World Court.  On August 28th, 1913, to be precise, the court opened her doors to the world for the first time and with the official opening, The Hague became home to the highest judicial institution on earth. Following nearly a half century of discussion –since 1864 with the sinking of the USS Alabama by the USS Kearsarge during the US Civil War- over the need for the creation of such a judicial entity to be commissioned with the settlement of  disputes through legal arbitration at the international level; her mission was set to begin. Today, the Court is also home to the International Court of Justice (ICJ). The latter, is one of the six principal organs of the United Nations and to date, the ICJ has issued approximately 150 judgments and offered numerous advisory opinions to the UN Security Council. With the opening of the World Court, Andrew Carnegie’s lifelong dream took form, as is  described in “The Dreamer”, the article written for us last summer, by Dr. Willem Post, for the first issue of Diplomat Magazine.  The Peace Palace was financed by Andrew Carnegie, the Scottish-American industrialist, who is remembered today for having been the most well known philanthropist of his age.   In his words and writing at the time; he often referred to the Court as a “Temple of Peace.”  Carnegie was a man whose life was marked by an unwavering thirst for peace, repeatedly saying that, “peaceful arbitration is one of the few causes for which it not only justifiable, but a duty to champion.”, H. Stuart 2013. Thanks to the generous support from the media, both here in The Hague and beyond; the thoughtful input which has been freely offered from persons employed by the many NGOs in our community and the many contributions which have been received from both international volunteers in academic circles and other citizens of goodwill; promotion of public awareness of the Peace Palaces’ noble achievements of the last century to the widest public has been made possible.  Here, in The Hague, we as look to the future, we continue to be inspired by Andrew Carnegie. In June, 2013, diplomats and selected Dutch citizens were moved, during the yearlong centennial of the PeacePalace, to found Diplomat Magazine (DM), the first official diplomatic magazine in the Netherlands.  Honorable Steven van Hoogstraten, general Director of the Carnegie Foundation (Peace Palace) and Treasurer of the Hague Academy of International Law together with the Mayor of The Hague, Mr. Jozias van Aartsen were the guests of honor at the reception held at the Carlton Ambassador during the  launch of the magazine.  Many accredited ambassadors and diplomats to the Netherlands, members of Parliament and distinguished representatives from the academic sector were also present.e.matos-LuisArias-RobertoCalzadilla-ambassador.Malta-ambass.Japan-RoyLie-StevenHoogtraten Peace Palace, June, 2013. Diplomat Magazine’s founders Eugenio Matos G., ambassador Luis Arias (Dominican Republic), ambassador Roberto Calzadilla (Bolivia), Ambassador MartinValentino (Malta), Ambassador Yasumasa Nagamine (Japan), Roy Lie (Associate Editor), Steven van Hoogstraten (Carnegie Foundation and one of the first DM’s contributing writers). But as novel ideas often serve to inspire others towards creativity and change, in the City of Peace and International Relations, a “newborn” to promote The Hague is now enchanting the diplomatic corps, members of international organizations and selected Dutch citizens.  This newly organized institution was very recently founded by Mrs. SBB and former Miss Dominican Republic, Mayelinne De Lara. It has been baptized in the Kingdom of the Netherlands as Diplomat Club The Hague (DCH). There is no doubt that the Vredespaleis was a source of inspiration for her as well, as Mrs. SBBlives behind the Peace Palace. To be more precise, her residence is located directly across the street, at Carnegielaan 11, a symbol for —Son meilleur voisin ? His Excellency, Monsieur Pierre Ménat, Ambassadeur de France. Every morning, Mrs. SBB awakens to a view of Peace Palace silhouetted against a softly illuminated sky and, with the day’s dawn, is inspired by Mr. Carnegie’s vision and optimistic determination to use arbitration of international disputes to bring about world peace. The Hague is proud to welcome Diplomat Magazine and Diplomat Club The Hague, two newly organizations, whose members are working closely together as volunteers, to advance the lofty goals of world peace through diplomacy as articulated by Mr. Carnegie, more than a century ago.  Both DM and DCH are founded as stichtings, non-profit organizations  promoting les relations internationales et la diplomatie dans un milieu de détente et d’informalité. Recently, they have partnered with local authorities, to successfully promote the  Vredespaleis’ magnificent centennial.  In the years to come, they will continue with their stated goal of educating the public about the work of the PeacePalace and, in the process, it is hoped that the Court’s mission and work will become better known and more understood by the world’s peace minded citizens everywhere. Before extending my seasons* greetings and wishing all of you the best for 2014, please open the following links with more info about Diplomat Club The Hague and images when Publisher Robert Buurke, Associate Editor Roy Lee and the subscriber were invited on August 28th to the centennial commemorations.
* December 1st, 2013, is special for the author, the birthday of his beloved son Paul Matos (15), currently in Ottawa, Canada, and date of the 6th edition of Diplomat Magazine.

MoMi seminar

MoMi seminar  By Roy Lie. On Wednesday 27 November, a seminar took place which focussed on MoMi, the Modern Migration Policy Act for foreign investors and the preferential treatment of skilled migrants. The European Investment Council (EIC), under co- chairman, Nico Leerdam, co-organised the seminar with the Ministry of Security and Justice, Interconnection and Limes International, and the Dutch Chinese Young Entrepreneurs and their chair, Mrs Bonnie Xie. H.E. Mr. Fred Teeven, State Secretary of the Ministry of Security and Justice, delivered the keynote address at the event. Teeven expounded on MoMi, seen by many as his brain child, and invited the audience, and also the general public, to come forward with recommendations and constructive criticism. Interconnection explained their expat-related activities, while Limes International called for a closer cooperation between the stakeholders involved in migration. One of the prominent delegates was Dr Van Eekelen, a former government minister who attended with his wife. Van Eekelen hailed Mr Teeven for placing MoMi in the public domain for discussion. He stated that never before has a policy act for foreign investors been discussed in this way. Evaluation of the effectiveness of MoMi will take place next year and the EIC can look back on a successful seminar. For more pictures about this event click here:

FINE ARTS. Fête Du Beaujolais

By Drs. Eva Maria E. Mennes.   France knows how important culture can be to promote a country. One of the most charming ways to advertise ‘La douce France’ in autumn is the Fête Du Beaujolais. Every year it is a tradition at the Wittenburg Castle. Already at the gate a ‘French police man’ guided your car up to the driveway through the wood, lightened with big torches and again a ‘Police man’ helped you to find the way on the driveway. Valet parking took over and you were welcomed with French music on the stairs and at the entrance of course by the manager of the castle Mrs. Hoogeweegen. After a first glass of wine, served by ‘French waitresses’,  21 2CVs, the funny little French cars, crossed the terrace of the castle to bring ‘French Police’, ‘Cancan girls’ and last but not least the excellent chef Jan Willem Rietfeld and his staff all with the French Tricolore and magnum bottles of the new red wine, the Beaujolais Primeur up to the castle. Ralf Meppelder, the general manager of Wittenburg castle shortly greeted the many VIP guests with a charming speech. The celebration was enhanced  with life music by Michiel Borstlap and French songs of the famous Dutch singer Liesbeth List  who interpreted the French icon Edith Piaf. Her beautiful dress was a creation of the Dutch couturier Ronald Kolk, also present, who could easily compete with the best French colleagues. In the Lodewijk zaal the main sponsor of the evening, Mark van Nieuwkerk of jeweller Schaap & Citroen showed samples of the Reverso, the Master Compressor and the Atoms collections of Jaeger Le Coultre watches. The whole evening was an example of class with excellent snacks, different cru wines and of course the new French wine by Jaap and Martijn of Kwast Wijnkopers, the Beaujolais Primeur.

Exchanging experiences on economic and social development

21 participants from various part of the world participated in the training course Local Economic Development, that was organised this month by The Hague Academy for Local Governance. They discussed strategies for fostering economic growth in relation to poverty reduction and social protection. Visits were paid to the municipalities of The Hague and Westland, where they learned about projects to promote entrepreneurship, agriculture and youth employment. The participants came from:   Kenya (UNDP and Social Reform Centre) BosniaHerzegovina (Municipality of Bijeljina) Sudan (Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation) South Africa (BuffaloCity, Amathole District and GeorgeMunicipality) Palestine (Municipal Development and Lending Fund, GIZ and VNG International) Jordan (Ministry of Interior) Egypt (UNDP) Ukraine (LvivMunicipality) Ethiopia (BahirDarUniversity) Rwanda (Association of Local Government Authorities) Nepal (Gorkha District Development Committee) Bangladesh (BetagaMunicipality) Pakistan (East Karachi District) Indonesia (Article 33 – NGO)   Comments from two participants:  “Excellent course, broad scope of content, excellent presenters with broad international experience. Maybe the single biggest plus for me was the international mix of inputs and shared learning” and: “We should try to give the message that, even a country is fragile and unstable in relation to government changes, LED could still bring some positive changes.”

First course for diplomats successful

                            The ‘High-level course on Dutch politics’ for foreign diplomats, organised by The Hague Political Academy, has been highly appreciated by the participants. Reactions from the first class ever were enthusiastic: ‘ Very interesting’,  ’exactly what diplomats need’, ‘lecturer was knowledgeable and insightful’ and ‘guest speakers outstanding’ and also ‘warm informal atmosphere’ and ‘venue, organisation and service very good’.  Suggestions from participants for next courses are being taken into account. The course intends to familiarize members of the corps diplomatique in The Hague with political and cultural life in the Netherlands. The main topics that were dealt with were: characteristics of the Dutch society and culture, the political system (monarchy, government, parliament) and the working of democracy in practice, populism, minorities, foreign and European policies, also in historical perspective, the cabinet Rutte-Asscher and the working of the old and new media in the Netherlands. Lecturer was Dr. Bob van den Bos, political scientist and a former member of the Dutch and European Parliament. Several distinguished guest speakers also shared their experience and insights with the participants. Thom de Graaf, former deputy prime minister and minister for constitutional reform elaborated on the functioning of the democratic functioning of the institutions, prof. Laurens Jan Brinkhorst, former deputy prime minister, minister of agriculture, economic affairs and state secretary for Foreign Affairs treated in depth the European policies. The prominent journalists Jan van Groesen, former deputy chief of the National News Agency ANP and Mark Kranenburg, diplomatic editor of NRC-Handelsblad explained the working of the Dutch media. All the participants received a certificate at the end of the course. Given the success of the first course The Academy will organise new courses in the Springtime. STANDING FROM LEFT TO RIGHT: Boy Frank Course Manager, The Hague Political Academy; Adrian Banica Trainee, Romanian Embassy; Eugenio Matos. Minister Counselor, Dominican Republic Embassy in The Hague. Caroline Whelan, Deputy Head of Mission, Embassy of Ireland; Lucia Rodriguez Fetzer, Consul, Embassy of Guatemala; Thom de Graaf, Member of Parliament, Former Deputy Prime Minister; Bob van den Bos, Director, The HaguePoliticalAcademy; András Kocsis, Deputy Head of Mission, Embassy of Hungary;   SITTING FROM LEFT TO RIGHT: Safe Kabbashi, Special Tribunal for Lebanon; Mrs. Mayelinne De Lara. Department of International Trade and Exportation, Dominican Republic. Margie van Gijn, Head of Information, Protocol and P.R. Cabinet of the Minister Plenipotentiary of Sint Maarten; Josianne Fleming-Artsen, Deputy Minister Plenipotentiary of Sint Maarten. Photo by: Marina Votyakova (Assistant Course Manager, The Hague Political Academy)

You will find more details in the upcoming editions of this Magazine.





Prime Minister of Aruba Mr. Mike Eman in The Hague

                              For pictures about this event please click here: A special reception was hosted by the Prime Minister of Aruba Mr. Mike Eman and Mrs. Doina Eman-Neagoy to celebrate 200 years of kingdom of The Netherlands. At this occasion it was also time to say farewell to Minister Edwin Abath and Mrs. Dynia Abath-Muller. Mr. Abath represented Aruba for several years in the Netherlands and welcomed his successor Mr. Alfonso Boekhout and Mrs. Hanneke Boekhout-Koetse.

Action Plan for expediting the criminal process


Paper circulated by the Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Action Plan for expediting the criminal process of the International Criminal Court

  1. The Court has now been in existence for over ten years. During this time a significant amount of experience has been collected relating to the conduct of proceedings. The Court has produced two reports on Lessons Learned.[1] In the first report a range of issues were identified. The eleventh Assembly of States Parties (ASP) endorsed a Roadmap aimed at expediting the Criminal process of the Court.
  1. Under the broad heading of ‘governance’, the Study Group on Governance (SGG) aims to facilitate an ongoing and constructive dialogue with the organs of the Court to increase the Court’s efficiency and expedite its proceedings. Apart from facilitating consultations on amendments to the Rules of Procedure and Evidence (RPE), the proximity of the SGG to the Court in The Hague allows it to engage in a variety of ways with the Court. In doing so, the SGG works in close cooperation with States and other partners, including other international criminal courts and tribunals, experts and NGOs.
  1. The Study Group on Governance has, for the twelfth session of the Assembly, submitted proposals for amendments to the RPE, as well as proposals aimed at improving the Roadmap. The SGG has established an excellent working relationship with the Court in this area. The active participation of the Court in the process of expediting the criminal process has proven to be indispensable.
  1. Although important progress has been made, States Parties believe that work to expedite the criminal process of the court needs to be accelerated. It is therefore proposed that the ASP decides:
  1. that the Court further analyse issues under the “Pre-Trial and Trial relationship and common issues” cluster. Special attention should be given, in particular, to the issues of disclosure, additional evidence for trial, presentation of evidence and record of proceedings. Other issues under that cluster could also be addressed.  The analysis should seek to identify the most important bottlenecks in these areas. This Court should propose measures to deal with these bottlenecks. Such proposed measures could include amendments to the RPE. Also other measures should, however, be considered as appropriate. The Court should present their proposed course of action early in 2014, with a view to presenting them to the SGG by summer 2014.  The annual report, which would include the outcome of the presentation, should be provided in good time before the 13th session of the ASP.
  1. to welcome the intention of the Court to look further into the “Language Issues” cluster and make proposals including, but not limited to, amendments to the RPE. Such proposals should be processed in accordance with the revised Road Map.
  1. In its work the SGG could, where appropriate, take note of the relevant work by external stakeholders directed at improving the efficiency of the Court. The SGG might, on its own initiative, and in close cooperation with the Court, carry out further analysis based on such work.
  1. The SGG should at the next session of the Assembly present concrete proposals for decisions to be taken by the ASP in all the above areas.

[1] ICC-ASP/11/31/Add.1, annex and ICC-ASP/12/37/Add.1

Nuclear summit 2014 biggest ever


Nuclear security summit will be biggest ever in the Netherlands

From Dutch News, Amsterdam. The two-day nuclear security summit hosted in The Hague next year is the biggest international conference ever held in the Netherlands, according to foreign minister Frans Timmermans. Some 50 world leaders are expected to attend the March event, including Russian leader Vladimir Putin and United Nations secretary-general Ban Ki-moon. US president Barack Obama has not yet said if he will attend ‘but we have not yet heard that he is not coming,’ Timmermans told a news conference on Monday. The NSS is an Obama initiative and was launched in 2009 in an effort to ensure nuclear material does not fall into terrorists’ hands. The first summit was held in Washington in 2013, the second in Seoul last year. The Dutch summit will involve 5,000 participants and 3,000 journalists and will cost some €24m to stage, excluding security, the Volkskrant reported. King Willem-Alexander and queen Máxima will host a dinner for senior participants in the Huis ten Bosch palace on the first evening. – See more at: