Friday, September 27, 2024
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Diplomatic News

Laurens- Jan Brinkhorst

By Bonnie Klap. The trend has been persistent and unmistakable for some time and cannot be entirely  disregarded. Right or wrong, it is an indisputable...

Will 2013 enter into history as the year of Mandela and Black Piet?

By Peter Knoope. 2014 has just begun. We have looked back at 2013 over the last couple of weeks and one of the most memorable...

A growing problem

By Bonnie Klap Given the multitude of problematic issues that plague our modern-day  society, it is perhaps easy to overlook  a problem that stealthily creeps...

Who dares to be honest?

By Barend ter Haar. Clingendael Institute of International Relations, former ambassador. The truth about the loss of our sovereignty cannot be told, because it would...

Do Dutch Universities Teach?

By Richard T. Griffiths (Associate Editor Diplomat Magazine and Professor International Studies, Leiden University). A new ‘fact’ is being created – Dutch universities don’t teach....

Ambassadors’ commitment to commercial diplomacy

By Dr. Huub Ruël, Windesheim University of Applied Sciences - Zwolle Commercial diplomacy is an important part of diplomacy in today’s world and is likely...

Is There a Way Out?

Identity Politics in a Globalised Village: Is There a Way Out? By Paramjit Sahai. "Trayvon Martin could have been me"-President Obama. The above statement of President Barrack Obama...

From Queen to King in 2013

By Alexander W. Beelaerts van Blokland, Justice in the Court of Appeal and honorary Special Advisor International Affairs of the Municipality of The Hague. The year...

Interview with Oger Lusink

                      By Bonnie Klap. Mention the name Oger and immediately images of stylish suits and shoes come to mind. But what exactly does the word ‘style’...

Interview with Mr. Kevin O’Malley.

By Bonnie Klap Mr. Kevin O’Malley,  husband of Ambassador Mary Whelan of Ireland, warmly welcomes us in their  residence in Wassenaar. He comes across as...

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